高中三年级英语学案Units 5-6 (B3)(人教版高三英语上册学案设计)

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1.advertise vt. & vi.登广告,做广告
I advertised my car for sale.
advertise on TV/in a newspaper for sb./sth.
advertise a meeting, a concert, a job
2.charge n. vt.主管;充气(电);负责;要价;控告
How much do you charge for a room with a bath?
He was charged with bribery.他被控告收取贿赂。
in charge of负责;in (under) the charge of a person由某人负责;take charge of接管……,担任……;free of charge免费地(的)
3.blame vt. n.责备,谴责,归咎于;责怪,责任
blame sb. for sth./blame sth. on sb.责备某人某事
be to blame for sth.(对某坏事等)负责任。
They blamed him for the accident.
=They blamed the accident on him.
=He was to blame for the accident.
take the blame for…承担……的责任
4.accuse vt.控告;谴责
The police accused him (of theft).
He was accused of murder.
She accused him of being late.
6.get across传播;为人理解
It took me an hour to get my invention across to her.
The message got across at last.
7. attach vt.系;贴;附加;认为有(重要性等)
attach sth. to sth.把某东西系到某东西上
attach yourself to sb./sth.加入;使隶属于
be attach to sb./sth.依恋;留恋
8. make sense有意义,有道理,讲得通
This sentence doesn?t make sense.
It makes sense to take care of your health.
Can you make sense of what this writer is saying?
common sense常识;in a (some) sense在某种意义上
There is no sense in doing sth.(做某事)没道理
9. keep up维持,保持
I hope the weather will keep up.
The noise kept up for all night.
The good news keep our spirit up.
How do you keep this large house?
keep an eye out for sb./sth.留心或注意某人/物
keep a close watch on密切注意
keep away from避开,离开;keep back防止,隐瞒
keep on继续;keep off…离开,使不接近
keep out (of)不进去,置身于……外,从……离开
keep up with跟上,不落后;keep in touch with保持联系
10. beyond ①prep.在……的那边,远于;超过
I can’t see anything beyond the river because of fog.
He is such a naughty boy and is beyond my control.
Don’t stay out beyond 10 o’clock at night.
From the top of the hill you can see a lake beyond.
Each/Every pupil was given a pencil.每个学生发一枝铅笔。
Each of us has a Chinese-English dictionary.
2.spend, cost, pay, charge与offer
(1)cost是以“物,事”为主语,常用于sth. cost (sb.) some money结构。
The cost cost her 20 yuan.这件外衣花了她20元。
Yesterday he paid the money he owed.他昨天还清了欠账。
The hotel charged me £10 for a room for the night.
We offered him the house for £1000.我们要价1000英镑卖给她那幢房子。
比较:We offered him £1000 for the house.我们出价1000英镑买他那幢房子。
3.set off, set out与set about
(1)set off有“启程;出发”的意思,还可作“引起;使爆炸”解(例略)
(2)set out的意思是“开始;着手”后常接动词不定式。
He set out to paint the whole house.他开始着手粉刷房子内外。
(3)set about的意思也是“开始;着手”但常接动名词作宾语。
She set about doing some cleaning after breakfast.她用过早餐后立即着手打扫卫生。
1.You think the newspaper is to blame for this because…
注意to blame =should be blamed 应受责备。如:
Who is to blame for breaking the window?
2.It has been proven again and that frequent advertising increases product sales.
It is (has been) proven 已被证明(后接that句)
It has been proven that more than 2000 people died in the war
类似表达有:It is / was hoped / said / announced / reported that……
It is said that the girl had been badly treated while
shopping yesterday=The girl is said to have been badly……
It is hoped that we’ll have a brighter future.
It was announced that Russia sent up another man-made satellite.
3. Not all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits.
Not all=all not 并非所有的(部分否定),此句也可写为:
All ads are not used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits. all的全部否定为none或nothing
No one.类似的还有both, each, not both(each)=both(each)
Not均为部分否定,both全部否定为neither, each全部否定为none, no one, nothing。如:
Not all the students smoke=All the students don’t smoke
None of us like that song我们一个也不喜欢那首歌。
Electricity can make a machine run。电能使机器运转。
We consider(或think) the answer (to be) correct.我们认为这个答案是对的。
What he said made me very angry.他的话使我很生气。
His father named him Tom.他父亲给他取名汤姆。
We consider Mr Zhang an excellent teacher.我们认为张先生是位优秀的老师。
They painted their boat white.他们把船漆成了白色。
We believed the report untrue.我们确认这个报告不真实。
I saw him young and strong, and now he is old and worn.
You mustn’t force him to lend his money to you.他不应该强迫他借钱给你。
Nobody noticed him enter the room.没有人注意到他进了屋子。
注:see, have, let, make, watch, notice, hear, observe等动词后的宾语补足语用不定式表示时,不可加to。help后的不定式可带也可不带to。
We saw her entering the room.我们看见她正走进那个房间。
I heard her singing an English song.我听见她在唱英语歌曲。
They found Guilin greatly changed.他们发现桂林变化很大。
At that time we were there and saw it done.那时我们在那儿,并看见这事被做完。
We take English as a useful tool for research work.
I look upon him as my teacher.我把他看成我的老师。
We found everything in the laboratory in good order.
Whenever you may go, you will find him at work.
Let the fresh air in.让新鲜空气进来。
I saw him out with his father.我看见他和他父亲外出了。
We will soon make our city what your city is now.
The plant has its own name. You cannot call it what you will.
注:能在复合宾语中先用形式宾语it,然后再用真正宾语的动词并不多,常见的有think, find, consider, judge, feel, make, take等。
They thought it right to do this test.
We all think it our duty that we should support him.
We find it necessary to master a foreign language.
Guilin is a beautiful city.桂林是一座美丽的城市。
A bright future shines before our eyes.光照的未来展现在我们眼前。
China is a developing country; America is a developed country.
Who is the man shaking hands with our teacher?和我们老师握手的那个人是谁?
This is the bridge built last year.这是去年建的那座桥。
There are thirty women teachers in our school.我们学校有30名女教师。
They are going to put up a wall newspaper next week.他们打算下周出墙报。
His rapid progress in English made us surprised.
Do you know the student whose English pronunciation is the best in your class?
More than thirty students in our class have read the book.
The teacher asked the students to copy the third paragraph of the text.
You should follow the doctor’s advice and do more exercises.
Mary’s parents have gone abroad.玛丽的父母出国了。
Our monitor is always the first to enter the classroom.
I can’t go with you. I still have a lot of work to do.
The teaching plan for next term has been worked out.
You mustn’t take the magazine out of the reading room.
He is reading an article about how to learn English.
Who is the girl in red?穿红衣服的那个姑娘是谁?
A noise outside made him turn around.外面的喧闹声使他转过身来。
The man in the room below is friendly.楼下房间的那人很友好。
There is nothing that worries him.没有什么事使他烦恼。
I will remember the day when I first met her.我将记住第一次遇见她的那一天。
Her father is a famous doctor.她父亲是个著名的医生。(代词、形容词作定语)
I’ve got an important meeting to attend.我有一个重要会议要参加。(形容词、动词不定式作定语)
People in the park were enjoying the warm sunshine.公园的人正享受着暖和的阳光。(介词短语、形容词作定语)
【考点透视 考例精析】
[考例1] It shames me to say it, but I told a lie when ______ at the meeting by my boss.
A.questioning B.having questioned
C.questioned D. to be questioned
[解析] C 本题考查分词用法。when+分词(doing/done)作状语,question vt.“对……提出疑问”,相当于when I was questioned。
[考例2] If you can’t come tomorrow,we’ll ______ have to hold the meeting next week.
A.yet B.even C.rather D.just
[解析]  D yet作“还”讲常置于句末,even“甚至”,rather“相当”,语义不符语境。just(口语)用以加强语气,“甚至”之意,故选D。
[考例3] ----How long are you staying?
----I don’t know. _______ .
A.That’s OK B.Never mind C.It depends D.It doesn’t matter
[解析] C 本题考查交际用语与惯用法。It (just) depends是口语,意思是说“看看再说,视情况而定”合乎题意。其他几个不符语境。
[考例4] It was not a serious illness, and she soon ______it.
A. got over B.got on with C.got around D.got out of
[解析] A 本题考查动词短语用法辨析。A项意为“从(病、损失等)中恢复过来”。B项是“与……相处”或“某事进展如何”。C项为“(在某处)走一走,看一看”。D项为“逃避,追逐放弃”。根据句意,应选A项。
1.We were ready to the the b___ ___ for what had happened.
2.I was ____ __(烦) with him because he kept interrupting.
3.The scientist decided he didn’t want to be a__ ____ with the project, and left.
4.We sold our house at a __ ____ (利润).
5.How did he ___ ___(反应) to your suggestion?
6.She bore the b____ __ of caring for her sick mother.
7.Will this medicine give immediate r____ _ from pain?
8.The child can’t use chopsticks p____ __.
9.She was d____ __ of a health bady.
10.They celebrated their 10th wedding ___ ___ (纪念).
1.He has a good thermometer which ______ changes in temperature very quickly.
A. reacts against B. reacts with C.reacts to D.reacts on
2.It is rather difficult to guess what her ______ would be when we tell her the news.
A. method B. reaction C.impression D.comment
3.Police have ______ to the public to come forward with any information which might help them with their inquiries.
A.urged B.claimed C.appealed D.called
4.Sorry. Madam. You’d better come tomorrow because it’s______ the visiting hours.
A.during B.at C.beyond D. before [06 福建卷]
5.Our teacher is clever, but not very good at ______ his ideas to us.
A.getting across B. getting over C.getting on D.getting into
6.His invalid father is becoming a ______ to him.
A.freight B. cargo C.burden D.load
7.If you think you can do the work, you should ______ for the job.
A.apply B. claim C. request D.appeal
8. After I stood in the room for one minute, my eyes slowly grew ______ to the gloom(黑暗).
A. accustom B. accustomed C.familiar D.custom
9.The medicine the doctor gave me ______ my headache.
A.freed B. refreshed C.released D.relieved
10. I hear you’re going to ______ that job in the accounts department.
A. go for B.go over C.go along with D. go through
We may look at the world around us, but somehow we manage not to see it until whatever we’ve become used to suddenly disappears. 1 , for example, the neatly-dressed woman I 2 to see—or look at—on my way to work each morning.
For three years, no matter 3 the weather was like, she was always waiting at the bus stop around 8∶00 am. On 4 days, she wore heavy clothes and a pair of woolen gloves. Summertime 5 out neat, belted cotton dresses and a hat pulled low over her sunglasses. 6 , she was an ordinary working woman. Of course, I 7 all this only after she was seen no more. It was then that I realized how 8 I expected to see her each morning. You might say I 9 her.
“Did she have an accident? Something 10 ?” I thought to myself about her 11 . Now that she was gone, I felt I had 12 her. I began to realize that part of our 13 life probably includes such chance meetings with familiar 14 : the milkman you see at dawn, the woman who 15 walks her dog along the street every morning, the twin brothers you see at the library. Such people are 16 markers in our lives. They add weight to our 17 of place and belonging.
Think about it. 18 , while walking to work, we mark where we are by 19 a certain building, why should we not mark where we are when we pass a familiar, though 20 , person?
1. A. Make B. Take C. Give D. Have
2. A. happened B. wanted C. used D. tried
3. A. what B. how C. which D. when
4. A. sunny B. rainy C.cloudy D.snowy
5. A.took B.brought C. carried D. turned
6. A. Clearly B. Particularly C.Luckily D.Especially
7. A. believed B.expressed C. remembered D. wondered
8. A. long B. often C. soon D.much
9. A.respected B.missed C. praised D. admired
10.A.better B. worse C. more D.less
11.A. disappearance B. appearance C. misfortune D.fortune
12.A.forgotten B. lost C.known D. hurt
13.A. happy B. enjoyable C. frequent D. daily
14.A. friends B. strangers C. tourists D. guests
15. A.regularly B. actually C. hardly D. probably
16. A. common B. pleasant C. important D. faithful
17. A. choice B. knowledge C. decision D. sense
18. A. Because B. If C. Although D.However
19. A. keeping B. changing C. passing D. mentioning
20. A. unnamed B.unforgettable C. unbelievable D. unreal
Units 5~6 (B3)
一、1.blame 2.annoyed 3.associated 4.profit 5.react 6.burden 7.relief
8.properly 9.delivered 10. anniversary
二、1.C 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.D 10.A
1—5 BCADB 6—10 ACDBB 11—15 ACDBA 16—20 CDBCA
2.C 前句说了人常犯的毛病:对习惯了的东西视而不见,本句便拿一个过去上班途中常看到的妇女作例子。Take…for example(拿……作例子)是固定用法,故2空选B,提到的妇女是作者过去常见的,现在看不到了。篇章第一句及下文均有线索,用used to。
3.A what是代词,作like的宾语。我们常用“What?s the weather like?”来询问天气。
4.D 本句后半部分说她穿着厚重的衣服,戴着毛线手套,天气一定很冷,所以要填snowy/cold/winter才合理,晴朗、下雨及多云都不必如此穿着。
5.B 本句属拟人用法。这位女士夏天会穿着棉布连衣裙,戴上(遮阳)帽子及太阳镜,就像夏天把这一切带到外面似的,故填brought。
6.A 上文得知,这位女士穿着整洁、守时、坐公共汽车,她应该是一个普通的工作女性,这一点是很清楚的,显而易见的。
7.C 紧扣首句和下文。再也见不到这位女士了,才记起了这一切。天天见到她的时候,却不曾真的留意。
8.D much作状语,表程度,是I expected very much to see her…改成的感叹结构,作realize的宾语。其余选项都表时间和频率,均不妥。
9.B 上句作者说非常盼着见到那位女士,那么也就是想念她了。
11.A 作者以前天天见到那位女士,却从不真正留意。现在她再也没有出现,作者便对此(她的消失)产生猜测,而这些猜测都应是足以让那位女士不再出现的(坏)事。故25空填worse,26空填disappearance。
12.C now that表一种原因及一件事的后果。全句意为:她不见了(结果)我倒感觉着我认识她了(天天见她时却很陌生)。
13.D 14.B
15.A 本句较长,空也多,难度就增加了,那位女士对于作者来说是一个“熟悉的陌生人”。所谓熟悉是因为常见,所谓陌生,是因为彼此不了解,从未交谈过。这样的人在生活中不少,所以由于这位女士的突然不见,作者怅然若失,才开始意识到日常生活包括了这样一些“熟悉的陌生人”,然后举了一些例子,这些例子都是日常生活中常见的人,所以13填daily,14填stranger,15填regularly。
17.D 上文提到的那些“熟悉的陌生人”增加了我们对某些地方及环境的感觉分量,故17空填D。既然这些人起到这样的作用,那么他们也就重要了,所以16空填important。
18.B 19.C
20.A 结合上文,通读最后一段,可知作者设问:走路上班时,我们会借助建筑物来标识(判断)我们走到哪里了,为什么我们不借助那些常见的人来判断一下我们走到哪里了呢?19空填passing也合理,经过某个建筑,我们就知道走到什么地方了。18空填if表条件,结合全句可知




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