初二英语unit 11单元备课

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Unit 11 Dates, months and seasons
1、字母n,kn读[n] 2、字母ng读[N]或[Ng]
3、字母nk,nc读[Nk] 4、字母th读[W]或[T]
1 write down写下,记下 2 come out发芽,长出 3 all the year round一年到头 4 at this time of year一年的这个时候 5 turn green变绿,转绿 6 in spring在春天 7 be different from 与……不同
1、Which is the second month of the year?一年的第二个月是几月?
2、When is spring/summer/autumn/winter in China? 中国的春/夏/秋/冬是什么时候?
3、What is the date today? It’s December 20th, 2003. 今天是几月几号?是2003年12月20日。
4、What’s the weather like in spring in your hometown? 你家乡春天的天气怎么样?
5、Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节?
2、表示时间的介词in, on和at的用法。
Lesson 41
(一) The months of the year
January February March April May June July August September October November December
1、Which is the second month of the year?
2、What day is it today?
3、What’s the date today?
be from, last from, from…to…
1、When is summer in China? It lasts from June to August.
2、What was the date yesterday? It was November the twentieth, two thousand and three.
Step 1: Ask the students to answer the following questions like
What's the date today?
Step 2: Listening
I SB page 51, part 3 and request students to master how to answer the questions like: What day was it yesterday?
Step 3: Practise the dialogue many times until most of the students can answer the questions correctly.
1、He was the _________(one) to come to school this morning.
2、The _________(two) skirt looks very nice.
3、December is the _______(twelve) month in a year.
4、The spring in China ______(last) only a few months.
5、______(eight) is a lucky number, I think.
Answers: 1 first 2 second 3 twelfth 4 lasts 5 Eight
1、________is New Year’s Day.
2、________is Wemen’s Day.
3、________is International Labour Day.
4、________is Children’s Day.
5、________is Teachers’ Day.
6、________is Christmas Day.
Answers: 1 January lst 2 March 8th 3 May 1st 4 June 1st 5 September 1oth 6 December 25th
Lesson 42
ask…about…, get warm/long, turn green, come out, be good for, go swimming/skating, help…with/do, enjoy doing…, all the year round
1、What’s the weather like in spring/summer/autumn/winter?
句中“be like”相当于“look like”看起来像
eg: He looks like his father.
He is like his father.
2、What sports do people like to play in different seasons?
eg: ①He’s fond of sports
②We often have sports after school
3、The weather gets warmer and the days get longer.
get older变老get bigger变大,类似的系动词还有be(是),seem(似乎),look(看来),become(变成),get(变得),grow(生长),feel(感到)turn(变得,变成),keep(保持)
eg:① The children look very healthy.这些孩子们看起来很健康。
② His hair turned white.他的头发变白了。
4、I hope you are well。我希望你身体很好。
You look well today.你今天看起来气色很好。
I don’t feel well this morning.我今天早晨感觉不大舒服。
5、We really enjoyed working on a farm.
eg: He enjoys skating in winter
6、We help them with the harvest.
help…… with/help……do
eg: I often help him with his English
I often help him study English
Step 1: New-word teaching
Use flashcards and teach the students how to read the new words and tell them how to use these words.
Step2: Read and act
Ⅰ Give the students some questions: 1 How is the weather in your hometown? 2 Which season is the warmest season? 3 Do you like winter? 4 How many seasons are there in your country?
Ⅱ Play the tape again and let the students follow the tape.
Step 3:Presentation
Ⅰ Say winter is coming. Do you know what’s the weather like? Now let’s learn the differences between spring, summer, autumn and winter.
Ⅱ Play the tape for the students twice and discuss the questions about weather.
Step 4:Consolidation
Ⅰ Look at the statements below, let the students say whether they are true or false and correct the mistakes.
Ⅱ Do some paper work.
Step5: Exercises
1、Do Ex 1 and Ex 3 orally.
2、Do Ex 2 as written work.
1、_______is the best season of the year. Everything begins to ____.
2、It is very hot in ______. Swimming is the best_______ in this season.
3、_______is a harvest season._______ are usually very________ in this season.
4、It is very _______in winter People need to_______ more clothes. We like to_____ _____on the ice.
Answers: 1 Spring, grow 2 Summer, sport 3 Autumn, Farmers, busy 4 cold, wear, go skating.
1、Some children like winter much b______ than summer. They enjoy s______.
2 What a good h ______they had last October!
3、Look at the h______ rain, It’s raining so h_______.
4、Autumn is the b_______ season of the year.
Answers: 1 better, skating 2 harvest 3 heavy, heavily 4 busiest
Lesson 43
be from, at a bad time of year, be afraid, be very different from…, at this time of year, be like
1、The weather here is very cold, isn’t it?
2、Jim knows the way Australians speak, doesn’t he?
3、What’s the weather like in Sydney?
1、The weather here is very cold, isn’t it?这儿天气很冷,是吗?
2、Lucy can’t swim, can she?露西不会游泳,是不是?
3、He isn’t going to the meeting, is he? 他不去参加会议,是吗?
Yes, he is. 不,他要去的。
No, he isn’t. 对,他不去。
Step 1: Revision
Get the students to tell the teacher about the seasons
Step 2:Pre-reading
Have the students discuss the questions!
①Is the weather here very different from Australia?
②Does the weather get warmer in spring?
Step 3: Reading
①Play the tape for the students
②Ask and answer each other according to the text.
Step 4: Workbook
①Do Ex 1 as written work
②Do Exx 2 and 3 orally
1、Jack does his homework every day, ________ ?
2、Kate knows little about China, ___________ ?
3、Your sister can speak Japanese? __________ ?
4、Let's go for a walk, _______ ?
5、You didn't buy the fruit, __________?
6、There's a little water in the bottle, _________?
Answers: 1 doesn't he? 2 does she 3 can't she 4 shall we 5 did you 6 is there
1、The flowers start to come out _______ spring.
2、He came here ______ a bad time _____ year.
3、My brother was born _____ a cold winter morning.
4、What's the weather ______ in Nanjing in summer?
Answers: 1 in 2 at, of 3 on 4 like
反意疑问句在上一课简单地给同学们作了介绍,通过这一节课的加强,同学们大多数能掌握,有少数同学会出错,主要是他们把never, few, little hardly等当成了肯定的含义。
Lesson 44
A 词汇用法
like best, What about …?/How about… ? last from, go on, need to do…, be from, from…to
B 讲解语法
表示时间的介词in, on和at的用法。
in2001/in spring/in March/in the afternoon/in a year/in a month/in a week等。
on Monday, on Monday morning, on the evening of April lst等。
at表示具体的时刻。如:at nine o’clock, at half past eight, at this time, at the moment等。
1、In much of China在中国大部分地区。
eg: In much of Hubei, it’s very hot in summer夏天湖北大部分地区很热。
2、Last from持续、延续。
eg: The meeting lasted for two hours.
3、Autumn starts in August, and goes on to October.
go on to表示“持续到…”go on 是“持续”,go on doing something/go on with sth继续做某事,go on to do sth 继续做别的事。
eg: She finished her work, then she went on to go shopping.她做完了作业,接着去买别的东西。
4、You need to wear lots of warm clothes.你必须多穿些暖和的衣服。
wear是“穿着”,表持续性动作;put on“穿上”,指短暂动作。dress“给…穿衣”;be in“穿着…衣服”。
eg: ①She’s wearing a coat.她穿着一件外套。
②Put on your jacket, please.请穿上你的夹克。
③The child can drees himself.这个小孩现在可以穿衣了。
④She’s in a red coat.她穿着一件红外套。
5、But unlike much of China and the USA….
Step 1:Revision
Revision Tag questions in Lesson 43 by asking questions like:
1、Wang Lin did his homework well, didn't he?
2、My sister never gets up late, does she?
3、Jim was from America, wasn't he?
Step 2: Listening
I SB page 54, Part 4, Listening cassette Lesson 44, tell the students: Today we're going to listen to “Different countries, different weather”, Play the tape once or twice as necessary. Discuss the questions in the text
eg: In which country is the weather most like China's, the USA, England or Australia? Deal with any problems that arise.
Step 3: Read and act
Ask one or two students to repeat the text orally according to the phrases given by teachers. Show flashcards to the students and let them know the differences between Australia and China, especially the weather.
Step 4: Checkpoint
Go through Checkpoint 11. Revise the Tag questions and the prepositions in, on and at.
1、The weather here _____ that in Australia.(不同于)
2、I saw Jane just now, she _____.(长高多了)
3、Do you know ________(美国的讲话方式)?
4、Everything ______(开始生长)in spring.
5、It often ______(下雨),sometimes quite heavily.
6、Last Sunday we _____ the farmers ______ their rice harvest.(帮助某人做某事)
7、It’s _______ to wear warm clothes.(最好)
8、You ______ ______ get up early.(最好)
Answers: 1 is different from 2 is much taller 3 the way
Americans speak 4 begins to grow 5 rains 6 helped…with 7 best 8 had better




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