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 Unit,7,Canada  共『5』篇, 分1页显示 当前页号:1
  • Unit 7 Canada [2005-03-28] [阅读次数:305]

  •       Teaching aims   通過本課学习.让学生了解加拿大人上如何使用英语的,并初步了解美国英语和加拿大英语的差别.同时,帮助学生掌握一些讨论语言的日常交际用语.  Step 1 Revision  1. Check the homework exercises.  2. Ask the students the questions:   In which countries in the world do ...

  • Unit 7 Canada [2005-03-23] [阅读次数:197]

  •       Teaching aims   通過本課学习.让学生了解加拿大人上如何使用英语的,并初步了解美国英语和加拿大英语的差别.同时,帮助学生掌握一些讨论语言的日常交际用语.  Step 1 Revision  1. Check the homework exercises.  2. Ask the students the questions:   In which countries in the world do ...

  • Unit 7 Canada [2004-10-24] [阅读次数:165]

  •       I. 单词和词组:  generally speaking; notice; differently  settle; all the year round; be famous for; deal  a great deal of; make use of  race; skin; tool  clear up; from time to time L.25  L.26    L.27  L.28 四会  tap; eastern  official; official language; settl...

  • Unit 7 Lessons 25&28 Canada 5 Periods [2004-10-21] [阅读次数:225]

  •     A Teaching Design for Unit 7 Canada  Designer: Qiu Ai-xia Senior 2 Classes 7&11      I. Teaching aims and demands:  1. Improve the abilities of the Ss’ listening, speaking, reading and writing.  2 .Enable the Ss to have a better mastery of some important words and expressions.

  • Unit 7 Canada 语言要点 [2004-09-23] [阅读次数:590]

  •         Useful expressions         Lesson 25    1. Where are you from? I'm from Canada.  ▲ From此处作“来自﹍﹍,从﹍﹍来”。例:  I got home from work on Monday at half past five.星期一我五点半下班回家。  Light comes from the sun.光来自太阳。  ▲ from有很...

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