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 Unit,4,Feed,the,world  共『5』篇, 分1页显示 当前页号:1
  • Unit 4 Feed the world [2005-04-03] [阅读次数:204]

  •       Lesson 13 Dialogue  Aims and demands:  1. let the Ss know how to order sth to eat in a café, restaurant ect.  2. words and expressions: help oneself to, café, menu, ox, waitress, wipe, ham, hot dog, jam, sauce  3. useful expressions:  I’d like to invite you to dinner at my fla...

  • Unit 4 Feed the world [2004-11-16] [阅读次数:299]

  •         Teaching objectives and demands:  1. Words and expressions:  Café; menu; oxen; waitress; wipe; ham; hot dog; sauce; pie; jam; regret; now and again; help oneself to; goose; geese; farmland; day by day; agricultural; irrigate; salty; pest; storage; ruin; damp; in a word; loss; whiche...

  • Unit 4 Feed the world [2004-10-27] [阅读次数:267]

  •         Ⅰ. Teaching objectives and demands:  1. After the learning of this unit the students are supposed to master the following words and expressions:  Café; menu; oxen; waitress; wipe; ham; hot dog; sauce; pie; jam; regret; now and again; help oneself to; goose; geese; farmland; day by...

  • Unit 4 Feed the world  [2004-09-19] [阅读次数:249]

  •     【学习目标】     1.重点词汇、短语、句型结构     1)order, sure, keep     2)look forward to, fix a date, help oneself to, all the same, earn one's living, generally speaking, even if, in debt, make sense, pay off one's debt, make a promise     3)It is thought +that clau...

  • Unit4 Feed the world [2004-09-15] [阅读次数:513]

  •           单元目标      1.能用正确的语音语调朗读课文.      2.掌握及正确使用用餐时的日常用语.      3.模仿课文第14课第二段的结构写一篇文章解释某件事为什么重要或不重要,使用first,second,third...等.      名词性从句      1.名词性从句的结构大体相同,...

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