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 unit,4,I,want,to,be,an,actor.(  共『7』篇, 分1页显示 当前页号:1

    LANGUAGE STUDY  Word study  1. Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box. You may change the form if necessary.  fire elect injure switch present relate reflect tolerate  1. Mr Jones, who has worked for this company for 25 years, ______ president last week.  2. More...

    教学设计:  1. 教学目标:(teaching aims)  学会谈论自己与他人的职业;谈论自己或他人将来想从事的职业并陈述原因;能够阅读招聘广告,并写一份招聘广告。  2. 语言目标:(language goal)  New language: What do you do? I’m a reporter.  What does he/she do? He’s / She’s a student.  ...

    General introduction  This section is designed to give you a chance to practice your English by completing a project. First, you can read an information sheet about Internet research to make you know more about how to do research on the Internet and how to look for the information needed. Then yo...

    I. Teaching Contents 教学内容  Module 4 Unit one  Welcome to unit and Reading: Advertisement  II. Design of Teaching Objectives 教学目标设计  1.Knowledge objectives 知识目标  素质培养:让学生了解广告的定义,广告的种类——商业广告和公益广告,以及各种广告的目的,向学生指明对待广告应持...

  • 人教版必修5 unit 4 making the news 教案(II) [2006-01-23] [阅读次数:186]

  •     Unit 4 Making the news  The Third Period Reading(II)  By 姚笑颖 向雨祺From 教苑中学  一. 教学目标 (Teaching aims)   1. 教学内容 (Teaching content)  Work Book 5 Unit 4, Using Language (reading) on page 30-31 and Reading Task on page 65   2. 能力目标 (Ability aim)  Enable the Ss...

  • 人教版必修5 unit 4 making the news 教案(I) [2006-01-23] [阅读次数:247]

  •     Unit 4 Making the news  The First Period Warming up, Pre-reading and Reading(I)  By 姚笑颖 From 教苑中学  一. 教学目标 (Teaching aims)   1. 教学内容 (Teaching content)  Work Book 5 Unit 4, warming up and pre-reading on page 25 and reading on page 26-27   2. 能力目标 (Ability aim)...

  • 新目标 初一 unit 4 I want to be an actor [2005-11-12] [阅读次数:373]

  •     Unit 4 I want to be an actor.  教学设计:  教学目标:(teaching aims)   学会谈论自己与他人的职业;谈论自己或他人将来想从事的职业并陈述原因;能够阅读招聘广告,并写一份招聘广告。  语言目标:(language goal)  New language: What do you do? I’m a reporter.  What does he/she do? ...

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