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Unit£¬2£¬Welcome£¬to£¬sunshine£¬tow ¹²¡º22¡»Æª, ·Ö3Ò³ÏÔʾ µ±Ç°Ò³ºÅ:1 | |
ÈÕÆÚ µÚ ¿Îʱ ¿ÎÐÍ New ±¸¿Î½Ìʦ
¿Î Ì⣺ 7A Unit 2 My day - Welcome to the unit
Ä¿±ê 1.To learn to talk about the daily activities .
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×Ü ¿Î Ìâ ×Ü¿Îʱ 10 µÚ 1 ¿Îʱ
¿Î Ìâ Welcome to the unit ¿ÎÐÍ New
½ÌѧĿ±ê ֪ʶĿ±ê 1.Make suggestions about visiting places and doing activities
e.g. Let`s go swimming.
ÄÜÁ¦Ä¿±ê 2. Use ¡°H...
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×Ü ¿Î Ìâ 8B Unit 2 Traveling ×Ü¿Îʱ 9 µÚ 1 ¿Îʱ
¿Î Ìâ Welcome to the unit ¿ÎÐÍ New
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Comic Strip
Teaching aims and demands:
1. Make suggestions about visiting places and doing activities
e.g. Let`s go swimming.
2. Use ¡°How much¡± and ¡°How many¡± , ¡°no¡± and ¡°none¡± to express quantities .
Warm-up activities
1. Ask Ss to read Comic Strip. And ask my...
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Unit 1 Getting along with others
Teaching Aims:
1. Students participate in a discussion to find out ways to solve common problems with friendship.
2. Develop students’ speaking ability by expressing their opinions in the discussion.
3. Students learn proverbs related to friendsh...
By Xu Weiliang
Teaching aims:
(1) Make students pay attention to the environment around them and do their best to protect the environment.
(2) Get the Ss to improve oral English by talking.
Important points & difficult points:
(1) Students are expected to express t...
Ä£¿éÆßUnit Two Fit for Life Language Points
Welcome to the unit
1. fit: vt / vi. (ʹ)ÊʺÏÓÚ
The key doesn¡¯t ¡« the lock. ÕâÔ¿³×²»ºÏÕâ°ÑËø¡£
adj. Êʺϵģ»Ç¡µ±µÄ£»½¡¿µµÄ£»ÄÜʤÈεÄ
ÍØÕ¹£º fitness: n. Êʵ±£»Ç¡µ±£»½¡¿µ
fitting : n. ×°Öã»É豸£»£¨¶àÓø´Êý£©
¡« (sb. ...
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