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 Unit,17,Life,in,the,future  共『6』篇, 分1页显示 当前页号:1
  • 人教版高二Unit 17 Life in the future [2006-02-15] [阅读次数:206]

  •       I.Teaching aims and demands  1. Words and expressions: talk of, out of work, voice, toy, simply, majority, industry, central, convenient, transport, possession, satisfy, wealth, fairly, practical, telegraph, socialist, possibility.  2. Daily English:  He may not ….  Do you think i...

  • 高二 Unit 17 Life in the future [2005-04-02] [阅读次数:114]

  •                 Step 1 Revision    1 Check the homework exercises.    2 Ask the Ss a few random questions to revise future time and introduce the topic of the unit. For example: What lessons do you have this afternoon / tomorrow? Are you going to do anything special this ...

  • Unit 17 Life in the future [2005-03-29] [阅读次数:135]

  •     冘   Designed by Zhang Cai Ping  冘 Task: Debating  冘 Topics:  Side A: One thousand years later, man will still be living on the earth.  Side B: One thousand years later, man will be living on the other planet.  冘 Activity time: After learning lesson 66  冘 Purpose: By kno...

  • Unit 17 Life in the future [2004-10-27] [阅读次数:571]

  •       Lesson 65    Teaching objectives and demands:  1. Words and useful expressions:  talk of; simply; goods; majority; industry; out of work; throughout  2. Everyday English for communication (prediction; conjecture and belief):  ① He may mot….  ② Do you think it is possibl...

  • Unit 17 Life in the future [2004-10-27] [阅读次数:117]

  •     Lin Jun No.1 Middle School in Yanchi,Ningxia  宁夏盐池一中 林军  TEACHING AIMS AND DEMANDS  Knowledge objects  Words:4-skill----talk of;out of work   3-skill----simply;goods;majority;industry  Ability objects  1. To encourage the students to make up dialogues by the meth...

  • Unit 17 Life in the Future [2004-09-16] [阅读次数:485]

  •         本章教学目标    1. 通过学习这一单元,使学生了解电脑在各个领域的运用,从而掌握现代化的工具为社会服务;    2. 学会一些构词法;    3. 学会使用同位语从句。    重点难点突破    【对话】    1.People have been talking of it a lot recently.对这件事最近人们一直谈...

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