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 Unit,7,Cultural,Relics,What,ar  共『24』篇, 分3页显示 当前页号:1

    、●学习目标  Ⅰ.单词和词组  relics,protect,select,represent,suggest,proud,event,as,include,destroy,attack,give in,living,in ruins,lie,in pieces,hide,bring…back to life,with the help (of),missing,replace,recreate,once again,solve,come true,damage,limited  Ⅱ.日常交际用语  What/H...

    一、教材分析  (一)单元背景分析    随着人们物质文化生活水平的提高,曾经一度被忽视的环境已日益为人们所关注,从某种程度上说,环境的优劣已成为衡量生活质量高低、社会进步程度的标志。相对文物而言,其环境的优劣同样影响文物存在的质量。然而,在环保意识不断提升的今天,文物环境并没有得到应有的关注。 <...

    1.重点词汇   cultural pyramid represent include ruin burn restore rebuild beauty photograph portrait recreate unite artist period vase stone damage ancient project brick official cave pollution carbon breath limit sincerely  2.重点词组   give in in ruins bring…back to life puu down s...

        I. Teaching aims and demands学习目标和要求:  1.topic话题:  1>Talk about cultural relics   2>Talk about ways to protect cultural relics   3>Giving advice and making suggestions  2.function功能:  Giving advice and making suggestions 提出意见和建议:   What shal...

    Module 6 Unit 3 Cultural differences (Reading)  Zhu Pingping from Mudu High School  Aims & demands:  1. Learn the passage about cultural differences.  2. Improve the ssˇ skills of reading, speaking and writing  Step1: Lead-in  1. Free talk between the teacher and ss.  Good morn...

  • 人教版高一Unit7 Cultural Relics The 4th period [2006-02-04] [阅读次数:218]

  •     The 4th period integrating skills  Activity1. Pre-discussion  Show the students some pictures of some culture relics and get the students to discuss   Are culture relics important? Why?  (They are the symbols of the country’s culture and civilization. They were built long long ago....

  • 人教版高一Unit7 Cultural Relics The 1st period [2006-02-04] [阅读次数:244]

  •     Teaching plan for the second period of Unit6  Goals:  1. To get some cross-cultural information about table manners in western countries.  2. to enlarge the students’ knowledge about politeness and impoliteness  3. to develop the students’ reading skills  Difficult points:  1. to...

  • 毙Unit7 Cultural Relics The 2nd period [2006-02-04] [阅读次数:204]

  •     The 2nd period A City of Heroes  Activity1: telling which are cultural relics and which are not   Show the students some pictures of great wall, Stonehenge, pyramids, Cihu Lake, Xizai Mountain, the East Hill  Question: are culture relics important? Why?  Organization: collect the stude...

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