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 Unit,8,How,do,you,make,a,banan  共『10』篇, 分2页显示 当前页号:1

     Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?    The first period  Section A 1 (1a-1c)  一、Analysis of teaching materials   This class is “《The compulsory...

    1. hang(hung) out with friends  2. go to the aquarium  3. see some seals/sharks/a big octopus  4. on the school trip  5. have /take a trip to…+地点  6. watch a dolphin show/videos/a football match  7. buy a lot of souvenir/buy lots of gifts for sb.  8. buy sb. sth.=buy sth...

        Page 47 Section A 1a~1c    I.Teaching Aims and Demands  1.Knowledge Objects  Key vocabulary; Target language.  2.Abiklity Objects  Listening, speaking, writing and cooperating skills.  1. Moral Object  What you do today is what you do tomorrow.  II.Teaching Key...

        Page 47 Section A 1a~1c    I.Teaching Aims and Demands  1.Knowledge Objects  Key vocabulary; Target language.  2.Abiklity Objects  Listening, speaking, writing and cooperating skills.  1. Moral Object  What you do today is what you do tomorrow.  II.Teaching Key...

  • 新目标八年级Unit 8 How was your school trip? [2006-01-14] [阅读次数:422]

  •         【单元话题】    1. 会谈论过去的事情    2.培养自己做事要有计划性    3.培养逻辑思维能力    4.培养合作意识      【重要句型概览】    1. What did you do on your school trip?    2. Did you go to the zoo?      No, I didn’t. I went to the aquarium.  ...

            一. 单元目标:   1. 学习询问和谈论过去发生的事情。   2. 通过调查了解全班同学上周末的活动。   3. 通过描写“难忘的假日”,“秋游…”和日记摘抄,学习谈论过去发生的事情。    二. 语言结构:   1. 规则动词和不规则动词的一般过去式。   2. 一般过去时的肯定句和否定句。   ...

  • 人教版八年级Unit 8 How was your school trip? [2006-01-03] [阅读次数:144]

  •         Page 47 Section A 1a~1c    I.Teaching Aims and Demands  1.Knowledge Objects  Key vocabulary; Target language.  2.Abiklity Objects  Listening, speaking, writing and cooperating skills.  1. Moral Object  What you do today is what you do tomorrow.  II.Teaching Key...

  • 八年级上 Unit 8 How was your school trip ? [2005-08-31] [阅读次数:278]

  •     Unit 8 How was your school trip ?  Teaching goals :  1. words & phrases : shark , seal , ate , win , won , got , visitor , drive , at the end of .  2. Use the past tense to talk about things .  3. 掌握由there be 结构和行为动词构成的一般过去时.  4. 掌握规则和不规则动词的过去时.  Imp...

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