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 Unit,2,project,language,points  共『6』篇, 分1页显示 当前页号:1

    Language Points  1. tired   be tired of sb./sth. 厌倦、厌烦•••   be tired of doing sth 厌倦,厌烦做•••  e.g. I am sick and tired of all the arguments. 我对所有这些争论烦透了。   Mr. Smith, _______ of the _______ speech, started to read a novel. ...

    1. When choosing a city to host the Olympics, there are certain things we need to consider. (p29)  host v. (1) 支持,主办。  Do you know which city will host next Olympic Games?  host n. 主人,东道主; hostess女主人, 女服务员;女主持人  China is the host country of the 2008 Olympic Gam...

    Unit 2 Fit for life  教学目标:1.知识与技能   了解并掌握重点词汇的含义和用法,学习动词短语的用法,练习用英语为广播节目写一个发言稿,培养英语语言的综合运用能力。   2. 学习策略   围绕医学这一话题,学习有关医学和中医的知识,了解与其有关的英语词汇和常用句式,增加文化背景知识。 <...

    Unit 2 Fit for life  教学目标:1.知识与技能   了解并掌握重点词汇的含义和用法,学习动词短语的用法,练习用英语为广播节目写一个发言稿,培养英语语言的综合运用能力。   2. 学习策略   围绕医学这一话题,学习有关医学和中医的知识,了解与其有关的英语词汇和常用句式,增加文化背景知识。 <...

    Unit 2 Module 11  Reading Tips for job interview success  Ⅰ、Important Words  1. right adj.合适的   He is the right person for the job.  2. quake   eg. The ground quaked under his feet.  3. smart   eg. a smart businessman 一个精明的商人  He looks smart. 他看起来很...

    M6Unit 2 project  第一部分:自主学习  Ⅱ. 1.The writer is old. He says ‘when I was young’,implying that he is not young any more.  2.His days at school were the happiest of his life.  3.A teenager. Because in para3, the writer says ‘I will also be happy because I will be an adult th...

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