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 Unit,13,Healthy,eating,锟斤拷锟斤拷元锟斤拷  共『31』篇, 分4页显示 当前页号:1

     一. 单元词语知识:  1. base  (1)n. [C]基础;底座;基地;根据地  In 1849, he went to England and made London the base for his revolutionary work.  在1849年,他去了英格兰并将伦敦作为他革命工作的基地。  (2)vt. 基于;把……建立在……上;以……为基础;根据  The story i...

    I. Teaching Goals: 1.Talk about eating habits and health.  2.Talk about seeing the doctor.  3.Practise giving advice and making suggestions.  4.Use the modal verbs: had better, should and ought to  5.Read and write recipes.  II. Teaching Time: 5 periods   The f...

      Teaching Aims and Demands  Words and Phrases  Four Skills: stomach fever ought ought to examine plenty plenty of diet keep up with make a right choice short of fit gain now and then  Three Skills: energy soft bar fuel chemical balance tasty boil mixture  Spoken...

    Unit 13 Step 1 Revision  1 我认为冰淇淋是垃圾食品,因为它含有大量的脂肪和糖份。    2 她喜欢穿戴入时。    3 对水果你应该慎重一些。    4 我们最好学会正确选择吃什么和怎么吃。    5 水沸腾而变成蒸汽。    Step 2 Fill out the blanks with proposition  1 Make a list ____ t...

    Unit 13 New words  Language Points  1 stomach [C] 2 have (catch) a fever (cold)  3 肯定句: ought to do sth  否定句: ought not (oughtn’t) to do sth  疑问句: Ought sb to do sth/Ought sb not to do sth/Oughtn’t sb to do sth   虚拟语气: ought to be doing sth / ought to hav...

    Unit13 一、Translate the following sentences.  1. 我患了重感冒,感觉很不舒服。  2. 我们必须不断学习以跟上社会的发展。  3. 这个结论是建立在事实的基础上。  4. 我发现一班有些学生上课讲话,这种情况其他班也存在。  5. 健康的饮食应包括各类食物,还应适量。  二、Fill in the blanks with prop...

     本单元重点短语  1.dvise sth / advise sb to do sth / advise doing sth / advise that sb should do sth  2.be careful with 当心; 小心 3.in the future 将来 in future 今后  4.plenty of (+c.n. / u.n.) 大量的;足够的5.as has our way of life 我们的生活方式也一样  6.keep up with 跟上...

    Step Ⅰ. Revision   (Show the following on the screen.)  Translate the following into English.  1.你最好休息。  2.你最好不要吃不熟的水果。  3.对水果你应该认真些。  4.你不应该吃那么多垃圾食品。  5.你应该更努力地学习,取得更大的成绩。  Suggested answers:  1.You had better ge...

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