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 unit,4,reading,listening,speak  共『10』篇, 分2页显示 当前页号:1

    一、 Teaching Content  Unit 13 Reading (2); Post-reading  二、 Teaching Goals  1. Improve the students’ reading ability by catching detailed information.  2. Enable the students to understand the best way to make sure that we will feel and look fine is to develop healthy eating habits b...

    Type of lesson: Reading  Teaching objectives:  1. help Ss improve their reading ability.  2. 2.learn some useful words and expressions  3. 3.learn more about poetry  Teaching aids: computer and blackboard  Teaching procedures:  Step one lead in  1. show students two picture...

    Teaching aims:  1. Learn and master the following words and expressions  (every now and then, phenomenon, Brazil, downtown, commercial, get tired of, avenue, altitude)  2. Train the reading ability  3. Get the students to learn about some big cities in the world.  Teaching procedures:...

    Teaching aims:  1. To grow interest in English studies through English poem appreciation  2. Practice expressing intension  3. To develop the basic reading skills  4.To practice the writing after reading and listening.   5. To write a review on a song or a poem.    Teaching con...

      丰台实验 郝源俊 刘哲      Teaching Aims:  1. To improve the students' listening ability.  2. To appreciate English poems and the beauty of the English language  Step I. Pre-listening:   T: By reading poetry, we can find ways to express ourselves. What is poetry? Re...

        Type of lesson: Reading  Teaching Contents: English poetry  Teaching aims:  1. To learn about English poets and their poetry  2. To develop the basic reading skills  Teaching Difficult Point:  1. To develop the basic reading skills  2. The similarities and differences...

    1. 这节Reading1 的目的是让学生熟悉生词的使用语境、读懂文章、理解文章的大意,知道慈善的意义,乐意帮助周围的人。开头的设计是通过关于汶川大地震video的呈现唤起学生的深处的记忆,引起共鸣,从而导入新课。   2. 这篇文章生词不多,难度不大。通过在语境中呈现生词的方法,学生对于生词有了清晰的概念,效果很...

    British Poetry  Teaching goals  1 Target language  a 重点词汇和短语  glory, sonnet, absence, translate, translation, scan, curious, active, feature, despite, despite, besides, spirit, literature, embrace, atmosphere, style, image, remind sb of sth, a magical world, call up, stand out, b...

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