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 Teaching,Plan,of,Unit,13,全锟斤拷元  共『6』篇, 分1页显示 当前页号:1

     Teaching Plan for Period 2 of Reading 1 The Band that Wasn’t,   Unit 2 Music, Bixiu Book 2, SE    Teaching Objectives  1. Reading skills and strategies  (1) S...

    The water planet    Tasks which should be achieved in this unit:  a. Achieve language skills and related knowledge about the topic of water and the ocean.  b. Learn how to make suggestions and how to express opinions.   The water is being used to /for….   We should/ could….

    Teaching Plan of Unit 12:Fact and Fantasy  Period 3 & 4: Reading comprehension  Ⅰ. Teaching Aims:  1. Learn and master the useful words and expressions.  2. Train the Ss reading ability.  3. Let the Ss learn about the French writer Jules Verne and his two famous science fiction.

  • 人教版 高二Teaching Plan of Unit 5 [2005-10-09] [阅读次数:252]

  •     Teaching Plan of Unit 5  School: Wenzhou No. 14 Middle School  Teacher: Shen Yong-ming  Unit5 The Silver Screen  Period Two  Goals: (reading)   Improve their reading and writing abilities   Learn about a famous director Steven Spielberg   Practic...

  • Teaching Plan for Unit 11 The sounds of the world [2004-12-19] [阅读次数:231]

  •       陈卫锋 江苏省西亭高级中学   This unit mainly talks about different kinds of music with the title The sounds of the world.  1. Teaching aims and demands  类 别 课程标准要求掌握的项目      话 题 1) Talk about different kinds of music  2) Discuss characteristics of differ...

  • Teaching Plan for Unit 11 The sounds of the world  [2004-10-08] [阅读次数:145]

  •     丽水中学 任文东   This unit mainly talks about different kinds of music with the title The sounds of the world.  1. Teaching aims and demands  类 别 课程标准要求掌握的项目      话 题 1) Talk about different kinds of music  2) Discuss characteristics of different kinds of mu...

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