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 Unit,3,Body,language  共『5』篇, 分1页显示 当前页号:1

    Useful expressions  1. one another 互相、彼此  Liz and I have known one another for years. | They often stay at one another's houses. 对比: They were holding each other's hands. | We had a lot to tell each other about our trip.  2. take … for example 以… 为例  Take nodding the head f...

  • 高三复习Unit 3 Body language(Book2) [2005-03-19] [阅读次数:155]

  •     Unit 3 Body language  Useful expressions  1. one another 互相、彼此  Liz and I have known one another for years. | They often stay at one another's houses. 对比: They were holding each other's hands. | We had a lot to tell each other about our trip.  2. take … for example 以… 为例 <...

  • Unit 3 Body language [2004-11-22] [阅读次数:360]

  •         Lesson 9    Teaching Aims  Step I Lead-in  Sign to the students to be quiet. Then start a free talk with the students.  1.If you go to a shop, what does the shop assistant usually say to you?   Can/May/Shall I help you?   What can I do for you?  2.If you see your...

  • Unit 3 Lessons 9-12 Body Language [2004-10-21] [阅读次数:310]

  •     A Teaching Design for Body Language   Designer:Qiu Ai-xia Senior 2 Classes 7&11    课时数 5 Periods    学习目标:1.Improve the ability of the Ss’ listening , speaking, reading and writing.  2.Enable the Ss to have a better mastery of some i...

  • Unit 3 Body language [2004-09-23] [阅读次数:257]

  •         Useful expressions    1. one another 互相、彼此    Liz and I have known one another for years. | They often stay at one another's houses. 对比: They were holding each other's hands. | We had a lot to tell each other about our trip.    2. take … for example 以… 为例

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