新课标unit1Great Scientists整套教案The 4th Period(新课标版高二Ó¢Óï必修五教案教学

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Teaching Aims:
1. Teach grammar (The Past Participle as the Predicative & Attribute)
2. Improve the students’ listening skills.
Difficult and Important Points:
1)Learn the grammar(The Past Participle as the Predicative & Attribute)
2)Have the Ss sum up the function of the past participle using inductive method.
Teaching Methods:
1. Inductive Method
2. Group work
Teaching Procedures:
Step I Dictation
Step II. Grammar
1.Please look at the sentences carefully. Pick out the attribute& predicative of the sentences.
1) I was angry with him for keeping me waiting so long.
2) She is a beautiful young lady.
3) He got worried about losing the money.
4) Sally was so excited at the good news.
5) So many thousands of terrified people died.
Please classify the words that you identify into groups and explain why you divide them into these groups.
angry beautiful young
worried excited terrified
3. Now use a different past participle/adjective in each sentence to change the mood of the sentence.
4. Discovering Useful Structures P4
(1).Find more examples in the reading passage where the past participle is used as attribute and predicative.1) Doctor John Snow was a well-known doctor in London. (Attribute)
2) John Snow told the astonished people in Broad Street. (Attribute)
3) He got interested in the two theories.(predicative)
4) Neither its cause, nor its cure was understood. (Predicative)
(2). Complete the table with phrases that have the same meaning
Step III. Listening P5 Using language
Step IV. Discussion
In pairs discuss what scientific job each of you would like to choose in the future.
(Refer to the questions &expressions on P6 that may help you)
Step V. Exercises
•Finish Ex. 2 on P42. (Translation)
•Finish Ex.1&2 on P44.(Using structures)
Step VI. Summary
Step VII. Homework assignment



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