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 Unit,21,Karl,Marx  共『3』篇, 分1页显示 当前页号:1
  • Unit 21 Karl Marx [2004-11-08] [阅读次数:213]

  •       1. How are you getting on with your English lessons (/ teacher )?   I’m getting on quite well with my English lessons ( / teacher ).   get on /along ( well / badly ) with sb. / sth.    2. My grammar is improving, but I find idioms and useful expression hard to learn.   ○1...

  • Unit 21 Karl Marx [2004-10-27] [阅读次数:528]

  •       Teaching objectives and demands:  1. Words and useful expressions:  Have a talk with, idiom, meaning, woodcutter, come across, cut up, make progress, vocabulary, native, force, homeland, Belgium, before long, move on, base, revolutionary, limited, rapid, article, praise, encourage, keep ...

  • Unit 21 Karl Marx 语言要点  [2004-09-22] [阅读次数:163]

  •     Lesson 81:     Useful Expressions:    1. have a talk with sb. about sth.    2. get on with----- How are you getting on with your English lessons?     How well do the children get on with each other?    3. come across---Outside the restaurant, we...

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