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 Module2,A,Job,Worth,Doing,锟轿憋拷  共『69』篇, 分9页显示 当前页号:1

     热点、考点回顾及经典例题  in …… Condition 处于…… 状况    in bad/poor/good/excellent condition  处于坏/糟糕/好/极佳的状况    in condition 状况良好   ...

    年 级 高二 科 目 英语 作 者  关键字 教学要求  期 数 发布时间 2005-9-20    一、 本讲要点  1. 重点短语  1. offer to  2. in bad/ poor condition  3. in particular  4. on average  5. in theory  6. in practice  7. come off  8. pass by  9. take…. F...

    一、Teaching materials:  Unit 1 I went to Los Angeles two years ago (Module 12 A holiday journey)  二、Targets for this period:  To understand conversations about holiday journeys  To process main information of holiday experience  To talk about holiday journeys  三、Key points:

      一、Teaching materials:  Unit 2 We didn’t see the queen (Module 12 A holiday journey)  二、Targets for this period:  To get information from the reading material about holiday journeys  To learn how to write email  三、Key points:  Key vocabulary—hope, well, be tired, go fo...

      一、Teaching materials:  Unit 2 They’re going to the opera (Module 1 People and places)  二、Targets for this period:  To get information from the reading material about what people are doing in different places  To get to know how to write a postcard  三、Key points:  Key v...

      一、Teaching materials:  Unit 1 We’re getting ready for the Spring Festival (Module 2 Spring Festival)  二、Targets for this period:  To understand conversations about the Spring Festival  To recognize phrases and recognize short answers in the listening  To talk about the Spri...

      一、Teaching materials:  Unit 2 What traditions do you have at the Spring Festival? (Module 2 Spring Festival)  二、Targets for this period:  To get information from the reading material about the Spring Festival  To match photos with paragraphs and match questions with paragraphs...

      一、Teaching materials:  Unit 3 Language in use (Module 3 Spring Festival)  二、Targets for this period:  To consolidate Present continuous questions and short answers  To learn new words by using word map and pictures  To write a letter about the Spring Festival  三、Key po...

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