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 Unit,23,Rescuing,the,temple  共『3』篇, 分1页显示 当前页号:1
  • Unit 23 Rescuing the temple [2004-11-08] [阅读次数:114]

  •         1. rescue : save sb./ sth. from danger   She rescued the child when he fell in the river.   come / go to sb’s rescue : try to help sb.   The police came to his rescue.    2. I don’t feel like walking very much today.   feel like sth. ; feel like doing sth. ...

  • Unit 23 Rescuing the temple [2004-10-27] [阅读次数:182]

  •       Teaching objectives and demands:  1. Words and useful expressions:  Learn and master the new words and expressions in this unit: At breakfast, edge, in danger, regularly, mark, face, god, Africa, East Africa flood, level, figure, date from, rebuild, effort, make a good effort, extra temp...

  • Unit 23 Rescuing of the temple 语言要点 [2004-09-22] [阅读次数:126]

  •         Lesson 89---92:    Useful Expressions:    1. be on holiday/at breakfast/ the plan for their trip    2. feel like sth/doing sth. ---want sth/doing sth    Do you feel like a swim? We all feel like a cup of tea.     Do you feel like walking to the corner ...

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