模块1 Unit 2 Phrases(译林牛津版高一英语必修一教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

1. grow up
2. turn up; turn down; turn off; turn on
3. a waste of time
waste/spend … on sth/(in) doing sth
4. try to do sth; try doing sth
5. force sb to do sth; be forced to do sth
6. be angry/upset with sb
7. cannot wait to do sth
8. look around the room
9. be supposed to do sth
10. bend to touch the dog
keep/get in touch with sb
lose/(be) out of touch with sb
11. what … do with sth
how … deal with sth
12. explain sth to sb; explain to sb sth
13. with a passa boxes on the floor
14. leave me alone
15. (be) in charge (of …)
take charge of …
charge the battery
charge sb … for …
free of charge=for free
16. act like an adult
take an active part in …
take action/steps/measures (to do …)
17. the reason why …/that …
reason with sb.
18. go unpunished
19. lights go out
20. have one’s arms crossed
21. not … any more
22. deserve to do sth
23. instead of …
24. (be) hard on sb
be strict with sb
25. now that …
26. be rude to sb
27. be different from …
28. in the form of …
form the habit of doing sth
29. pay (any/no) attention to sth
draw/attract one’s attention
30. treat sb like a child
31. make mistakes;make decisions; make comparisons
32. argue about sth with sb
33. spoken English; English-speaking countries
34. It’s raining cats and dogs
35. make a mountain out of a molehill.
36. be surprised at…; (much) to one’s surprise
From Welcome to Word power
1. 成长
2. (声音)调大、调小、关掉、开
3. 浪费时间
4. 设法做…;尝试做…
5. 迫使某人做某事;被迫做…
6. 生气、不安
7. 等不及要做…
8. 环顾四周
9. 理应做某事
10. 弯腰去抚摸小狗
11. 如何处理
12. 向…解释…
13. 地板上passa盒子的…(状语、定语等)
14. 别管我、别烦我;
15. (某人)负责某事
16. 像成年人一样行事
17. …的原因
18. 免于受到惩罚
19. 等熄灭了
20. 双臂交叉
21. 不再…
22. 应该做…、配做…
23. 而不是
24. 对…严格
25. 既然、由于
26. 对…粗鲁
27. 与…不同
28. 以…的形式
29. 注意…
30. 把…像孩子样对待
31. 犯错误;做出决定;做比较
32. 就…与某人争论、争吵
33. 英语口语;说英语国家
34. 倾盆大雨
35. 小题大做
36. 对…感到惊奇;令某人惊奇的是,…
From Grammar to Project
37. give sb painting lessons
38. a little bit expensive
39. be proud of …
take pride in …
40. get good marks/achieve high grades
41. stay up
42. do a good job in …
43. regret that/doing
regret to do
44. be nervous about …
45. after all
46. mix up … with …
47. take one’s advice; follow one’s advice
ask (sb) for advice
48. be interested in …; develop/show an interest in
49. all the time
50. go out for a long walk
51. keep … in mind
52. what’s wrong with … ?
53. it takes sb … to do sth
54. make a bit of difference
55. provide sb with sth; provide sth for sb
56. be busy with sth/sb; be busy (in) doing sth
57. become upset with sb
58. at the moment
59. as though/ as if
60. insist on doing sth
insist that …
61. chat online with sb
surf the internet
62. at present
be present at …
63. prevent/stop sb (from) doing sth
keep sb from doing
keep sb doing sth
64. allow sb freedom
allow doing
allow sb to do sth
be allowed to do sth
65. or worse
worse still; what was worse
66. without harming one’s relatioship
67. help sb with sth
68. in one’s spare time
spare no efforts to do sth
69. suggest an idea
give sb a suggestion
70. fight like crazy
fight for …; fight against…
71. forbid sb to do
From Grammar to Project
37. 给某人上油画课
38. 有点儿贵
39. 对…感到自豪
40. 取得好成绩
41. 熬夜、不睡觉
42. 在…(方面)做得好
43. 后悔做…
44. 对…紧张
45. 毕竟
46. 把…与…混淆、混合
47. 听从某人建议
48. 对…感兴趣
49. 一直、总是
50. 出去散步
51. 记住…
52. 出了什么事?
53. 花费时间做…
54. 有点影响
55. 为…提供
56. 忙于做…
57. 对…感到不安
58. 此刻、现在
59. 好像
60. 坚持做…
61. 与…网上聊天
62. 目前
63. 防止…做…
64. 让某人有自由
65. 或者更糟糕
66. 而没有伤害某人关系
67. 帮助某人…
68. 在某人空闲时间
69. 建议一个注意
70. 发疯地;拼命地
71. 禁止某人做…



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