unit 4 Green World 全单元教案学案一体化讲义(学生版)(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计)

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高三英语备课组 主备:谢琴
一、Teaching aims:
Grasp the following words, phrases and sentences:
Ⅰ. 重点单词
procedure bunch merely classify promote appetite appoint calculate expense involve settlement accumulate abandon tone reward technician nowhere altogether latter distinguished appearance
Ⅱ. 重点短语
look out for ,on a large scale, year after year, pass away, name after, in detail, a bunch of, be suitable to, have…in common, belong to, a branch of, classify…into, base…on…, according to, have an appetite for, appoint…as…, lead a cosy life, be involved in, at one’s own expesse, give birth to
Ⅲ. 重要句型:
1.Attempts had been made by others to classify plant species into groups, but the breakthrough came with the work of Carl Linnaeus.
2.Showing how plants were related was a complex and strange
thing before Linnaeus developed his system.
3.Born into a life of privilege, Joseph Banks was the son of a wealthy family.
4. As astronomy was one of the most important branches of science, it was the British government that paid for all the equipment and expenses for that part of the expedition.
5. Despite his wealth, he worked to make a career in science.
6. On their three-year voyage, Joseph Banks did not only study and describe new plants he found, but also look out for new economic species; plants that could be grown in England or other parts of the world to produce crops that could be sold .
7. It was Darwin’s visit on the Beagle to the Galapagos Isles that gave him the key to his new theory.
二、Teaching periods:Four
Period I Word Study
1. procedure n.
1) 程序;手续;步骤,工序;[U][C]
The chairman was ______________________for conducting a meeting.
The next procedure is as follows. _____________________________
He complained to the manager, and___________________ got the money back.
2) 常规;传统的做法[C][U]
The first step in the procedure for making a kite is to build the frame.
2. promote vt.
The Prime Minister’s visit will promote the cooperation between the two countries.
promotion n. 提升;促进;推销
promoter n. (企业等的)发起人;推销商
promotional adj. 推销的;提升的;发起的
3. appetite n.[U][C] 欲望;爱好;食欲;胃口
Exercise gave her a good appetite.
have a good / poor appetite ____________________
to sb’s appetite ___________________________
lose one’s appetite _________________________
(2). 欲望;爱好[(+for)]
•have an appetite for _________________
4. appoint vt.
They appointed him to be/as chairman.
Our visitors arrived at the appointed time.
We have appointed 8 o’clock as the time to begin.
n. appointment 约会;约定
make / fix an appointment with sb. ___________________
by appointment _____________________
keep / break one’s appointment ______________________
5. look out for
look out / watch out:语气最强,常用于某种紧急的情况或可能出现的危险的场合。
take care:语气不如look out强,常用于出现不测的情况下做出提醒或警告。
be careful:常用语,使用场合较广。
1)Look out! There is danger ahead!
2) Take care! The pan is hot. Don’t touch it.
3) Be careful! Don’t break it. It’s made of glass.
look out for 当心,小心;找寻
1) Look out for the pickpockets.
2) He look out for the truth all his life.
look 的相关短语:
look around / round ___________ look at ____________________
look back _______ look down __________________
look down on / upon _____________ look for _____________
look forward to _________________ look into _______________
look over ______________ look through _______________
look up ________________ look up to __________________
6. on a large scale _______________________
They do only government projects and similar construction work on a large scale.
7. involve
involve sb. / sth. in (doing ) sth. 使某人/物参与……
be involved in = be busy doing / be engaged in
be involved in sth. ________________________
be involved in doing sth. _____________________________
1) 他正忙着准备入学考试。
2) 我们被告知此人卷入这一罪行。
3) 他专心一意地订计划。
involved adj. 复杂的
involvement n. 卷入,牵连,牵连到的事物
8. abandon vt.
(2.) 放弃,中止
He finally abandoned his reformist ideas.
(3.) (与oneself连用)使放纵;使听任[(+to)]
9. pass away
The old man passed away peacefully this morning.
pass by _____________
pass down = hand down
pass on
1) If you can’t do the job yourself, ____________ it to someone who can.
2) Somebody asked me the way to the Town Hall.
3) The revolutionary tradition __________________ from generation to generation.
10. reward
(1)reward sb for sth/doing sth 因……报答某人
Is this how you reward me for my help?
(2)reward sb with /by 用……酬谢某人。
(2)n. 奖金;报答;报酬;奖励。
She offered a reward of $ 2000 for information about her missing son.
The reward has never been claimed.
in reward
ask no reward
give a reward to sb for sth
as a reward for…
reward according to sb’s deserts
15. Distinguish
distinguish between A and B 分辨A 和B
distinguish A from B 区分A与B
be distinguished by / for 以……著名的
distinguish…into 把……分类
distinguish oneself 使杰出;使显出特色
1) People who cannot distinguish between colors are said to be color-blind
2) He distinguished himself by his bravery.
3) 分辨是非
4) The young officer distinguished himself many times in battle.

5) 言语使人区别于动物。
tell the difference between A and B 说出A 与B 之间的不同
tell A from B 把A 与B 区分开来
tell A and B apart 把A 与B 分开
differ A from B.使A 不同于B
Period II Reading
Step 1. Lead-in
Step 2. Pre-reading
Why was Carl Linnaeus important to the history of botany as a science?
Step 3. Fast reading
How many people are mentioned in the passage?
Step 4. Careful reading
1. Before Linnaeus botany was ________.
A.studied by doctors B.unknown to anyone
C.fully developed D.a branch of medicine
2. Some economic species plants such as____ could help to develop local economies.
A.rose and peony B.tea and apple
C.cocoa and hemp D.Cocoa and lemon
3. It was ____ who made Kew a centre of scientific and economic research.
A. Joseph Banks B. Captain Cook C. Linnaeus D. Daniel Solander
4.Paragraph one of the text mainly tells us ___ .
A.the importance of botany
B.how to classify plant species into groups
C.Linnaeus’ contribution to botany
D.Linnaeus’ discoveries about different species
5. Captain Cook made ___voyages altogether around the world.
A.one B. Two C. Three D. four
Step 5. Post-reading
1. How did scientists classify plants before Linnaeus?
2. What were the goals of James Cook’s first voyage around the world?
3. Why did Joseph Banks have to supply his own money to equip part of the expedition?
4. What could be a possible explanation for the name “strawberry”?
Step 6. Language points
1. Born into a life of privilege, … 生来就享有特权
1) be born into / to / of 出生于
2) be born + (to be) adj. / 名词短语
= ----------------------------.
2. Many young men in his position would lead a cosy life, but young Banks had an appetite for knowledge. 许多像他这样有地位的年轻人过的是舒适安逸的生活,而年轻的班克斯却渴求知识。
1) 处境;境地
Madam Michel found her in an awkward position.
in one’s position 处于某人的处境
2) 姿势;位置
sit in an comfortable position _________________________
a vertical position ____________________________________
3) 地位;职位
They were men of the highest position in England.
3. As astronomy was one of the most important branches of science, it was the British government that paid for all the equipment and expenses for that part of the expedition.
as 的用法:
1) 引导原因状语从句“因为,既然”
We all like her as she is kind. 。
2) 引导方式状语从句“按照,如同”
3) 表示时间“当……时候”
随着时间的流逝 ...
4) 表示让步 “虽然,尽管”
Tired as they were, they walked on.
as for as if / though
as to so as to
so…as to
强调句型:It is / was + 被强调的部分 + that + 其余部分
1) 我爱好通俗音乐。(强调主语)

2) 我们经常在阅览室做作业。(强调地点状语)

Period Ⅲ Integrating skills
Step I Lead-in
StepⅡ Fast-reading
The text can be divided into four parts, then summarize the main idea of each part:
Part I -- Para__________
Part II -- Para_________
Part III -- Para_________
Part IV -- Para_________
StepⅢ Careful-reading: Choose the best answer
1. The research by Darwin, Mendel and Turesson shows that_
A. genetics is more important than the environment to plants
B. genetics is less important than the environment to plants
C. both genetics and the environment are important to plants
D. neither genetics nor the environment is important to plants
2. Darwin observed that the birds with __ would eat_
A. small beaks l hard seeds B.broad beaks;hard seeds
C. hard beaks;hard seeds D.broad beaks;soft seeds
3. Darwin joined the scientific expedition on _____ .
A. the Endeavour B. Tahiti C.the Beagle D.space
4. Scientists of the nineteenth century believed that
A. the development of new species was behind the influence of the environment
B. the development of new species and the influence of the environment were hand in hand
C. the development of new species had nothing to do with the influence of the environment
D. the influence of the environment was behind the development of new species .
5. Darwin studied physics,chemistry and botany because_________
A.he was invited to join scientific expedition
B.he was interested in them
C.he could do a lot Of experiments
D.he wanted to finish his book “On the Origin of Species”
Step Ⅳ Language points
1. It was … that gave him the key to his new theory. 新理论的要领
the key to sth. / doing sth. ……的关键;……的答案

2. … and deserved special attention.
deserve 值得,该受到,可褒可贬
1) I think you’re playing with fire. You deserve it!

2) How dare you do this to me? You deserve a kick in the ass!

3) Such a little boy has to work to support his family. It deserves sympathy!
If you do wrong, you deserve punishment.
If you do wrong, you deserve punishing.
If you do wrong, you deserve to be punished.
类似的词还有:need, want, require
3. … the ideas concerning the influence of environment upon plants…
a declaration concerning the war
concern oneself with
be concerned in
as concerns = concerning
be concerned for / about
4. such as soil conditions, is of equal importance to the output of crop.
be of + 抽象名词 = be + 该词的形容词
be of importance = be important
be of value = be valuable
be of + the size / age / weight / kind / height… 这类抽象名词没有相应的形容词
They are of the same age but of different height.
1按植物种类分类 classify plant species into groups
2鉴别不同物种 identification of different species
3以…为根据 base on
4结果 as a result
5第一眼 at first sigh
6发展这系统 promote the system
7结成终身好友 develop a lifelong friendship
8一出生就过着有特权的生活 born into a life of privilege
9对知识求知欲若渴 have an appetite for knowledge
10开创事业 make a career
11任命某人做… appoint sb. as…
12根据指示 according to the instructions
13装备那次远征 equip the expedition
14在三年的航海中 on the three-year voyage
15当心,小心 look out for
16大规模地 on a large scale
17巨大的成功 a great success
18参与事务 involve in enterprises
19开拓澳大利亚 the settlement of Australia
20发展成为 develop…into…
21积累大量的知识 accumulate a great deal of knowledge
22水量 amount of water
23试做某事 experiment with doing
24年轻时 in one’s youth
25创建新理论的钥匙 the key to the new theory
26值得特别关注 deserve special attention
27相互有关联 a relationship with/relate to
28用花与豌豆进行实验 conduct experiments with flowers and peas
29诞生了遗传学 give birth to the science of genetics
30发现了证据 find evidence for sth.
31长成灌木 grow to a bush
32改变其外形 change one’s appearance
33 适应新环境 adapt to the new environment
34农作物产量 the output of crops
35同样重要 be of equal importance
36 重新认识环境对物种的重要性
bring the importance of the environment on spices back in view
Period Ⅳ 单元同步练习
I. Choose the best answer.
1. The language which the Maori speak is ________ the language of Tahiti and Hawaii.
A. compared to B. related to
C. separated from D. developed from
2. They fell in love ________.
A. in first sight B. in sight
C. at first sight D. at the first sight
3. ________ what others say, I think he's a very nice person.
A. Because of B. Instead of C. Except D. Despite
4. You'll catch cold if you don't ________.
A. look after B. look out
C. look up D. look around
5. ---This pair of shoes are too small to ________ me. Could you show me another?
---Of course. Please look at these ones.
A. be fit for B. fit C. suit D. agree with
6. ---_______ did you think of the exhibition?
---Oh, ________great success!
A. What; what a B. How; what a
C. What; how a D. How; how
7. Listen! His family must be quarrelling, ________?
A. mustn't it B. isn't it
C. aren't they D. needn't they
8. ---Don't you believe me?
---_______. I'll believe ________you say.
A. No, whatever B. Yes, no mater what
C. No, no matter what D. Yes, whatever
9. It was not until he got to the office _________ he remembered ________the key home.
A. when, leaving B. when, to leave
C. that, leaving D. that, to leave
10. He never thought that they would choose him _________head of the workshop though he was only in _________ twenties.
A. /, his B. a, his C. the, the D.a, the
11. ---What made Bill so angry?
---________. His girl friend promised to come at 8: 30, but she hasn't come yet.
A. Having kept waiting B. Being kept walling
C. To be keeping wait D. Being kept v»ailed
12. Don't tell the keys _________ the exercises first when the students do their homework.
A. of B. in C. on D. to
13. Our eyes slowly ________the dark.
A. agreed with B. agreed to
C. adapted to D. took in
14. China has hundreds of islands, ________ the largest is Taiwan.
A. in which B. to which
C. from which D. of which
15. If he had been given _________ days, he would have done better.
A. more three B. three more
C. three another D. three other
II. Close Test
Some plays are so successful that they run for years on end. In many ways, this is 1 for the poor actors who are required to go on repeating the same 2 night after night. One would 3 them to know their parts by heart and 4 have cause to falter(结巴).Yet 5 is not always the case.
A famous actor in a 6 successful play was once cast in the role of an aristocrat (贵族) 7 had been imprisoned in Bastille for twenty years. In the last act,a gaoler(监狱长,看守)would always come on to the stage with a letter which he would hand to the prisoner. 8 the noble was expected to read the letter at each 9 ,he always insisted that it should be written out in full.
One night, the gaoler decided to play a joke 10 his colleague to find out if, after so many performances, he had managed to learn the 11 of the letter by heart. The curtain went up on the final act of the play and revealed (使显露)the aristocrat sitting alone behind bars in his dark cell. Just then,the gaoler 12 with the precious letter in his hands. He entered the 13 and presented the letter to the aristocrat. But the copy he gave him had not been written out in 14 as usual. It was simply a blank sheet of paper. The gaoler looked on eagerly, 15 to see if his fellow actor had at last learnt his lines. The noble stared at the blank sheet of paper for a few seconds. Then,squinting(眯着眼看)his eyes,he said, “The light is 16 .Read the letter to me.” And he quickly handed the sheet of paper to the gaoler. 17 that he could not remember a word of the letter either, the gaoler replied,“The light is indeed dim,sir. I must get my 18 ”With this, he hurried off the stage. Much to the aristocrat’s 19 ,the gaoler returned a few moments later with a pair of glasses and the 20 copy of the letter which he proceeded(继续进行)to read to the prisoner.
1.A. fortunate B. unfortunate C. happy D. unhappy
2.A. lines B. words C. plays D. roles
3.A. want B. ask C. expect D. wish
4.A. always B. never C. sometimes D. often
5.A. such B. the thing C. one D. this
6.A. highly B. high C. poorly D. poor
7.A. where B. what C. which D. who
8.A. Because B. Even though C. When D. Though
9.A. play B. performance C. role D. case
10.A. with B. in C. on D. to
11.A. pages B. joke C. lines D. contents
12.A. appeared B. disappeared C. came out D. came in
13.A. room B. cell C. stage D. office
14.A. English B. French C. order D. full
15.A. glad B. surprised C. anxious D. afraid
16.A. bright B. dim C. dark D. out
17.A. To see B. To find C. Seeing D. Finding
18.A. glasses B. lines C. light D. letters
19.A. surprise B. satisfaction C. anger D. amusement
20.A. usual B. old C. unusual D. new
III. Reading Comprehension
An explosion on Thursday killed one and injured 21 in a busy street in Tongren, Southwest China’s Guizhou Province.
The bomb was hidden in a rubbish bin in the city’s commercial hub(商业中心),where lots of shops and restaurants are concentrated. The ear-splitting blast was heard around 12∶50 p.m.,said a local newspaper, citing witnesses. The power of the blast shattered(使粉碎)nearby shop windows and ripped the stainless(不生锈的)steel rubbish can to pieces.
One passer-by,identified(确认)only as Zhang,said she was shocked by the noise and saw a lot of pedestrians lying on the ground when she got to the scene. Thirteen of the injured were taken to a local hospital after the explosion. A doctor there said five were in serious condition but already out of danger after emergency treatment. The others were just slightly hurt.
The cause of the explosion is still under investigation, said an officer with the Tongren police, but refused to speculate as to the cause.
1.It can be inferred from the passage that ________.
A. All the injured were taken to a hospital
B. 8 of the injured were not taken to a hospital
C. The rubbish bin with a bomb was in a restaurant
D. The rubbish bin with a bomb was in a shop
2.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A. One passer-by, identified only as Zhang, saw the man throwing a bomb into a bin.
B. Some customers in restaurants were injured.
C. The writer didn’t get to the scene.
D. All customers in shops got hurt.
3.In the last paragraph the underlined word“ speculate” probably means ________.
A. tell B. guess C. discuss D. talk
4.What of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A. Bomb Hidden in a Rubbish Bin
B. The Cause of the Explosion
C. A Terrible Thing D. Market Blast Kills 1, Injures 21
How many coins have you got in your pocket right now? Three? Two? A bent one?
With a phone card you can make up to 200 calls without any change at all.
(1) What do you do with it?
Go to a telephone box marked (you guessed it) “phone card”. Put in your card, make your call and when you’ve finished, a screen tells you how much is left on your card.
(2) Now appear in a shop near you.
Near each Card phone place you’ll find a shop where you can buy one. They’re at bus, train and city tube stations(地铁).
Many universities, hospitals and clubs. Restaurants and gas stations on the highway and shopping centers. At airports and seaports.
(3) No more broken payphones.
Most broken payphones are like that because they’ve been vandalized(故意破坏). There are no coins in Card phone to excite thieves’ interest in it. So you’re not probably to find a vandalized one.
Get a phone card yourself and try it out, or get a bigger wallet.
5.The passage is most probably ________.
A. a warning B. a note
C. an advertisement(广告) D. an announcement
6.There are three sections in the passage. Which section do you think is about why phone cards are good?
A. Section 1. B. Section 2. C. Section 3. D. None.
7.Choose the right order or the steps under “How do you use a phone card”.
a. Put in your phone card.
b. Look at the screen to find out how many calls you can still make.
c. Go to a telephone box marked “Phone card”.
d. Make your call.
A. a, b, c, d B. c, a, d, b C. a, d, c, b D. c, d, a, b
“Soon, you’re going to have to move out!” cried my neighbor upon seeing the largest tomato plant known to mankind or at least known in my neighborhood.
One tiny 9-inch plant, bought for $1.25 in the spring, has already taken over much of my rose bed, covering much of other plants, and is well on its way to the front door.
Roses require a good deal of care, and if it weren’t for the pleasure they give, it wouldn’t be worth the work. As it is, I have a garden full of sweet-smelling roses for most of the year. bushes must be pruned (剪枝) in early spring, leaving ugly woody branches until the new growth appears a few weeks later. It was the space available (可用的) in the garden that led me into planting just one little tomato plant. A big mistake.
Soil conditions made just perfect for roses turn out be even more perfect for tomatoes. Thedaily watering coupled with full sun and regular fertilizing (施肥) have turned the little plant into a tall bush. The cage I placed around it as the plant grew has long since disappeared under the thick leaves.
Now the task I face in harvesting the fruit is twofold; First, I have to find the red ones among the leaves, which means I almost have to stand on my head, and once found I have to reach down and under, pick the tomatoes and withdraw (缩回) my full fist without dropping the prize so dearly won. I found two full-blown white roses completely hidden as I picked tomatoes in June. But they were weak and the leaves already yellow for lack of light.
Here I am faced with a painful small decision: To tear up a wonderful and productive tomato plant that offers up between ten and twenty ripe sweet tomatoes each day or say goodbye to several expensive and treasured roses. Like Scarlett in Gone With the Wind, I’ll think about that tomorrow.
8.What are the requirements for the healthy growth of rose?
A.A lot of care and the right soil.
B.Frequent pruning and fertilizing.
C.Tomato plants grown alongside.
D.Cages placed around the roots.
9.The writer planted the tomato because _________.
A.it cost only $1.25
B.the soil was just right for it
C.there was room for it in the garden
D.the roses’ branches needed to be covered
10.This year the writer’s roses were __________.
A.removed from the rose bed
B.picked along with the tomatoes
C.mostly damaged by too much sunlight
D.largely hidden under the tomato plant
11.By saying “the prize so dearly won” in paragraph 5, the writer wants to ________.
A.show the difficulty in picking the tomatoes
B.show the hardship of growing the roses
C.express her liking for the roses
D.express her care for the tomatoes
12.In the situation described in the text, one good thing is that ________.
A.the roses cost the writer little money
B.the writer has a daily harvest of tomatoes
C.someone will help the writer make the decision
D.the writer can now enjoy both the roses and tomatoes
Want a glance of the future of health care? Take a look at the way the various networks of people about patient care are being connected to one another, and how this new connectivity is being exploited to deliver medicine to the patient - no matter where he or she may be.
Online doctors offering advice based on normal symptoms(症状)are the most obvious example. Increasingly, however, remote diagnosis(远程诊断)will be based on real physiological data(生理数据)from the actual patient. A group from the University of Kentucky has shown that by using personal data assistance plus a mobile phone, it is perfectly practical to send a patient’s important signs over the telephone. With this kind of equipment, the cry asking whether there was a doctor in the house could well be a thing of the past.
Other medical technology groups are working on applying telemedicine to rural (countryside) care. And at least one team wants to use telemedicine as a tool for disaster need - especially after earthquakes. On the whole, the trend is towards providing global access to medical data and experts’ opinions.
But there is one problem. Bandwidth(宽带) is the limiting factor for sending complex (复杂 )medical pictures around the world, —CU photos being one of the biggest bandwidth users. Communication satellites say be able to deal with the short - term needs during disasters such as earthquakes or wars. But medicine is looking towards both the second - generation Internet and third generation mobile phones for the future of remote medical service.
Doctors have met to discuss computer-based tools for medical diagnosis, training and telemedicine. With the falling price of broadband communications, the new technologies should start a new time when telemedicine and the sharing of medical information, experts’ opinions and diagnosis are common.
13.The writer chiefly talks about ________ .
A. the use of telemedicine B. the on-lined doctors
C. medical care and treatment
D. communication improvement
14.Which of the following statements is true according to the text?
A. Patients don’t need doctors in hospitals any more.
B. It is impossible to send a patient’s signs over the telephone.
C. Many teams use telemedicine dealing with disasters now.
D. Broadband communications will become cheaper in the future.
15.The “problem” in the fourth paragraph refers to the fact that ________ .
A. bandwidth isn’t big enough to send complex medical pictures
B. the second - generation of Internet has not become popular yet
C. communication satellites can only deal with short - term needs
D. there is not enough equipment for spreading the medical care
As any homemaker who has tried to keep order at the dinner table knows, there is far more to a family meal than food. Sociologist Michael Lewis has been studying 50 families to find out just how much more.
Lewis and his co-workers carried out their study by videotaping (录像) the families while they ate ordinary meals in their own homes. They found that parents with small families talk actively with each other and their children. But as the number of children gets larger, conversation gives way to the parents’ efforts to control the loud noise they make. That can have an important effect on the children. “In general the more question-asking the parents do, the higher the children’s IQ scores.” Lewis says. “And the more children there are, the less question-asking there is.”
The study also provides an explanation for why middle children often seem to have a harder time in life than their siblings (兄弟姐妹). Lewis found that in families with three or four children, dinner conversation is likely to center on the oldest child, who has the most to talk about, and the youngest, who needs the most attention. “Middle children are invisible.” Says Lewis, “When you see someone get up from the table and walk around during dinner, chances are it’s the middle child.” There is, however, one thing that stops all conversation and prevents anyone from having attention: “When the TV is on.” Lewis says, “dinner is a non-event.”
16.The writer’s purpose in writing the text is to ________.
A.show the relationship between parents and children
B.teach parents ways to keep order at the dinner table
C.report on the findings of a study
D.give information about family problems
17.Parents with large families ask fewer questions at dinner because ______.
A.they are busy serving food to their children
B.they ate busy keeping order at the dinner table
C.they have to pay more attention to younger children
D.they are tired out having prepared food for the whole family
18.By saying “Middle children are invisible” in paragraph 3, Lewis means that middle children __________
A.have to help their parents to serve dinner
B.get the least attention from the family
C.are often kept away from the dinner table
D.find it hard to keep up with other children
19.Lewis’ research provides an answer to the question ________.
A.why TV is important in family life
B.why parents should keep good order
C.why children in small families seem to be quieter
D.why middle children seem to have more difficulties in life
20.Which of the following statements would the writer agree to?
A.It is important to have the right food for children.
B.It is a good idea to have the TV on during dinner.
C.Parents should talk to each of their children frequently.
D.Elder children should help the younger ones at dinner.
1.The boy was p_________ to the fourth grade.
2.He was a __________ mayor of the city.
3.He a_________ his wife and child.
4.Banks was the first to move crops from one continent to another on a large s ______.
5. Education should not be considered to be a p_________ in a modern society.
6. She is only twelve years old, she doesn’t have the ______________(身份证) card.
7. They followed the usual ___________ (程序)
8. He is good at managing his__________(企业).
9. The principal’s ___________(露面)at the party didn’t seem to be very welcome.
10. We hope for a lasting ____________ (解决)of all these troubles.
1. B 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. A 11. B 12. D 13. C
14. D 15. B
1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.B 10.C 
11.D 12.A 13.B 14.D 15.C 16.B 17.D 18.A 19.D 20.A 
(A) 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.D  (B) 1.C 2.C 3.B 
(C) 1.A 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.B  (D) 1.A 2.D 3.D 
(E) 1.C 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.C




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