初二第二册第十五单元Thanks to the message

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版


   Unit 15 Thanks for the message !
I. Teaching Aims and Demands
1. 要求学生掌握本单元新学的词汇。
2. 要求学生掌握本单元新学的日常交际用语, 并注意英美人打电话的用语、方式同中国人打电话的用语、方式的区别。
3. 要求学生掌握There be结构的一般过去时态。
II. Main Teaching Points
1. 词汇
(1)telephone , phone , call , ring (up) .
(2)answer , get
(3)be out , be in
(4)cinema , go to the cinema , at the cinema
(5)by the way
(6)I‘m afraid
(7)the next day
2. 日常交际用语
(2)I’m afraid…
(3)By the way…
(4)Can I take a message ? It‘s a pleasure .
(5)Could you ask him to call me , please ?
3. 语法
There be结构的一般过去时态的各种句式。包括There was (not)….
Was there…?
Yes , there was / No , there wasn’t .
There were (not)…
Were there…?
Yes , there were . / No , there weren‘t .
III. Difficult Teaching Points
IV. Teaching Aids
V. Teaching steps
Lesson 57
Step 1 Revision
Step 2 Presentation
1. 先教授本课要学的生词、词组和句型,教授时尽量用图片、动作、手势及学生听得懂的英语进行讲解,使学生理解词义和句义。拿出一部电话机或电话机的图片问学生What’s this in English ?然后告诉学生This is a telephone . This is a phone .并把telephone和phone写在黑板上,领学生读。再向学生展示一张电话铃响,李明过去接电话的简笔画向学生解释The telephone is ringing . Li Ming is coming to answer it .再展示一张有人按门铃,李明去开门的简笔画,对学生说The door bell is ringing . Li Ming is going to answer the door .并把ring和answer写在黑板上,领学生读。学生此时能明白这两个词的意思。再拿出一张两个人打电话的简笔画对学生说Li Ming is calling Wei Hua .
He often calls her .
Li Ming is telephoning Wei Hua .
He often telephones her .
再继续用phone、ring、ring up替换句中的动词,并把句子和所用动词写在黑板上。此时学生能理解telephone、phone、call,ring、ring up的意思,告诉学生telephone和phone既可用作名词,也可用作动词。教授be out时可用英语讲解be out means be not at home .可用图片讲解afraid , cinema .教授cinema时顺便给学生一个短语go to the cinema并告诉他们This phrase means go to see a film .教授afraid时,顺便给出短语be afraid of及I‘m afraid .并举例讲解。继续学习和讲解本课要学的其他词语。
2. 让学生听本课第一部分课文录音并回答下面两个问题:(1)Who answered the telephone ? (2)Why did’t Kate‘s mother answer it ?再让学生打开课本跟读这部分课文录音,并告诉学生could是can的过去式。句中用could是为了使语气委婉而非过去时态。I’ll get it意思是I‘ll answer it .
Step 3 Drill
A:…,could you answer the telephone , please ?
I’m cooking . I‘m busy .
B:Oh , I’m sorry . I can‘t . I’m washing clothes .…, could you answer the phone call , please ?
C:I‘m afraid I can’t . I‘m mending my bike .…,could you answer the call , please ?
D:OK, I’ll get it .
再让另一组学生按以上方式重新开始,但这次可加入be going to句型。如:
A:…. Could you answer the phone call , please ? I‘m going to wash clothes .
D:OK, I’ll get it .
Step 4 Presentation
1. Who called Jim ?
2. Where was Jim ?
3. Was there a message ? What was it ?
4. Do you know Li Lei‘s number ?
Step 5 Practice
让学生两人一组按照所学对话的形式用自己的真实姓名和号码进行打电话的练习。先用英语给学生设定如下一个情景。A给B打电话, B不在家, 他正在动物园。C接的电话, A让C给B留个口信, 让B给A回个电话。学生练习完之后, 教师抽查几组同学看是否掌握。
Step 6 Consolidation
(The telephone is ringing .)
A:Tom . ____ you ____ the telephone , please ?
I’m busy .
B:____ Mum . I‘ll ____ it . Hello . ____ .
C:Oh , hello . Could I ____ Jim , please ?
B:I’m sorry . He‘s out . He’s ____ the cinema . _____ ?
C:Yes . ____ you ask him ____ me , please ?
My name is Li Lei . My ____ is 68409729 .
B:68409729 . ____
C:Thanks ____ , Bye .
B:____ . Bye .
1. 熟读课文对话,准备第二天表演。
2. 先读本课第三部分的telephone message再把有关问题的答案写在作业本上。
3. 背出workbook第57课的练习三,准备第二天表演。
4. 把workbook第57课的练习二做在作业本上。
Lesson 58
Step 1 Revision
1. 让几对学生到教室前面表演打电话。分两种情况进行表演,一种情况是接电话的人正好是要找的人;另一种情况是要找的人不在,接电话的是另一个人。表演时可按照students‘s book第57课和workbook第57课练习三的内容进行,也可自编。
2. 检查Homework
Step 2 Presentation
1. Did Jim have a good time at the cinema ?
2. Did Kate remember Who had called Jim ?
3. Did she write down Li Lei’s number ?
4. Where did she write it down ?
Step 3 Practice
Step 4 Presentation
Where did Li Lei and his friends go last October ?
What did they do ? Can you remember ? Why did Li Lei ring Jim ?
Can you guess ? Now Listen to the tape .
1. Where did the boys go last October ?
2. What did they do ?
3. Why did Li Lei call Jim ?
Step 5 Practice
Step 6 Consolidation
1. 听录音并熟读课文。
2. 完成workbook第58课的练习。
Lesson 59
Step 1 Revision
1. 检查Homework .
2. 让学生自编内容练习打电话并表演。
3. 让学生以Jim的口吻复述第57和第58课的内容。
Step 2 Presentation
1. 教师在桌上放几本书,然后对学生说There are some books on the desk .并问学生Are there any books on the desk ? How many books are there on the desk ?请学生回答以上问题。把桌上的书拿走再问学生Are there any books on the desk ?等学生回答之后再问学生But were there any books on the desk just now(告诉学生just now的汉语意思) ?引导学生回答Yes , there were .再问学生Were there any books on the desk just now ?引导学生回答No , there weren‘t .再进一步对学生说There were some books on the desk . There weren’t any boxes on the desk .教师把一个瓶子放在桌上,然后问学生Is there a bottle on the desk ?之后把瓶子拿走再问学生Is there a bottle on the desk ? But was there a bottle on the desk just now ?引导学生回答Yes , there was .再问学生Was there a ball on the desk just now ?引导学生回答No , there wasn‘t .再进一步对学生说There was a bottle on the desk . There wasn’t a ball on the desk .把这些句子写在黑板上或用幻灯机打出来。
2. 教师做一个动作,边做边问学生What am I doing ?作完之后再问学生What did I do ?教师再用祈使句请一位同学做一个动作。在学生作动作时可问其本人What are you doing或问另一位学生What is he doing ?动作做完之后再问其本人What did you do ?或问另一位学生What did he do ?
Step 3 Drill
教师带领学生对以上两部分内容进行操练。教师可口述一组现在进行时或一般现在时的句子,每说一句都给出一个过去时间状语,让学生变成一般过去时句子说出。教师也可自己作动作或请学生作动作,然后问学生What was on the desk (blackboard ,…) ? Were there any…? What did I / he / she do ? Did I / he / she…?
Step 4 Reading
把第5单元的挂图挂在黑板上,根据图上内容用现在进行时的句子向学生提问,之后教师对学生说But this story happened last year .(告诉学生happen的中文意思。) When did they go to the farm ?接着就图上内容用一般过去时的句子向学生提问。出一些问题,然后让学生默读本课的第一部分课文并从中找出答案。让学生在阅读时注意猜测本课生词story , harvest和enough的词义。学生读完之后,让学生回答以上有关这段课文的问题,看学生是否读懂。然后翻译这段课文,讲解学生提出的问题,再放录音让学生跟读。
Step 5 Practice
Step 6 Consolidation
1. 把本课第二部分的问题的答案写在作业本上。
2. 完成workbook的练习二。
3. 背诵本课第一部分课文。
4. 按workbook练习三的要求编一个打电话的对话,准备第二天表演。
Lesson 60
Step 1 Revision
1. 检查作业。
2. 就第59课第一部分的内容向学生提问。
3. 让学生两人一组按workbook第59课练习三的要求练习打电话并表演。
Step 2 Checkpoint 15
通过Checkpoint 15复习本单元的主要内容,并解答学生提出的问题。
Step 3 Practice
Step 4 Listening
Step 5 Practice
Step 6 Test
There was a telephone call for my brother Jim yesterday afternoon . It was from his friend Li Lei . Jim was out at that moment . I answered the telephone and took a message . Li Lei said his telephone number was 6788921 . I wrote it down on a piece of paper . He wanted Jim to call him . When Jim came back , I gave the telephone message to him . Jim thanked me and rang Li Lei . Li Lei said he had a photo of Jim . He wanted to show it to Jim . Jim asked him to bring it to school the next day .
1. 让学生复习本单元的全部内容,特别是打电话的内容。
2. 发一份本单元的综合练习让学生完成并准备本单元的测试。
Lesson 57, Step 6 Consolidation .
could , answer , OK , get (answer) , 电话号码, speak to , at , Can I take a message , Could , to ring (to call , to telephone , to phone , to ring…up) , (telephone) number , Right , very much (a lot) , Not at all




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