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 Unit,13,Book,2,Language,Points  共『7』篇, 分1页显示 当前页号:1

    School: Jiangdu No.1 Middle School  Teacher: Tong Zhigang  Time: 8:35----9:20  Materials: Junior English for China, Students' Book2A Unit13 Lesson49  Objectives: Make the students learn  (1) the new words: born, question, February, did, move, because, enjoy  (2) the Past Indefinite...

      重点词汇、短语及句型    1.give advice on              提意见/建议    2.make suggestions             提建议    3.make a list of               列出一张---单子    4.have a fever                发烧    5.make up        ...

  • 人教版高考综合复习Book 3 Unit 13---16 [2006-03-05] [阅读次数:506]

  •     北 京 四 中       重点词汇、短语与句型:    1.get hold of                          抓住,拿住    2.tell…apart                          分辨,区别    3.over and over again                     一再,多次,反...

  • 高考综合复习:Book 1 Unit 13---15 [2006-02-04] [阅读次数:928]

  •     北 京 四 中        重点词汇、短语及句型    1.give advice on              提意见/建议    2.make suggestions             提建议    3.make a list of               列出一张---单子    4.have a fever                发烧   ...

  • 英语一轮复习讲稿Units 13&14, Book I [2006-01-13] [阅读次数:198]

  •     广德二中2006届高考总复习      I. 词汇  A. 单词:fat; stomach; fever; ripe; ought; examine; plenty; diet; fit; gain; energy; soft; bar; fuel; chemical; balance; tasty; boil; mixture; sleepy; brain; steam; theme; parade; fighting; conflict; argument; major; probably; honour; ancestor; prin...

  • Book2A Unit13 Lesson49 [2005-04-03] [阅读次数:112]

  •     Lesson Plan  School: Jiangdu No.1 Middle School  Teacher: Tong Zhigang  Time: 8:35----9:20  Materials: Junior English for China, Students' Book2A Unit13 Lesson49  Objectives: Make the students learn  (1) the new words: born, question, February, did, move, because, enjoy  (2) the...

  • Unit 13 Book 2 Language Points [2004-10-31] [阅读次数:250]

  •       重点词语用法    1.advance[+d'va:ns]vi./vt.意为:“推进、促进”;“前进、进展”。例如:    ①His work advanced the science of physics.    他的工作促进了物理学的发展。    ②A month has passed and the work has not advanced.    一个月过去了,工作还没有进展。   <...

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