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 Unit,2,No,smoking,,please  共『7』篇, 分1页显示 当前页号:1

      核心词汇  1.People found the little match girl dead in the street at____________(黎明).  2.This problem is only____________(稍稍)difficult,but I can work it out easily.  3.The two governments have settled their differences over their common____________(边界).  4. The Chinese p...

      核心词汇  1.The movie opens with a____________(场景)in a New York apartment.  2.You mustn’t park here without a parking____________(执照).  3.The girl is____________(盯着)at the stranger with her eyes wide open.  4. I have just____________(挑出)a mistake on the front cover of t...

    (第二部分:教学资源)  Section 1: A text structure analysis of SCENES 3, ACT ONE of £1000000 BANK NOTE  1.Type of writing and summary of the idea  Type of writing This is a piece of narrative writing, a play.  Main idea of the passage   Two rich British men offer a penniless Ame...

    (Noun clauses as the object and predictive)  Aims  To learn about Noun clauses as the object and predictive  To discover and learn to use some useful words and expressions  To discover and learn to use some useful structures  Procedures   Warming up by dictation  II. Discovering...

  • Unit 2 No smoking, please [2004-11-22] [阅读次数:266]

  •         Lesson 5  Teaching aims.  1. 通过本单元的学习,让学生认识到吸烟有害健康.  2. 学习运用表示”请求,允许,不允许’’等日常用语.  Step 1 Lead-in   A free talk with the students to review the ways of asking for permission.  1) Can I use your pen/textbook, please?  2) May I ...

  • Unit 2 No smoking, please [2004-11-15] [阅读次数:158]

  •     高中对话课教学教案  SEFC Book 2A    Lesson 5  Teaching aims  1. 通过本单元对话的学习,让学生认识到吸烟有害健康:  2. 学习运用表示“请求允许”、“允许”、“不允许”等日常交际用语。  I. Lead-in  A free talk with the Ss to review the ways of asking for permission.  (1) Can I ...

  • Unit 2 Lesson 5-8 No smoking, please [2004-10-21] [阅读次数:201]

  •      Teaching Design for No Smoking, please!   Designer:Qiu Ai-xia Senior 2 Classes 7&11     ! 课时数 5 Periods  学习目标 1.Improve the ability of the Ss’ listening , speaking, reading and writing.  2.Enable the Ss to...

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