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 Module4,unit,1,全锟斤拷元锟教帮拷Perio  共『8』篇, 分1页显示 当前页号:1

    Advance With English Module 4  Unit 1 Advertising  Analysis of the teaching material:  This is the 2nd period of Unit One. The main purpose of this lesson is to make Ss fully understand the text and master the Reading Strategy.  Objectives:  1.To help Ss ge...

    Advance With English Module 4  Unit 1 Advertising  Analysis of the teaching material:  This is the 9&1oth periods of Unit One. In this period we’ll introduce some basic knowledge about ad campaign and ask Ss to do the project.  Objectives:  1. Train the st...

    Advance With English Module 4  Unit 1 Advertising  Analysis of the teaching material:  This is the 7&8th periods of Unit One. In this period we’ll deal with the task part and learn some useful skills.  Objectives:  1. To learn how to listen for statistics ...

    Advance With English Module 4  Unit 1 Advertising  Analysis of the teaching material:  This is the 4th period of Unit One. In this period we’ll deal with words and expressions related to use suffix and enlarge students’ vocabulary by introducing words concerned...

    Advance With English Module 4  Unit 1 Advertising  Analysis of the teaching material:  This is the 5&6th period of Unit One. In this period we’ll deal with direct speech and reported speech.  Objectives:  1. Help Ss understand how to use reported speech in...

    Advance With English Module 4  Unit 1 Advertising  Analysis of the teaching material:  This is the 1st period of Unit One. The main purpose of this lesson is to make Ss be familiar with the topic of this unit.  Objectives:  1. To make Ss identify the differ...

    Participles 分词  1. 分词的构成  分词分为现在分词和过去分词。现在分词构成为V+ing, 过去分词构成为V+ed。分词也有一般式、过去式、完成式及主动和被动等各种形式。  2. 现在分词和过去分词的区别  1) 在时态上,现在分词表示正在进行,而过去分词表示已经完成。   Developing countries 发展中国家 <...

    I. Teaching Contents 教学内容  Module 4 Unit one  Welcome to unit and Reading: Advertisement  II. Design of Teaching Objectives 教学目标设计  1.Knowledge objectives 知识目标  素质培养:让学生了解广告的定义,广告的种类——商业广告和公益广告,以及各种广告的目的,向学生指明对待广告应持...

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