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 Module,4,Unit,2锟斤拷reading锟斤拷lang  共『36』篇, 分5页显示 当前页号:1

             Word Power sports教学设计            Module 4 Unit2       ...

      I .words Spelling:  1. I am ( 愉快的)__________to have been invited to your school to talk to you .  2. I will talk to you about the history and (重要性)___________ of the Olympic Games .  3. I will (简要地)________share some interesting facts and stories with you.  4. Some of t...

    1. honour n. & vt.  All the athletes tried their best to win honor for their motherland.  It was a great honour to be invited here today.  She is an honour to the profession.  in honour of sb/sth | in sb’s / sth’s honour  a ceremony in honour of those killed in the explosion

      一、Teaching materials:  Unit 1 Everyone will study at home. (Module 4 Life in the future)  二、Targets for this period:  To understand conversations about future schools  To process information of future life in the listening material  To talk about the prospect of one’s own s...

      一、Teaching materials:  Unit 2 Everyone will have a small sea. (Module 4 Life in the future)  二、Targets for this period:  The students can use “will” to express their own wishes  To get necessary information from the reading material  To talk about the prospect of one’s ow...

    一、Teaching materials:  Unit 3 Language in use (Module 4 Life in the future)  二、Targets for this period:  The students can use “will” to express their own wishes  To summarize and consolidate “will” and the new vocabulary  To talk about the prospect of one’s own school  三、...

    Reading  1. Imagine the viewer is a character in an interactive film set in the Himalayas.  If you imagine something or a situation, you think about it and your mind forms a picture or idea of it.  1) imagine + doing  She couldn't imagine living in a place like that.  2) imagine + cl...

    1. virtual reality  2. in one’s opinion  3. artificial intelligence  4. at the / a speed of  5. at top / full speed  6. make predictions  7. in the past/last 20years  8. come true  9. global warming  10. in flood  11. cause chaos  12. find out  13. put on

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