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 Unit,6,How,long,have,you...per  共『7』篇, 分1页显示 当前页号:1

    Period  Ⅰ Teaching Content   Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?  Ⅱ Teaching Goals  1. Learn and master some new words.  2. Improve the student speaking ability and listening ability.  3. Master the main sentence patterns.  4. Talk about how long you...

    Ⅰ Teaching Content   Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?  Ⅱ Teaching Goals  1. Learn and master some new words.  2. Improve the student speaking ability and listening ability.  3. Talk about how long you have been doing things.  4. Master the main senten...

    Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?  Book Ⅳ(新目标) Unit 6  How long have you been collecting shells ?      Objective:  By the end of the session, most students will be able to talk about their hobbies of collecting things. This will be achieved by  1. ...

    Period  Ⅰ Teaching Content   Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?  Ⅱ Teaching Goals  1. Learn and master some new words.  2. Improve the student speaking ability and listening ability.  3. Master the main sentence patterns.  4. Talk about how long you...

  • Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells? [2005-04-20] [阅读次数:676]

  •       第二课时     一、任务示范及讲解   1.通过打电话的方式了解同学们有什么爱好(如:打篮球、弹钢琴、学英语等);这个爱好持续了多长时间?在过去某一个时间里是否做过这件事(如:昨天、前天、上个星期等等);做了多长时间?  Name Hobby How long (for) Time (past) How long (for)   <...

             一、学习目标  1.学会谈论自己对某些爱好持续的时间长度。    如:过去有什么爱好,持续了多长时间,目前有什么爱好,这个爱好到目前持续了多     长时间。    2.学会就上述问题向别人进行询问。    3.通过谈论自己有什么收藏爱好,持续了多长时间,有多少收藏品,学会...

  • 第六单元Unit 6 How old is he? [2004-09-29] [阅读次数:144]

  •       一、教学目标与要求  通过本单元教学,使学生运用所学句型和词汇,较为熟练地询问、判断事情。并用最简单的英语,介绍别人的姓名、年龄等点滴情况。  二、教学重点与难点  1、句型:1)Who's this/that?2)How old is he/she?3)Where is he /she?4)Is your friend a boy or a girl?5)I think… <...

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