模快五 Unit 1 Language points(译林牛津版高二英语必修五教案教学设计)

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Welcome to the unit
1. practise vt. 练习
He is practising the piano now.
We often practise speaking English among ourselves.
2.get along/ on
1). 进展 get along with
How are you getting along with your computer?
We can’t get along well without courage.
2). 相处融洽 get along with
My cat is getting along well with my dog.
My family are getting along well with my neighbors.
3. be worth 值得
1) Be worth+名词
I paid only 10 yuan for the book, but is worth much more.
The book is worth 10 yuan.
2) be worth + doing 表被动含义
The book is well worth reading.
注意:be worthy of + 名词 或 being done be worthy to be done
The experiment is worthy of careful try.
The experiment is worthy of being tried.
The experiment is worthy to be tried.
4. What do you think are most important characteristics in a friend?
Wh + do you think + 其他部分 用以征询对方的看法或推测等。
Who do you think has got the first prize?
Where do you think we will go for a picnic?
He who betrays his country will be punished.
He betrayed his friends to the enemy. His friends were betrayed to the enemy by him.
2) 泄露(秘密) 暴露
He betrayed the news to all his friends.
2.We have been best friends since primary school. Since
1) 连词
Unemployment in that country is now at its lowest level since World War II.
She has been away from her hometown since five years ago.
2) 副词
She left her hometown five years ago. We haven’t seen her since.
3) It is … since …
It is just three days since they arrived at the mountain village. 他们到达这个山村才三天时间。
It is three years since I worked in the factory. 我不在这个工厂工作已经三年了。
3.I thought it would be quite easy and was not worried about the results.原以为
Here he comes. I thought he would be late.
I didn’t think that he had done such a stupid thing.
Worry about + sb. / sth. / doing sth 侧重于动作 be worried about 侧重于状态
He is worrying about getting a job after graduation.他正为毕业后找工作的事发愁。
There is nothing to worry about. 没什么可担心的。
He is worried about his son’s safety.他担心儿子的安危。
4.I must have sounded very proud of myself …
It must have rained yesterday, for the grand is wet.
He has a good knowledge of Beijing very well. He must have been to Beijing before.
Must be / must have done的否定式为 can’t
Mr. Smith cannot have left here for I say him just now.
5. stupid with very slow thinking
It was stupid of me to tell him the truth.我真傻告诉他真相。
That is a stupid thing to do.
6. I didn’t feel like I was overlooking my studies.
Feel like +sth/ doing sth 想要;喜欢
I feel like going shopping.我想去买东西。
She feels like eating ice-cream. 她喜欢吃冰激凌。
1) forget; not see something important忽略;漏看
I overlooked the fact. 我忽略了这个事实。
I overlooked this mistake in your paper the first time I read it.我第一次看你的试卷时没有看出这个错误。
2) look down at sth from above 俯瞰
My room overlooks the sea.
7.I was determined to be cheerful.
Be determined + to do / that clause 决心; 决定
He was determined.= He has made up his mind.
He was determined that he would try his best to finish the work.
He was determined to try his best to finish the work.
determine to do侧重动作 切是终止性动词
He has been determined to work in Xinjiang for a long time.但不能用 He has determined to work in Xinjiang for a long time.
Admit+ sth/ doing sth / that 承认; 供认 admit sth to be
The thief admitted his crime.
I admit that I was rude and I am very sorry.
He admitted having stolen sth from the bank.
I admit it to be true.
9.How they must have laughed behind my back.
How + adj/ adv +主谓 构成感叹句。但有:
How time flies!
How I regret I wasted the time when I was at school.
10.swear swore sworn make a strong promise 发誓 宣誓
I believe that it is true but I cannot swear it.我认为这是真的,但我不能保证一定这样。
He swore to speak the truth. 他宣誓要说实话。
11. forgive not to punish someone who has done something wrong 宽恕
Forgive me for coming so late.
We forgave him his mistakes.
12.tease 挪揄; 戏弄 逗弄 取笑
The naughty boy teased the dog.
The other boy teased John about his carelessness.
13.dilemma a position requiring a choice between two evils.左右为难的状况
Don’t put me into a dilemma.不要使我左右为难。
14. brilliant 1)very bright耀眼的 辉煌的
She is wearing brilliant jewels.
2)very clever才华横溢的 非常聪明的
She had a brilliant idea.
She is a brilliant student.
15.focus focus on focus sth on 聚焦 对焦
He focused the camera and took a photo.
He focused his mind on his lessons when studying.
16. badly 1) 非常
I miss you badly.
He needs the dictionary badly.
2)very seriously
You mustn’t move someone if they are badly hurt.
He was badly hurt.
17.absent-minded 合成词 adj-n+ed
Blue-eyed 蓝眼睛的 warm-hearted 热心肠的 four-legged 四条腿的
18.keep on doing 与 keep doing
The baby kept crying all night. 这婴儿哭了一夜。
He kept on learning Russian.他不断地学习俄语。
19.kind of
This kind of tree is nice.
These kinds of tree(s) are easy to grow.
20.blame blame sb / sth blame sth on sb be to blame
Bad workmen blame their tools.
He blamed his failure on the teacher.
You are to blame in this.
Word power
1.even though/ if
Even though /if you failed in an exam, you still couldn’t give it up.
Even though it is raining, we have to go to school.
2.as ;when; while
As 用来强调主句和从句中动作和事情同时发生“一边…一边…”
He looked behind as he was running.
As time went by, the tree grew taller and taller.
When 1)当什么时候 从句中的时间既可以是一段,也可以是一点。
When you telephoned me, I was drawing a picture.
When I was watering the garden, it began to rain.
2) 这时突然
I was doing my homework when he called me.
While 1)从句中用延续性动词,常用进行时态
While they were having a party, the light went out.
The husband was looking after the baby while his wife was cooking in the kitchen.
Grammar and usage




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