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 Unit,1,Madame,Curie(锟铰课憋拷锟斤拷  共『5』篇, 分1页显示 当前页号:1

      Ⅰ.Words and Phrases  go over L.1 Four  skills  from then on, go by, work hard at L.2  set off, ground floor, post, pay off L.3  madame, disappoint, disappointing, willing, devote, devote to L.1  Three  skills  overcoat, succeed, succeed in, graduation, ray, endless, ...

  • Unit 1 Madame Curie [2005-08-28] [阅读次数:156]

  •     Unit 1 Madame Curie  Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands:  1. Words and phrases  go over, from then on, go by, work hard at, set off, ground floor, post, pay off, disappoint, willing, devote to, overcoat, succeed (in), graduation, endless, effect, shock, admire, determination, courage, have…to...

  • Unit 1 Madame Curie [2004-11-16] [阅读次数:545]

  •       Teaching objectives and demands:  1. Words and expressions:  Madame; disappoint; disappointing; willing; devote to; go over; have…to with; radium; Poland; overcoat; succeed in; graduation; industrial; uranium; give off; ray; radioactive; mineral; polonium; in honor of; motherland; from ...

  • Unit 1 Madame Curie [2004-10-08] [阅读次数:264]

  •         Ⅰ.Words and Phrases  go over L.1 Four  skills  from then on, go by, work hard at L.2  set off, ground floor, post, pay off L.3  madame, disappoint, disappointing, willing, devote, devote to L.1  Three  skills  overcoat, succeed, succeed in, graduation, ray, endl...

  • Unit1 Madame Curie [2004-09-15] [阅读次数:212]

  •     高三英语    单元目标      1.阅读课文,体会勤奋工作和取得成绩之间的关系,学习居里夫人为事业而献身的精神.      2.掌握传记体文学作品写作特点和手法,学会写作人物介绍的短文.      3.复习定语从句,注意关系代词的用法,特别是介词+关系代词which的用法      4.能用I’...

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