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 NSEFC2B,Unit,14,全锟斤拷元锟教帮拷3(锟斤拷  共『6』篇, 分1页显示 当前页号:1

    The Passive Voice  Teaching Aims:  1.Summarize and review the different forms of the Passive Voice in the Present Indefinite,the Past Indefinite,the Future Indefinite and the Present Perfect.  2.Help the students master how to turn the Active Voice into the Passive Voice.  3.Make sure th...

    The Fourth Period  Teaching Aims:  1.Read the text and grasp the main idea of it.  2.Do some exercises to master what they’ve learnt.  3.Learn to write an essay.  Teaching Important Points:  1.Improve the students’ reading ability by reading a text.  2.Improve the students’ w...

    The Third Period  Teaching Aims:  1.Compare and master some useful words.  2.Review the Passive Voice.  3.Further understand the whole text.  Teaching Important Points:  1.Master how to use the different forms of some useful words.  2.Review and learn the different forms of the ...

    Ⅰ.Brief Statements Based on the Unit  This unit tells us about freedom fighters,who fight for the rights of blacks.Warming up shows us some information about two heroes—Martin Luther King,Jr.and Nelson Mandela.In Speaking activity,students can express what they think with the help of the useful...

    The Second Period  Teaching Aims:  1.Learn and master the new words and expressions in this period.  2.Read the text and grasp the main idea of it.  3.Learn the fine qualities of Martin Luther King,Jr.  Teaching Important Points:  1.Master the usage of some useful words and express...

  • NSEFC2B Unit 14 全单元教案 [2005-03-17] [阅读次数:196]

  •     The Second Period  Teaching Aims:  1.Learn and master the new words and expressions in this period.  2.Read the text and grasp the main idea of it.  3.Learn the fine qualities of Martin Luther King,Jr.  Teaching Important Points:  1.Master the usage of some useful words and express...

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