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 unit,5,great,britain,whole,uni  共『7』篇, 分1页显示 当前页号:1

    Unit 5 British Isles   Teaching Aims  1. Teaching Aims: Talk about the famous people of UK and four main parts of British Isles: Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland.  2. Practice expressing agreement and disagreement.   Teaching Important points:  1. Master the expre...

     Teaching Aims:  1. Further develop the students’ reading ability and reading skills  2. Get the student to know more about the British Isles   Teaching Important Points:  1. Train the students’ reading ability and develop their reading skills  2. Enable the student...

     Teaching aims:  1. Learn and master the following words and expressions:  Word: influence, form, basis while  Phrases: stand for, be made up of, make the most of, hold together, as it is, consist of, lies off/ to / on /in, in general, as much as, end up with, some time, neither. No...

     Teaching Aims:  1. Review some words learnt in this unite  2. Review the noun clause  3. Do some exercise to consolidate the language point learnt in this unit   Teaching Important Points  1 makes sure the students know the noun clause   Teaching Difficu...

     Teaching Aims:  1. Learn and master noun clauses as subject, the object, the predicative and the appositive introduced by “that”   Teaching Important Points:  1. Master noun clauses as the appositive.  2. Master the differences between the appositive clause and the att...

     Teaching Aims:  1. Make the students be familiar with the courses in a language school.  2. Practice their listening ability   Teaching Important Points  1.enable the students to get the general idea of the listening material   Teaching Difficult points  1...

  • NSEFC 高二unit 5 great britain whole unit [2005-08-02] [阅读次数:266]

  •     Unit 5 British Isles  First Period: warming up and speaking  n Teaching Aims  1. Teaching Aims: Talk about the famous people of UK and four main parts of British Isles: Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland.  2. Practice expressing agreement and disagreement.  n Teaching Important poin...

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