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 Unit,10,A,Sacrifice,for,Love,A  共『49』篇, 分7页显示 当前页号:1

     八(上)Unit 10 I’m going to be a basketball player.   Section A (1a-2c)导学案             &nb...

     学习目标  读并默写本节所学单词:camp、museum、guide、central、exam、really、rainy、fantastic、awful、unfriendly  背诵重点句型:  -Where did you go on vacation? –I went to summer camp.  -Did you go to Central ...

      班级 姓名 学号 时间 评价  Learning Aims:  1. Read the text to learn more about the importance of sustainable development.  2. Learn some language points in the text  Important and difficult points:  Master the meanings and usages of some words and phrases, such as increase t...

      班级 姓名 学号 时间 评价  Learning Aims:  1. Read the text to learn more about the importance of sustainable development.  2. Learn some language points in the text  Important and difficult points:  Master the meanings and usages of some words and phrases, such as increase t...

    Aims and demands: Improve the Ss’ listening and speaking ability  Importance and difficulty: Enable them to use the following  1. I’m sure ……  2. I guess….  3. It seems that ……  4. It seems as if……  5. Something may have ……  6. She might / must have ……  7. turn...

    Warming up & speaking  Type of lesson: warming up &speaking  Teaching aims: Ss realize the importance of protecting wildlife  Help Ss improve speaking ability  Enrich the vocabularies about wildlife endangerment  Practice talking about causes and effects  Teaching content: 1. Notio...

    Teaching aims:  1. Goals:  冨 Talk about American Literature  冨 Practise predicting and describing what a story might be about  冨 Review all the verb tenses  冨 Write a book review  2. Special focus:  Improve reading skills and Enlarge vocabulary.  a. Direct Ss to read the ...

    A sacrifice for love(2)  Teaching Aims:  1. Read about A Sacrifice for Love (2)  2. Write a summary of the story  Teaching important points:  1. Learn to write a summary  2. The important and difficult sentences  Teaching difficult points:  1. How to make every students und...

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