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 Unit,1,That,must,be,a,record锟斤拷  共『23』篇, 分3页显示 当前页号:1

    Language focus.  1. conclude vt.   conclude that….  conclusion n.   come to the conclusion that... 所得结论是..., 断定  draw the conclusion得出结论,推断  leap / jump to a conclusion  冒然断定, 过早下结论  in conclusion = lastly 最后,总之  eg: In conclusion I’ d...

    Period 1. Words and Expressions  1.beard-moustache  2.voyager-voyage  3. edition-edit –editorial(n. 社论,adj.)- editor  4.conclude- conclusion –conclusive(决定性的,确定的)  draw /reach /come to a conclusion 得出结论,告一段落  in conclusion = to conclude 最后,总之(作为插入语)...

          Unit 1 That must be a record  1. BRIEF STATEMENT BASED ON THE UNIT   something about...

    Period 1 Words and expressions  Goals: 1. Pronounce the words correctly and fluently.  2. Grasp the usages of some words and expressions.  Procedures:  Step 1 Usages of some words:  1.beard (下巴上的)胡须,络腮胡子 beardless bearded   moustache髭,八字须,小胡子  ...

    (江苏省石庄高级中学:秦建华课堂教学用)  ▲argument   settle an argument about sth解决关于……的争论/争端  start/put forward an argument for against就赞成/反对……展开辩论  argue v.  argue with sb about /over sth  Do what you are told to and don’t argue with me.  argue for/ag...

     Unit 1  1.a reporter for the school newspaper 受雇于学校报纸的记者  2.the first edition 第一版  3. the then director 当时的厂长  4. settle an argument  解决一场争辩  5.a best seller 畅销书  6.send(sent, sent)  send in寄送某处进行处理  send up 发射  send fo...

    Reading ( 1 )  I Teaching aims and demands  1. Improve the students’ reading ability.  2. Grasp the key words, phrases and important sentences in the reading firmly.  3. Make sure the students can understand the text well.  II Key words , phrases and important sentences  1. Word...

    The First Period: Preparations for Reading  Step1 Learning the new words in the unit  Step2 Warming up  Note: The answers are based on world records as recorded by Guinness in 2005  1. B. Vostok, Antarctica, 1983.  2. A. Radhouane Charbib, Tunisia, 2.35 meters. The tallest man in hist...

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