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 Unit,2,News,Media,Listening(锟斤拷  共『31』篇, 分4页显示 当前页号:1

    Goals  Talk about news and the media  Practise expressing opinions  Learn about the Past Participle (1): used as Attribute and Predicative  Write a comparison paragraph    Period 1 Warming up & Listening  Teaching Aims:  1. Talk about news and the media  2.Train the stude...

    Useful expressions  1. get down to 着手工作  get down to sth./doing sth. to是介词:As soon as the reporters know what to write about, they get down to work. 记者们一旦要知道所报道的事件,就着手工作。You failed to pass the exam again. You really must get down to your studies. 你考试又不及格,...

      Unit 2 News media      The first lesson: warming up, writing  Topic ∶talk about news and media    一 Teaching aims and demands   1, present the central topic of this unit 一一media. Help students get familiar with things related to media.   2.l...

        一. Teaching aims  1. Let students know reporter and editor’s job  2. Learn to do a news report or interview  3. Deal with language points    二. Key points   Reporter and editor’s job; language points    三.Teaching procedure    Step 1.Review 3 minut...

      一. Teaching aims  1. Familiar with news reporters’ job  2. Help students understand that media have other social functions besides reporting events.  3. Deal with those important words, expressions and difficult sentences.  二. Key points and difficult points  Key points: the f...

        一. Teaching aims and requirement  1. To stimulate students to show their ability of acting  2. To cultivate students’ ability of listening for information  3. To learn the following new words  Fire(v.); face(v.); difficulty; nosy    二. Key points and difficult points <...

      一 Teaching Aims  1. Review the words appearing in the last four periods.  2. learn and master the use of the Past Participle as Attribute and Predicative    二 Teaching Difficult Point   How to use the Past Participle correctly, especially how to use the Past Participle ins...

       一. Check answer 5 on page 14. deal with some new words and expressions  Answers: surprised, amazing, interested, boring, surprised, satisfied, noticed, interesting, disappointed  二. Check answers in the workbook  Vocabulary 1. ① ABD ② C ③ AB ④ A ⑤ ABC   ...

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