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 Unit4,He,said,I,was,hard-worki  共『15』篇, 分2页显示 当前页号:1

     Unit 4 He said I was hard-working.  一.复习目标  1.重点词汇及语法的应用        2.做题态度及方法的锤炼   二 复习方法:自主学练、教师点拨  三 复习过程  课前阅读热身  Eve...

     Unit4 He said I was hard-working.  Section B    送给同学们几条建议:  1.准确记忆是应用的基础!   —— 勤记!   2.坚持阅读是学好英语的法宝! —— 多读!  3.应用是学好英语的标志!&...

    词汇导练  1.We were friends and____________(同事)for more than twenty years.  2.Luckily,the family____________(逃出)from the burning house and no one got hurt.  3.This ____________(抵触)with the police evidence.  4.A teacher can’t give____________(个别的)attention to each pupil if ...

    Teaching aims:  1. Goals:  冨 Learn about health care  冨 Practise expressing opinions and making decisions  冨 Review the Subjunctive Mood (2)  冨 Write a letter  2. Special focus:  Improve reading skills and Enlarge vocabulary.  a. Direct Ss to read the 3 passages on the te...

    Module 6 江苏省新海高级中学 张海升 吴媛媛  Unit 4 Helping People around the world  Period 1 Welcome to the unit   Teaching Objectives:  1. Enable students to think about different hard situations people around the world are facing and the importance of international aid.

    Welcome to the unit  Step 1 Greetings and lead-in:  T: Hello, everyone. Welcome to my class.  As we know, December is a month full of festivals. From this beautiful picture, we can feel the happy atmosphere of a big festival. What’s it?-----(Christmas).  You’re right. Christmas is just...

    Skills building 1: listening for what is most important  Suppose you are listening to the announcement about a gather-together, what information is most important?  time, place, activity arrangement, attendance &other details   So, when listening, we need to be able to select and note do...

    Unit 4 Helping people around the world   Class ____________Name ____________ No. ____________  Learning goals:  Ⅰ. Goals for knowledge:  1. To read a speech made by a UN Goodwill Ambassador and the diary entry of a MAF nurse  2. To listen to a news report about proble...

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