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 Unit,14,Festivals,锟斤拷锟斤拷元锟教帮拷(锟斤拷  共『31』篇, 分4页显示 当前页号:1

    Teaching aims:  1 To learn about the festivals from other countries.  2 To learn the following words and phrases: dress up fighting crime argument destruction  3 Train the students` speaking and listening abilities.  4 Learn to talk about festivals, customs and habits.  Teachin...

    Ⅰ.Teaching Aims:  1.Talk about festivals,customs and habits.  2.Use the modal verbs“must”,“have to”and“have got to”.  3.Practise expressing and supporting an opinion.  4.Write an invitation.  Ⅱ.Teaching Time:  Five periods  Ⅲ.Background Information:  1.History of Mot...

    教材的地位及其作用:  高一新教材的设计具有很强的针对性,分别对听、说、读、写四种技能进行训练,各有侧重,但又互相结合,旨在发展学生的综合应用能力,本课是综合技能课,是阅读部分的延续,写作部分的前奏,亦是本单元的一个总结,提供了四种技能交互融合式发展的可能性,交际式英语教学主张,对学习过程中的语言错...

    Type of lesson: Word Study  Teaching contents: Vocabulary: hear, light, support, so that, gift, take in,  Teaching aim: Help the Ss grasp the usages and meanings of some useful words and phrases  Teaching aids: OHP & worksheet  Teaching Procedure:    StepⅠ: Present the words to ...

    Teaching aims:  (1) Learn to use functional sentences, key structures, and words.  (2) To know something about the festivals of different countries and try to express their ideas about them by listening, speaking, reading and writing.   Teaching contents:  1. Topic: Festivals.  Talki...

    dress sb (in sth/as sb)  conflict between… the symbol of/for sth  dress sb up (in sth/ as sb/sth) A and B conflict argument / argue  be dressed in A conflicts with B be similar to  It is an/my honour to do sth  What is your purpose of doing sth?  an honour to the family On purpose...

    Step 1. Revision  1. 他打扮成圣诞老人。  2. 我们举行了庆祝活动来庆祝他的成功。  3. 在大多数人看来,男孩做的是不对的。  4. 他邀请我吃饭。  5. 我不想上这些销售人员的当。    Step 2. Language Points  1.a seven-day festival 2.get together 3.give thanks to sb. for sth.  4.fol...

    一)Revision  1)我们每年用树和礼物庆祝圣诞节  2)有时候在英语学习中有必要将汉语和英语做比较  3)新娘穿了一件白色的丝绸礼服  4)校园里是不允许吸烟,喝酒的.  5)Kwanzaa 是以非洲的古老节日为基础的  6)他每年大部分时间在国外度过    二) Fill in the blanks with the proper words    ...

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