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 Lesson,21  共『20』篇, 分3页显示 当前页号:1

    Step 1 Revision    1 Check the homework (Wb Lesson 80, Ex. 7).    2 Revise the reflexive pronouns the students have already learned.    Step 2 Presentation    1 Draw a picture of Jim on the Bb.    2 Say This is Jim. He‘s at home. His father is at work. His mother ...

    1 Check the homework (Wb Lesson 83, Ex. 3).    2 Revise compound sentences by doing Wb Lesson 84, Ex. 5.    Step 2 Presentation    Draw a picture of a man on the Bb. Say This man lives on an island. He is alone. He lives by .... Get the students to say himself. Give a model sent...

    Step 1 Revision    1 Have several students read aloud their letters for the class.    2 Revise the reflexive pronouns.    Step 2 Presentation    Tell the students that when you want somebody to have a good time, you say Enjoy yourself! like this:    A: I‘m going t...

    Step 1 Revision    1 Check the homework.    2 Revise words about music: rock band, pop, concert, singer, Beatles, piano, violin, etc.    Step 2 Pre-read    SB Page 32, Part 1. In small groups have the students discuss the questions. Students may get some information from ...

    教学设计方案    Language Focus:    1. Useful expressions: have an accident; hurt badly;    2. The present Perfect Tense:    What’s happened? They’ve had an accident. Has anyone called the police? Yes, they have.    Teaching Objectives: Make the students use the language p...

  • Lesson 21 Mad or not?(新概念第二册笔记) [2010-07-21] [阅读次数:268]

  •     王青    新概念英语第二册笔记    【New words and expressions】生词和短语(4)  mad adj. 发疯  reason n. 原因  sum n. 量  determined adj. 坚定的,下决心的  ★mad adj. 发疯  sb. is mad  “为……而疯狂(着迷)”的表示方法:  be mad about…  I'm mad about English. <...

  • Lesson81, Unit21, SEFC2B [2005-03-27] [阅读次数:241]

  •       Music  Teaching material: Lesson 81, unit 21, SEFC2B  Class: Class 2,Grade 2, Dongsheng Senior School  Lesson Type: Dialogue  Teaching aims:  1. Let the students know some kinds of music and some musical instruments.  2. Improve the students’ listening and speaking abilities....

  • 初二英语教案Unit6Lesson21(网友来稿) [2005-02-27] [阅读次数:342]

  •     初二英语教案Unit6 Lesson21    Unit 6 Find the right place!     Lesson 21    一. Teaching aims: 1.Asking for directions: Where’s the … ?   2.Giving directions: It’s next to the …  二.Teaching tools: pictures, computer ……  三.T...

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