Unit 7 What does he look like?(新课标版高一英语必修一教案教学设计)

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Teaching plan
Unit 7 What does he look like?
The first period
Teaching content: 1a. 1b. 1c. 2a. 2b. 3 Grammar focus in Section A
Teaching goals:
1. Master some news words :
look like, short, hair, curly, straight, height, thin, heavy, build,
2. useful expressions:
(1)What do you look like ?
I am tall and thin. I have long hair .
(2)What does he /she look like ?
She/He is short and heavy.
She/He has short hair.
(3)What does your friend look like?
She/He has a medium height.
She /He has curly hair.
3. Through teaching activities, learn to describe people
4. Practise the students’ listening and speaking abilities.
Teaching important points:
How to describe people using the following words:
short hair, long hair, curly hair, straight hair,
tall, short, medium height,
thin, heavy, a medium build
Teaching Difficult points:
Learn to use “be” and “ have” correctly .
Teaching aids:
1.a tape recorder 2.some pictures
Teaching steps :
Step 1.Greetings and Duty-report
1. T:Class begins .(Stand up !)
T: Good morning ,class !
S: Good morning ,teacher !
T: Sit down ,please .
S: Thank you .
2.Ask two pairs to come to the front and act out their daily dialogues .
Step 2. Lead-in
T: Today we will learn a new unit, Unit 7---What does he look like ?Before that, I want to ask you some questions .
T:(to a student ) Who’s your favorite group?
S1: S.H.E
T: I like S.H.E too .(show them a picture of S.H.E)
Do you think they are beautiful ?
S1: I think so .
(Show them another picture of “Twins ”)
T:(to S2) Do you like the group ---Twins ?
S2: Yes, I like them very much .
T: Quite good .Now let’s learn how to describe a person , such as one’s hair ,height, and build …
Step 3.New words
1. Ask them to look at the pictures , and teach them the following new words :(on the Bb)
long hair, short hair ,straight hair ,curly hair
short ,a medium height, tall
thin, a medium build, heavy,
2. Practise reading the words after the teacher ,then read the words one by one .
3. Read the words by themselves ,try to remember the words ;then test them by asking Chinese .
Step4.Section A-- 1a
1.Ask the students to match the words with the picture.
2.Then check the answers
Step 5.New sentences
1.Teach the new sentences:(on the Bb)
A:What do you look like ?
B:I am tall/short/thin/heavy……
I have long hair /short hair/curly hair/straight hair/a medium height/a medium build ……
(pay attention to use “am” and “have” correctly )
2.Practise the sentence with some students by asking them “What do you look like ?”
3.Practise the sentences in pairs , then ask some pairs to act out the conversations.
4.Teach the other sentences in the same way .
A:What does he/she look like ?
B:She is tall /short/thin/heavy.
She has long hair/short hair/straight hair/curly hair/a medium height/a medium build
(pay attention to “is” and “has” correctly)
5. Practise the sentences in pairs .Then act them out.
Step 6.Drill
1. Drill the sentences like this :
S1:(to S2) What do you look like ?
S2:I have long hair . I am short and thin.
S3:(to S4) What does she look like ?(she refers to S2)
S4: She has long hair. She is short and thin.
Step 7.Listening
1.Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks in the picture .( tall, curly hair )
2.Listen and circle “is ”or “ has ” in the 2a.
Step 8. Practice
1.Read the sentence in 1c.
A: What does your friend look like ?
B: She has a medium build, and she has long hair .
2.Practise asking and answering the question in pairs. They must describe their friends to their partners .
Step 9.Consolidation
Read through the words and sentences on the Bb.
Step 10. Exercises
Finish the following dialogue.
A: Excuse me .I can’t ____ my daughter .
B:What does she ____ _____?
A: She is ____ but ____ .And she has ____ hair .
B: Oh ,Is she the girl ___ there ?
A:Yes, It’s she .Thank you .
Step 11. Homework
1. Write down all the new words and sentences in the exercise book .
2. Describe one of their good friends .
The design of the writing on the blackboard:
Unit 7.What do you look like ?
The first period
Words: Sentences:
short hair ,long hair, A:What do you look like ?
curly hair, straight hair B:I am …….I have ……
short, a medium height , A:What does she /he look like ?
tall, thin, heavy, B:She/He is ….She/He has…. a medium build A:What does your friend look like ?
look like B:She/He has a medium build,and
She /He has long hair.



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