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 Unit,3,Integrating,Skills,(wor  共『5』篇, 分1页显示 当前页号:1

     ———— Integrating Skills  浙江师范大学外国语学院英本0102 魏绍宏  一、 教学设计思路   新教材的推行,一方面改进了原有教材,提高了教学质量,培养了学生听、说、读、写四方面的综合技能。但同时也给老师提出了挑战,迫切需要转变原有的教学方式,其中最为...

     By: Xi Yuling Class: Class8, Senior III  Date: Sept. 15th Topic: Unit3 Integrating Skills  Teaching aims and demands:  1) To improve the Ss’ ability of reading comprehension.  2) To enable the Ss to know something about Australia.  3) To enable their...

    Teaching aims:  1. To enable students to draw the floor plan of his present house.  2. To get students to read the newspapers to find out the information about apartments they want to rent.  3. To make them a review of a painting or a ...

  • 人教版 高二Unit 3 Period 4 Integrating skills [2005-10-12] [阅读次数:382]

  •     Period 4 Integrating skills  Teaching aims:  1. To enable students to draw the floor plan of his present house.  2. To get students to read the newspapers to find out the information about apartments they want to rent.  3. To make...

  • 人教版 高三Unit 3 Integrating skills [2005-10-06] [阅读次数:181]

  •     Teaching plan   By: Xi Yuling Class: Class8, Senior III  Date: Sept. 15th Topic: Unit3 Integrating Skills  Teaching aims and demands:  1) To improve the Ss’ ability of reading comprehension.  2) To enable the Ss to know something about Australia.  ...

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