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 unit,3,Going,Places(锟铰课憋拷锟斤拷  共『5』篇, 分1页显示 当前页号:1

    I. Background knowledge  Tips for travelling abroad   Whether you are traveling overseas for business , pleasure or study , the best way to ensure a carefree and relaxing trip is to prevent problems before they happen . The more you learn about passports , visas , customs , and other travel...

    The First Period  Zhang Huili  Teaching Aims:  1. Learn and master the following words  traveling, transportation, consider, destination  2. Do some speaking and talk about traveling to the past or future.  3. Talk about means of transportation.  Teaching Important Points:  I...

    Tasks:   ①learn to travel including how to make a preparation, choose means of transportation, drop a line and understand a broadcast call.   ②learn something about adventure travel and eco-travel.   ③study language points(present continuous tense, present tense, past tense, future tens...

  • NSEFC 高一英语 unit 3 Going Places教案 [2005-09-01] [阅读次数:324]

  •     Unit3 Going Places  Tasks:   ①learn to travel including how to make a preparation, choose means of transportation, drop a line and understand a broadcast call.   ②learn something about adventure travel and eco-travel.   ③study language points(present continuous tense, present tense...

  • unit 3 Going places 片段教学 [2005-03-19] [阅读次数:145]

  •     Unit 3 Going places  The First Period  Zhang Huili  Teaching Aims:  1. Learn and master the following words  traveling, transportation, consider, destination  2. Do some speaking and talk about traveling to the past or future.  3. Talk about means of transportation.  Teachin...

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