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 unit6,good,Mamnners,teaching,p  共『12』篇, 分2页显示 当前页号:1

    Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling    Topic 3 Bicycle riding is good exercise .    Section C    教学设计思路:    本课是阅读课,分为泛读和精读两个层次。在Pre-reading,先通过图片等解决词汇障碍。泛读是为了培养学生概括文段大意的能...

    Title of the Lesson: Unit Six  Type of the Lesson: New Lesson  Teaching aims:  1. Learn to use functional sentences, key structures and words. Instruct students to read Table Manners at a Dinner Party.  2. Continue to learn the Attributive Clause.  Content of the Lesson:  1. Topic...

    Unit 6 Good manners   Word Study  Teaching aims:  1. To consolidate the words and useful expressions learnt in this unit.  2. To help the students use the key words and phrases with proficiently.    Key and difficult points:  To make the students know the usage of the key wo...

    Unit 6 Good manners  Period 3 Reading  TABLE MANNERS AT A DINNER PARTY  Teaching aims:  1. To get students to know more about table manners at a dinner party.  2. To train students’ reading ability and comprehensive ability.    Key and difficult points:  1. To get studen...

    Unit 6 Good manners   Listening & Speaking  Teaching aims:  1. To get students to know about some expressions of apology.  2. To study the language points concerned with the dialogue.    Key and difficult points:        Teaching procedures:  Step 1 ------ Leading...

    Important phrases:  1. 对•••有好处(P1) be good for sth  2. 喜欢大笑(P2) enjoy laughing  3. 取笑 make fun of/ make jokes about  4. 讲笑话 tell different jokes  5. 对•••作出回应 in response to sth  6. 排队 queue up in lines  7. 指向 point to st...

    ● Welcome to the unit  1. Everyone agrees that laughter is good for you. (page 1) 每个人都认为笑对身体有好处。  laughter  n. [U] the act or sound of laughing 笑;笑声;笑的样子  She roared with laughter (= laughed very loudly).  As we approached the hall we could hear the sound ...

  • Unit 16 What a good kind girl ! [2005-08-28] [阅读次数:140]

  •     初二英语集体备课  Unit 16 What a good kind girl !  第2 周 ( 2004 年2 月9 日── 2004年2 月18 日)  一、学习目标和要求:  1.掌握情态动词can和may的用法  2.掌握词汇 on one’s wayto等13个短语  3.掌握问路与指路用语  4.掌握句型:① It takes sb. Some time to do sth. ② so+主语+be(助动词...

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