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 Seeing,the,doctor,Lesson,70锟斤拷学  共『8』篇, 分1页显示 当前页号:1

    一、 教学目的和要求(Teaching aims and demands)  词汇:  trouble headache have a headache cough have a cough terrible serious pain  dream worst wake wake up as soon as asleep fall asleep plant storm  stop…from difficult pill awake be awake relax again and ag...

  • Unit 18 Seeing the doctor [2005-09-07] [阅读次数:340]

  •                   Unit 18 Seeing the doctor    Teaching Plan    Tianjin Experimental High School    Xiejing/谢静                  天津市实验中学 英语 学科课堂教学素质教育目标  章、节课 题 Unit 18 Seeing the doctor  教养性目标 基...

  • Seeing the doctor [2005-08-28] [阅读次数:2293]

  •     课时教学设计    教学内容 Lesson69 备课时间 Feb11 授课时间  总课时 4 本课为_1_课时 课型 New  教学目标 1.Master the skills of reading and writing. To develop students’ ability of listening and talking about “Seeing the doctor”.  2. 教学项目是“看病就医”(Seeing the doctor ),围绕...

  • Unit 18 Seeing the doctor  [2005-08-19] [阅读次数:148]

  •      Unit 18 Seeing the doctor  一、 教学目的和要求(Teaching aims and demands)  词汇:  trouble headache have a headache cough have a cough terrible serious pain  dream worst wake wake up as soon as asleep fall asleep plant storm  stop…from difficult pill aw...

  • Seeing the doctor Lesson 69教学设计示例 [2004-11-08] [阅读次数:149]

  •     Lesson 69教学设计示例    Period: The First Period    Properties: Recorder, Overhead projector    Teaching Aims:    1. Knowledge Aims    (1) Let the students understand “have to” and grasp how to use it.    (2) Learn some useful phrases and structures.  

  • Seeing the doctor Lesson 70教学设计示例 [2004-11-08] [阅读次数:112]

  •     Lesson 70教学设计示例    Period: The Second Period    Properties: Recorder, Overhead projector    Teaching Aims:    1. Knowledge aims    (1) Understand the text.    (2) Learn how to use some useful words and phrases    2. Ability aim    Retell the sto...

  • Seeing the doctor Lesson 71教学设计示例 [2004-11-08] [阅读次数:115]

  •     Lesson 71教学设计示例    Period: The Third Period    Properties: Recorder, Overhead projector    Teaching Aims:    1. Knowledge aims    (1) Do the practice and read two famous persons’ stories;    (2) Learn the usage of some link verbs.    2. Ability aim ...

  • Unit 18 Seeing the doctor  [2004-09-02] [阅读次数:424]

  •       单元教学目标        1. 本单元主要围绕询问身体状况,述说身体状况,评论身体状况开展语言交际学习。学习时一定要熟记并能正确运用这些语句。    2. 学习情态动词have to的用法    3. 学习系动词及其用法    【重点难点解析】        本单元语法重点是have to和连系动词...

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