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 Unit,15,The,necklace  共『41』篇, 分6页显示 当前页号:1

    湖州中学:徐桂芳  一、教材分析  1、教材内容分析  本单元的中心话题是“drama and theatre”(戏剧),整个单元中各个板块有关话题的设计及语言材料的选编都是紧扣这个中心话题的,看图想象戏剧——听戏剧——根据情景编戏剧——学习和欣赏戏剧——编写和表演戏剧,环环相扣,中心突出,而且戏剧又是当今人们生活的...

    Unit15 The Necklace  Reading The necklace    Goals:  1. To get to learn more information about drama   2. To have a better understanding of the outline of the drama   3. To learn some basic reading skills   4. To develop students’ imagination and creativity by...

        Teaching Aims and Demands  Words and Phrases  Four Skills: dormitory explain recognise continue call on lovely bring back day and night pay off at most debt precious positive attend earn act out besides  Three Skills: surely ball lecture silly author outline qua...

    Ⅰ.Teaching Goals:  1.Talk about drama and theatre.  2.Use the modal verbs:must,can/could,may/might  (1)ask for permission;(2)ask about possibilities  3.Write and act a simple play.  Ⅱ.Teaching Time:  Five periods  Ⅲ.Background Information:  1.About the Author  Guy de M...

    一、教材分析;  1、教材简析:  高一英语第十五单元的话题是“play”戏剧, 整个单元的设计围绕“戏剧”展开听、说、读、写多种教学活动,内容涉及“编故事表演”、“读剧本”、“如何写剧本”等,让学生初步熟悉戏剧, 学会剧本的欣赏、写作和表演。我上的这节课本单元的第三节阅读训练课,是由法国19世纪后半期优...

      Ⅲ.背景知识  1.About the Author  Guy de Maupassant,the well-known French shortstory writer and novelist,was born on August 5,1850.When he was young,he had a great interest in literature.He practised writing literary works under the guidance of the famous novelist Flaubert.And Balzac was ...

    Teaching goals  1. Talk about drama and theatre  2. Ask for permission  3. Use the modal verbs “must; can/could; may/ might”  4. Talk about possibilities  5. Write and act a short play  Period 1 Listening  Step 1 Leading in   Many of you have heard and read different sto...

    Teaching Aims and Demands  Words and Phrases  Four Skills: dormitory explain recognise continue call on lovely bring back day and night pay off at most debt precious positive attend earn act out besides  Three Skills: surely ball lecture silly author outline quality  S...

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