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 Unit,20,Humour,whole,unit(锟剿斤拷  共『16』篇, 分2页显示 当前页号:1

    Ⅰ.Teaching Goals:  1.Talk about humour and comedians.  2.Practise saying tongue twisters.  3.Express intentions and plans.  4.Use the-ing form(1)as the Attribute and Object Complement.  5.Write a funny story or joke in English.  Plays on words can also be in the form of a riddle.A...

    浙江省淳安中学 陈忠泽    各位老师, 大家好! 今天我说课的内容是高一(下)第二十单元:幽默。“幽默”是英语国家文化的一个重要内核,也是这一文化的一个显著标识。中国学生从开始学习英语时起(小学或初中),就在接受“幽默”的潜移默化的影响。这一话题能够激发学生的学习兴趣,同时也符合他们的年龄特征,这是因...


    Warming up, listening, and speaking    Teaching Goals  1. Let students have fun while practicing saying tongue twisters, listening, and speaking.  2. Talk about comedians, who bring people fun with their sense of humour.  Teaching Methods  1. task-basing teaching  2. question a...

     Lesson1   -- -warming up, listening and speaking  Step 1. Warming up   Almost every student can say Chinese tongue twisters. Now let them practise some English ones. Write each tongue twiser on the blackboard and let them speak slowly, then at a higher speed. Finally, ask some ...

    Teaching goals  1. Talk about humour and comedians  2. Practice saying tongue twisters  3. Express intensions and plans  4. Learn to use the –ing Form (1) as Atrribute and Object Complement  5. Write a funny story or joke in English  Period 1 Word study  1. Homour/humor  (...

  • 人教版高一SB1 Unit 20 Humour [2006-02-27] [阅读次数:953]

  •       课题:  一、教学目的:  1.Talk about humour and comedians.  2. Practise saying tongue twisters.  3. Express intentions and plans.  4. Use the-ing form(1)as the Attribute and Object Complement.  5. Write a funny story or joke in English.  二、教学重点:  1. Improve the st...

  • Unit 20 Humour  [2005-09-07] [阅读次数:130]

  •     Unit 20 Humour  written by Wu Huan  Goals  1 Learn to talk about humour.  2 Practise saying tongue twisters.  3 Listen to a humorous story, train Ss’ ability to get a general understanding and spot specific information.  4 Improve Ss’ spoken English by making jokes according t...

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