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 Unit,17,Famous,Women(锟铰课憋拷锟斤拷  共『7』篇, 分1页显示 当前页号:1

    一、本单元课时安排:    The 1st period: Warming up and listening The 2nd period: Speaking    The 3rd period: Reading The 4th period: Reading    The 5th period: Language study The 6th period: Integrating skills

  • Unit 17 Famous women [2005-04-03] [阅读次数:238]

  •       Ⅰ.Teaching Goals:  1.Learn to describe people.  2.Talk about the reason why we admire famous women.  3.Study the rules of Subject-Verb Agreement.  4.Write a fan letter.  Ⅱ.Teaching Time:  Five periods  Ⅲ.Background Information:  1.Madame Curie   Marie was born in P...

  • Unit 17 Famous women  [2005-04-02] [阅读次数:1097]

  •     Ⅰ.Teaching Goals:  1.Learn to describe people.  2.Talk about the reason why we admire famous women.  3.Study the rules of Subject-Verb Agreement.  4.Write a fan letter.  Ⅱ.Teaching Time:  Five periods  Ⅲ.Background Information:  1.Madame Curie   Marie was born in Poland...

  • g1Unit 17 Famous Women [2005-04-02] [阅读次数:163]

  •         一.知识要点归纳    1.单元词汇及短语    be known for, keep doing sth, inspire, admire, quality, sled, threaten, lie down, drop out, at the top of, be thankful for, else, optimistic, in good health, go down, expedition, solo, make a decision, value, allow, lead to, come to term...

  • Unit 17 Famous Women [2005-03-25] [阅读次数:103]

  •           --------------------------------------------------------------------------------    一、本单元课时安排:    The 1st period: Warming up and listening The 2nd period: Speaking    The 3rd period: Reading The 4th period: Reading    The 5th period: Language stud...

          Unit 17 Famous Women  Listening text in the students’ book  In the dialogue, L=Lucy, A=Alice  L: Hi, Alice, what are you doing?  A: I am looking at some old school photographs.  L: Can I have a look? When was this photo taken?  A: That photo was taken more than seven years ag...

  • Unit 17 Famous women [2004-09-19] [阅读次数:1052]

  •       Ⅰ.Teaching Goals:  1.Learn to describe people.  2.Talk about the reason why we admire famous women.  3.Study the rules of Subject-Verb Agreement.  4.Write a fan letter.  Ⅱ.Teaching Time:  Five periods  Ⅲ.Background Information:  1.Madame Curie   Marie was born in P...

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