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 A,teaching,plan,for,锟斤拷Integrat  共『76』篇, 分10页显示 当前页号:1

     Teaching material: English Revision Book for NMET  Topic: The attributive clause  Designer: Mao Jilin  Date: October.14 , 2015   Intended: Senior 3, Class(5)  Teaching Aims:

    I. Key points  1. Words and expressions:flight,make oneself at home,address,ketchup,majority,in total,mother tongue,situation,equal,global,knowledge,communicate,on the radio,directly trade,come about,  Independent,stay the same,end up with,more or less,bring in,a great many,except for,cl...

    Fun with English 7B Unit6 Pets    Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands of this unit  1.Perception targets:  1. The Ss can use the following words:  pet, ought to, parrot, rabbit, hold, feed, carrot, wide, hunt, hide, trick, build, camp, stick, bite, end, trouble, anywhere, middle, open, dr...

    一、Teaching materials:  Unit 1 I went to Los Angeles two years ago (Module 12 A holiday journey)  二、Targets for this period:  To understand conversations about holiday journeys  To process main information of holiday experience  To talk about holiday journeys  三、Key points:

      一、Teaching materials:  Unit 2 We didn’t see the queen (Module 12 A holiday journey)  二、Targets for this period:  To get information from the reading material about holiday journeys  To learn how to write email  三、Key points:  Key vocabulary—hope, well, be tired, go fo...

      一、Teaching materials:  Unit 1 We’re having a great time! (Module 1 People and places)  二、Targets for this period:  To get to know the key vocabulary  To understand the dialogue 3and 10  To be able to describe what people are doing at the moment  三、Key points:  Key ...

      一、Teaching materials:  Unit 2 They’re going to the opera (Module 1 People and places)  二、Targets for this period:  To get information from the reading material about what people are doing in different places  To get to know how to write a postcard  三、Key points:  Key v...

      一、Teaching materials:  Unit 3 Language in use (Module 1 People and places)  二、Targets for this period:  To summarize and consolidate Present continuous and the new vocabulary  三、Key points:  Key structures—Present continuous  四、Teaching methods:  Task-based approa...

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