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 Unit,5,Silver,Screen,reading(锟斤拷  共『28』篇, 分4页显示 当前页号:1

    2. While still a student, she played roles in many plays. 还在上小学时.她就在许多戏剧中扮演角色。  (1) While still a student & While she was still a student的省略形式。如果复合句中的状语从句用了“主语十 be十名词(形容词,分词)”结构,且主从句主语一致(或从句主语是it)时,可省略从句主语和动词be,...

      一、教学内容分析  (一)、知识背景及新课程、新教材  本单元围绕the Silver Screen(影视) 这一主题开展听、说、读、写多种教学活动。影视作为人类文明的一大体现,作为当今社会人们主要休闲、娱乐方式之一,是一个非常贴近生活、具有时代性、可挖掘性的教学主题。   本单元所选的语言素材涉及中外名片、著名演...

    Period 1.Warning –up and Listening Date  Teaching objectives and demands:  1.The activity is designed to encourage students to Use the activity as a brainstorming session done either in groups or with the whole class and activate relevant vocabulary. ...

    1. speed  1) vt. & vi. sped, sped; speeded, speeded  2) n. at a speed of 60 kilometers an hour= at 60 k/h    2. take off  区分:take up  take in/out  take away  take care of  take part in    1). The plane will ___________ at 7 o’clock in the morning.  2). The...

    Lead –in  Today ,our topic is about a five-star director Steven Spielberg. What have you known about him?....It doesn’t matter whether you have known about him or not because we’ll get close to him by reading a passage “Getting to Know Steven Spielberg. (T presents the topic. )  Skimming ...

    The First Period  Teaching Aims:  1. Train the students’ listening ability.  2. Train the students’ speaking ability.    Teaching Important Points:  Talk about films about famous actors and directors.  Teaching Difficult Point:  How to improve the students’ speaking abilit...

    Period 1.Warning –up and Listening Date  Teaching objectives and demands:  1.The activity is designed to encourage students to Use the activity as a brainstorming session done either in groups or with the whole class and activate relevant vocabulary.  2.Language use: Manipulate listening,...

    Words and Expressions  silver , hero , scene , law , career , drama , role , award , actress , prize , choice , degree , speed , creature , outer , peace , cruelty , owe , accept , live , boss , comment , action , afford  take off , go wrong , owe …. to …. , can’t help , not just …but als...

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