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Unit 11
1.Do you want to do research or start a hi-tech company?What kind of support and
environment will you need?
2.Why are scientific achievements important?
3. Why do scientists spend so much time trying to achieve something?
4.Do you know “China’s Silicon Valley”? Where is it?
A statue of a DNA molecule. It is the symbol of the Zhongguancun Scientific and Technological Garden.
The numerals 0 and 1 represent the idea that Zhongguancun will rely on computer technology to develop itself.
An office of a large enterprise in Zhongguancun.
Say True or False to the following sentences.
1.Zhongguancun is located in the southwest of Beijing.
2.Zhongguancun was set up in the nineteenth century.
3.Xiang Yufang didn’t want to return to China because he wanted to work with the top scientists in his field.
4.Later his friends persuaded him to come back .
5.Zhongguancun has a positive effect on business. T
6. All the great achievements in the future will surely be born in Zhongguancun..
7 Haidian District in Beijing is the centre for Chinese Academy of sciences and technology.
8. Zhongguancun is the leader of China’s hi-tech industry as Silicon Valley in the USA. T
9.China’s science and technology centre got started in the early 1980s and it became a special economic zone in the late 1990s.. T
10.Only those who studied abroad can find jobs in Zhongguancun.
11. Most of the companies in Zhongguancun do business either on hi-tech or IT .
12. Chen Chunxian was the first person who set up the science park of China.
13 More than half of the people working in Zhongguancun have high degrees. T
14. What has made Zhongguancun a success is the spirit of creativity and scientific skill. T
Choose the best answer.
1.According to the author, Zhongguancun is home to ______. A
A.some famous research institutes and universities B.every Chinese
C.all of the graduates D.all private research institutes
2.The science park got started ____. B
A.in the late 1990s B.in the early1980s C.in the early 1990s D.in the late 1980s
3.What is NOT true about Zhongguancun ? D
A.It is located in Haidian District, in northwestern Beijing.
B.It was set up as a special economic zone in the 1990s.
C.Most of its companies are doing IT business.
D.It is not a good place for new companies.
4.According to the reading, Xiang Yufang returned to China and opened a company in Zhongguancun because _______. D
A.he wanted to see more of the world
B.he enjoyed working with the best scientists in his field
C.he felt really comfortable
D.he could enjoy his work and contribute to his country at the same time
5.According to the graph in the passage, how many of the people who work in Zhongguancun have a master’s degree or above? B
A.25,000 B.30,000 C.35,000 D.180,000
6.Today there are _____ IT companies in Zhongguancun. C
A.more than 8,000 B.less than 8,000 C.more than 4,000 D.less than 4,000
Questions: (Detailed information)
1.What kind of spirit has made Zhongguancun a success?
It is the spirit of creativity and scientific skill that has made Zhongguancun a success.
2.What are the two mottos mentioned in the text for the park?
One is “Relying on science,technology,and knowledge to increase economic power.”The other is “Encouraging pioneering work and accepting failure.”
The main idea of each part.
Part 1 (para1-2): General introdution of Zhongguancun
Part2 (para3-7): Why Zhongguancun attracts more and more overseas Chinese.
Part3 (part8-9): The positive effect Zhongguancun has had on both business and science & the spirit of Zhonguancun
Read the text carefully again and then do the word study of page5.
Use the Internet to find out more about Silicon Valley in the US and then compare the two areas. In which ways are they similar or different?
Unit 12
Lead in
When were the inventions in the pictures made?
Picture 1:
It was invented in the early years of the 20th century.
Picture 2:
Thomas Edison invented the light bulb in 1879
Picture 3:
In 1769 James Watt built a steam-powered boat.
Jules Verne
Born in: 1828 Died in: 1905
Nationality: French
Interested in: theatre
Studied : botany, applied science
Famous novels: 20,000 Leagues under the Sea, Journey to the Center of the Earth, the Children of Captain Grant, the Mysterious Island, 80 Days around the World .
Fast Reading:
Find the main idea for the following paragraphs
Para.1 The life of Jules Verne
Para.2-5 The film “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Para.6 The film “Journey to the Center of the Earth
True or False
1. Verne had to sell newspaper to make a living when he was in Paris.
2. Verne died at 77, with his dreams realized.
3. The furniture on the Nautilu is precious and the food aboard is all sea food. T
4. Captain Nemo is a very cruel man and no one likes him.
5. The story Journey to the Center of the Earth is a science fiction. T
Tick out the right answers
1. What did they see in the centre of the earth?
( ) A. layers of coal and marble
( ) B. boiling water from underground river
( ) C. a huge lake or underground ocean
( ) D. forests of mushrooms and plants
( ) E. ancient sea creatures
( × ) F. an ancient document in an old book
( × ) G. some modern ships
2. What is mentioned in the novel 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea?
( × ) A. Ships are disappearing is caused by a real monster.
( × ) B. Captain Nemo decides to kill the three men.
( ) C. Electricity is used for heating and power.
( × ) D. They walk around under the sea without clothes.
20,000 Leagues under the Sea
1. How were they on board the submarine?
disappear---set out---find---be thrown overboard--------survive-----turn out-----on board----permanent guests
2.What is mentioned about the submarine?
Extraordinary---precious furniture----huge glass windows-----thick iron plates----all that is needed-----electricity----- The food aboard
3. What did they do under the sea?
dressed in-----walk around---lighted by---surrounded by… (r,f,s,p)waving and moving slowly
Journey to the Center Of the Earth
1.How did they begin the journey?
decided to -----a narrow passage-----a chimney in an extinct volcano
2.What did they do in the center of the earth?
pass through layers of coal and marble----drink water from a boiling underground river----reach a huge lake or underground ocean-----go through forests of mushrooms and plants 
3. What happened to them in the end?
build a raft to cross the sea---are attacked by ancient sea creatures----be drawn into a fast steam---shot out of a volcano----
Further understanding
Describe the character of Captain Nemo? greedy 贪婪的
sympathetic? clever? brave? selfish? warm-hearted? cruel? greedy? ???
Captain Nemo is the kind of person of whom it is difficult to say whether you like him or not. You may think he is hard and cruel, but he also has a soft and gentle side.
What do the two men do in the adventure of going to the centre of the earth?
Pick out the main verbs in the description of the story.
Main verbs: …enter…lead through…pass through…drink…reach…walk along…go through
…build…cross…be attacked…be shot out
Retell the story in groups according to the verbs above.
1.What things described in Jules Verne’s books have come true?
2.What do you think is likely to come true in the future? Why?
3.What do you think is unlikely to come true? Why?
Integrating Skills
What did Dr Frankenstein create at last?
He had planned to create a larger human being but at last it turned out a living horror.
Now please read the text again and discuss :
How many periods can Dr Frankenstein’s experiment be divided?
Three periods:
Period 1 (Para1—Para3): He decided to create life from dead matter.
Period 2 (Para4—Para5): He decided to create a larger human being than man.
Period 3 (Para6—Para7): He succeeded in creating a creature, but a living horror.
Detailed Reading
Period 1:
Para 1: What did Dr Frankenstein want to do when he was young?
He wanted to learn the secrets of heaven and earth when he was young.
Para 2: After he was sent to university, what did he think of the things taught at university?
He felt them very disappointing and decided to pioneer a new way himself.
Para 3: What attracted his attention?
The structure of the human body and any animal that was alive attracted his attention.
What did he discover?
He discovered the cause of life and how to create life from dead matter.
Period 2:
Para 4: Although he knew how to create life,what remained difficult work for him?
How to prepare a body for it with all its muscles and organs still remained a difficult job for him.
Para 5: Why did he decide to create a larger human being than man about eight feet in height?
Because the small size of the parts slowed down his speed
Period 3:
Para 6: How did he create a life form that looks like a human being?
Please rearrange the following steps in the right order.
1. He gained many materials from butcher shops and hospitals.
2. He finished his work on a night in November.
3. The dead creature came to life at one in the morning.
4. He lighted the flame of life into the dead thing.
5. He collected bones from graves and cut up dead bodies.
5 1 2 4 3
Para 7: What did the creature look like?
He got black hair, white teeth, yellow skin, black lips and strange sounds. He looked like a terrible monster
What did Dr Frankenstein think of the creature?
While unfinished, he was ugly but now he was a living horror
Unit 13
Lead in
Collect as many words as possible related to water.
Ice, ocean, lake, river, rain, sweat, fish, steam
What properties or characteristics do you know about water?
Properties: tasteless, odorless, three forms, absorbing heat, dissolving, feeling wet, colorless
Questions related to the subjects
What is/ are the properties of water?
What does (one property of water) the oceanslook like?
What are different parts of the oceans?
What can the oceans be compared to?
How does the oceans work?
What are some examples of life in the ocean
True or false
1.Water is a liquid at room temperature, and it has a relatively high freezing point. T
2.The reason why water can dissolve most substances on earth is that water has high heat capacity.
3.Like all the other substances, water gets smaller (contract 缩小) when it freezes.
4.Pure water has a higher freezing point and lighter than salt water. T
5.The salinity of the earth’s oceans is about 3.5%. T
6.When water freezes, its density increases.
7.Other recourses such as oil, gas, gold etc is as precious as a drop of rain.
Choose the best answer
1.What makes our planet so different is that___. A
A.earth is covered with water B.earth is covered with air
C.earth is covered with people D.earth is covered with nothing
2.What idea we can have is that_______. A
A.water plays an important part in our life B.rocks forms the bottom of the ocean
C.salt makes up of the most part of the water in the ocean
D.marine plants are rich enough in the ocean
3.The key sentence in Paragraph2 is that_____. B
A.water has its own chemical properties B.water has its own chemical structure
C.water has its own chemical way D.water has its own freezing point
4.What is the meaning of the sentence:…and we have yet to learn much about them.? B
A.We have already known a lot about them B.We have already known a little about them
C.We have already known none about them D.We are going to know a lot about them
5.What makes the ocean such a great place is_ A
A.water B.rocks C.salts D.marine plants
6.Which of the following phrase has the similar meaning of the phrase :range from A
A.cover from B.learn from C.hear from D.choose from
7.It is___that makes the seaside city remain somewhat cool in summer. A
A.the heat capacity B.the water structure C.the ocean motion D.the density
8The water moving about 200 metres down is the depth where____can’t reach. C
A.the fishes B.the marine life C.the sun D.the earth
9. The water in the ocean also keeps the temperature of the earth somewhat____by….A
A.unchangeable B.changeable C.fast D.motionless
99% of the living space on earth is in the oceans.
What does this fact result in?
Marine life is incredibly rich and varied.
Can you give some specific numbers or examples?
5 million species in the oceans
What does this fact imply? Do you agree?
Water is an excellent medium for life.
Why do you agree with it?
Water is a liquid at room temperature and has a relatively high freezing point;
All living creatures need food to survive, but on many occasions the nutrients become available to living things only when they are dissolved by water.
Water’s unique chemical structure
Hydrogen Atom+ Oxygen Atom= A polar molecule
Can you give some other examples which are also resulted from water’s unique chemical structure?
We can get a lot of nutrients by drinking soup.
Plants can pull water up their roots via a capillary(毛细管) process.
The salinity of the earth’s oceans is about 3.5%.
What does this mean?
There are about thirty-five grams of dissolved solids and gases in one kilo of water.
In winter water in some containers or small rivers often freezes while that in seas not? Can you explain it?
The salinity of sea water can affect the freezing point of water.
Sea water has a lower a freezing point, so even when the temperature of sea water falls below 0℃, sea water is still liquid.
What is density?
Density is the relationship between mass and volume and is measured in kg/m3, reading kilos per cubic meter The density of water is 1,000 kg/m3
Structure of the passage
Main idea
The passage mainly tells us it is water that makes the ocean so important to all the living things in the world.
Finding Topic Sentences
Paragraph 1 Learning about the properties of water helps us understand life on our planet.
Paragraph2 The chemical structure of water makes it an excellent medium for life.
Paragraph 3 The salinity of the earth's oceans is about thirty-five parts per thousand, meaning that there are about thirty-five grammes of dissolved solids and gases in one kilogramme of water.
Paragraph 4 The density of pure water is 1,000 kg/m3, meaning that one cubic metre of water weighs one thousand kilogrammes.
Paragraph 5 Heat capacity is the amount of energy it takes to raise the temperature of a substance by one degree centigrade.
Paragraph 6 Since changes in salinity and temperature affect water's density, the water in the ocean is always moving.
Paragraph 1.
marine life: (definition based on the text)
Ninety-nine percent of the living space on earth is in the oceans.
incredibly: unbelievably doubtfully extremely questionably
Life in the oceans ranges from the tiniest plankton all the way up to giants like sharks and whales. (paraphrase
Paragraph 2.
H2O:2 Hydrogen Atoms + 1 Oxygen Atom = 1 H2O Molecule
medium: average channel means condition
polar: +√ –√ ↑ ↓
positive end: +√ – ↑ ↓
negative end: + –√ ↑ ↓
Normal state of water: solid liquid√ gas
Why is the chemical structure of water important?
1. Because water is polar, it can break down both solids and gases.
2.The nutrients in whatever falls into the ocean quickly become available to other living creatures.
3. The chemical structure of water also makes it different from almost everything else on earth.
The nutrients in whatever falls into the ocean quickly become available to other living creatures. (paraphrase
Paragraph 3.
sea water (salt water)
= dissolved gases+ dissolved solids+pure water
salinity of sea water affects: weight and freezing point
salinity of sea water: 35‰ √ 35%
Paragraph 4.
Factors of density: mass and volume
Unit of density: kg/m3 = kilogrammes per cubic metre
Density of pure water: 1,000 kg/m3= one cubic metre of water weighs one thousand kilogrammes
When water freezes, its density decreases. If it did not, the oceans would be frozen solid. (paraphrase)
Paragraph 5.
Heat capacity: water temperature substanc energy√
Opposite word/phrase of absorb: give off √ change create
Paragraph 6.
How does the water in the ocean move?
Dense water sinks and less dense water is pushed to the surface.
Paragraph 7.
Main idea: significance of water to nature
Water, which seems so simple and common, is what makes life possible. Of all the resources on earth -- oil, gas, gold and so on -- nothing is as precious as a drop of rain. (paraphrase)
Integrating Skills
Find the definition of an estuary
An estuary is the body of water where a river meets the ocean. Salt water from the ocean and fresh water from the river mix together in an estuary. This mixing of fresh and salt water creates a unique environment filled with life of all kinds-a zone between the land and sea.
What kinds of function of estuaries have been mentioned in the passage?
Great places for nature’s young animals clean our water by absorbing nutrients and pollutants from water coming from inland sources; Provide both recreation and education for human beings.
Read the passage and answer the following questions.
1Why are estuaries such good places for nature’s young ones?
(1).In estuaries, animals can enjoy all the benefits of the oceans without having to face many of its dangers.
(2)Tides provide energy for the ecosystems, but estuaries are protected from waves and storms by islands, mud or sand.
(3).Nutrients from both the land and the ocean arrive in estuaries.
2. What does density mean in this passage?
It means the number of species per area.
3. How do you estuaries affect the water that passes through them?
They absorb nutrients and pollutants from water coming inland sources, thus cleaning our water.
4. Why are estuaries more sensitive to pollution than other areas?
Because estuaries act as filters(过滤器), many pollutants end up in them.
5. Why are estuaries important to human beings?
(1)Estuaries provide both recreation and education for human beings.
People can fish, swim and have fun on the beach.
Scientists and students have endless opportunities to study a variety of life in the habitat.
(2)Estuaries also contribute to the economy through tourism
Finding Topic Sentences
Paragraph 1. As the oceans are the source of life on earth, the estuaries are our planet's nurseries.
Paragraph 2 Estuaries are great places for nature's young ones.
Paragraph 3 Estuaries are also important because they absorb nutrients and pollutants from water coming from inland sources, thus cleaning our water.
Paragraph 4 Estuaries provide both recreation and education for human beings.
Look at the following historical pictures and describe what you see.
Nazi Germany (1933-1945)
A group of prisoners, consisting of men, women and children, are being led away by armed soldiers. In the background we can see that there is a fire in the city.
South Africa 1948-1990
We can see a black man who shows his passport.
The American South 1863-1964
We can see a bus conductor who puts up a sign that the waiting room for bus passengers is only for white people.
Scan the reading passage and decide which of the following sentences are true.
1. Martin Luther King, Jr went to university when he was eighteen.
2. Black people refused to take buses for more than 18 months.
3. Black girls could not marry white boys. T
4. Rose Parks was arrested for hitting a white boys.
5. The Civil Rights Act was passed in 1965.
Why did Martin Luther King fight for civil rights for black people?
Reasons no right to vote
mixed race marriages forbidden
separation ofblacks and whites: shops restaurants hospitals buses/trains schools
What happened in the following time?
1929 King was born
1944 went to college
1955 Rosa Parks’ event
1963 give the speech “I have a dream”
1964 King received the Nobel Prize for Peace Civil Rights Act was passed
1965 Voting Rights Bill became law
1968 King was murdered
Rosa Parks
whites-only section refuse to stand up for a white man arrested by the police
What do you think about the movie?
a boycott of a bus company
Main idea
Paragraph 1 the famous speech “I have a dream”
Key points a.1963, Washington DC, “ I have a dream” b. made him world famous
Paragraph 2 the background of the speech
Key points forbid mixed-race marriages separated sections in many places
educated in separate schools had no right to vote
Paragraph 3 Martin Luther King’s message
Key points Fought for political rights for black people Treated the same with other people
Paragraph 4 King’s opinion
Key points Went to college in the north Achieve goals by peaceful actions
Paragraph 5 Rosa Parks’ event
Key points Rosa Parks was arrested Led a boycott of the bus company
Government lawyers declared the company wrong
Paragraph 6 King’s action against racial discrimination
Key points Demonstrations against racial discrimination & the Vietnam War
Fought for the right for blacks in Birmingham
Paragraph 7 King’s success
Key points Inspired people of all races for equality received the Nobel Peace Prize
Two laws were passed
Paragraph 8 King’s death
Key points Murdered in 1968 The blacks started to enjoy equal rights
Reading comprehension
1. When Martin Luther King, Jr gave the speech “I Have A Dream”, the slavery had already ended in the USA for about ___ years. C
A.64 B.100 C.98 D.55
2. When Martin Luther King, Jr received the Nobel Prize for Peace, he was only _____ years old. A
A.35 B.26 C.34 D.36
3. After the death of Martin Luther King, Jr, ___. D
A. there were still few jobs to employ blacks
B. there were still “Whites-only” sections in the buses
C. his struggle had been forgotten by black people
D. black people gained equal rights as white people in the USA
4. By saying “This ‘Wait’ has almost always meant ‘Never’”, Martin Luther King, Jr meant______. A
A. to inspire people of all races to fight for equality, not to wait for equality
B. people of all races could never get equality
C. waiting could play an important part in the fight for freedom
D. housing conditions for blacks would never improve if blacks didn’t wait
5. According to the text, which of the following statements is TRUE? C
A. Jane, a pretty black girl, could marry John, a white young man.
B. Jane, a pretty black girl, could buy some beautiful clothes in the section for whites.
C. The South kept its own laws to separate blacks from whites.
D. Jane, a pretty black girl, could go to college with John, a white young man.
1. Which civil rights did Martin Luther King, Jr he want black people to get?
Voting rights Equal rights Political rights
2. King believed that he could reach his goal through peaceful actions. Give three examples of such peaceful actions. Write letters March on Boycott
3. What can we learn from Martin Luther King?
Brave truth freedom peaceful never give up
Integrating Skills
Why did he change his skin color? Michael Jackson
Who fought for the freedom of blacks?
Harriet Tubman John Brown Martin Luther King Nelson Mandela
Let’s learn about the history of human rights movements.
1.What did freedom fighters fight for from the 16th century to now? For equal rights.
2.What made the struggles start ?
a. The ideas of the French Revolution and the American War of independence.
b. All the people are brothers and sisters, and that all people should be equal .
c. The beginning of the struggle.
Main idea of each paragraph
Paragraph 1 The struggle for religious freedom.
Paragraph 2 The struggle for equal rights of all the people.
Paragraph 3 Black and colored people fought for their right to be recognised as equal to white people
Paragraph 4 The rights of women to vote in the elections
Paragraph 5 Some of the rights of variety of groups
Paragraph 5 Some of the rights of variety of groups
Paragraph 6 The rights of groups other than people
How many periods is the history of struggles divided into?
Three periods: 16th ~18th
18th~19th the beginning
two famous struggles
Modern times
Para. 1
1.What was the struggle for ?
For freedom of religion.
For the right to be free in their choice of which god to believe in.
2. What did freedom fighters fight for between the 16th and 18th century?
For the freedom of religion
3. What did people struggle for from the late 18th to 19th centuries?
For the rights of man and later the right of woman
Para. 2
What did the struggles start with?
The ideas of the French revolution and the American War of Independence.
What were the main ideas?
All the people are brothers and sisters, and all people should be equal
Two struggles For the rights of black people For the rights of women
Who Black people Women
What Right to vote, choose where to live, Right to vote and go to university
study and work. or choose their jobs.
Famous person Nelson Mandela
Representative America and South Africa New Zealand, US, Canada and most (代表) country European countries.
Para. 5
What do all these groups have in common?
They ask to be treated with respect, share the rights to work, good housing conditions and education and be treated equally to other people, regardless of race, religion or sex. Is there anybody in the history who fought for the rights of non-human beings?
Para. 6
1.What did people think of Samuel Butler’s chapters at that time?
Everybody thought that was ridiculous.
2.In all organizations which one is the largest?
The animal rights movement.
Unit 15
Fast reading
1.Of the two places introduced, which is a summer resort to us, and which is a winter resort?
Rio de Janeiro /summer; Kitzbuhel/winter
2. What is Carnival in Rio de Janeiro?
Carnival is a four-day festival to celebrate the sun.
3. Where is Alps?
Alps stands around Kitzbuhel in southern Austria, in Europe.
1.What is wanderlust?
It is the urge to explore the world, or to travel.
2.Where is Rio de Janeiro?
It is on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean in Brazil.
3.What does Cariocas mean?
It refers to the people of Rio.
4.What is the best way to see downtown of Rio De Janeiro and what can you see?
On foot. You can see old and modern buildings which tell you Rio is an important commercial city.
5.What is Rio famous for?
Copacabana known as the princess of the sea, and Carnival which is a festival to celebrate the sun.
6.Where is Kitzbuhel?
It is located in southern Austria
7.What is it famous for?
Good weather, breathtaking scenery and world-class ski resort.
8.What else can you do in Kitzbuhel besides skiing?
It offers a wide variety of entertainment and you can experience old village culture mixed with the excitement of international tourist area.
True or false
( )1.The best time to visit Rio is around March.
( )2.Carnival is a four-day festival. T
( )3.The finest and most challenging place for skiing is Rio De Janeiro.
( )4.A walk around Kitzbuhel is a feast for the eyes. T
( )5.If you have never skied before, you had better not go to Kitzbuhel.
Careful reading
Destinations Para1----Wanderlust: The people who urge/itch to travel
Rio de Janeiro
A comparison of the two cities
Items Rio de Janeiro Kitzbuhel
Country Brazil Austria
Location On the coast of Atlantic Ocean In southern Austria
People Big hearts and friendliness Friendliness
Attractions Downtown Rio, Copacabana, Carnival World-class ski resort, old village culture
Best time to visit June or July winter
Area Key information in the text
Food Only mention some cafes, restaurants
Transportation Walking in downtown can be great fun.
Attractions Theme parks, museums, historical sites, shopping malls, important buildings
Scenery Beaches.
Unit 16
Match each event with the time below:
30,000 years ago The arrival of Native Americans
1600 The arrival of European settlers
1861 The American Civil War
1930s The Great Depression
1960s The Civil Rights Movement
Listen and answer
Which part of the USA is more developed, the South or the North? The North.
What was Atlanta like after the Civil War? And what is it like now?
Atlanta was burnt down in the Civil War. the city was destroyed and there was nomoney for reconstruction. Modern Atlanta is a centre for business and culture where, as is the case in many cities in the South, faith and hope have replaced fear and doubt.
Decide how many parts can it be divided into, and summarize the main idea of each part.
Part 1 Paragraph 1 The suffering of the south in the past
Part 2 Paragraph2-5 Hope and success of the South
Part 3 Paragraph 6 A new beginning of the South
Find out what suffering or hardship the following events caused.
Events sufferings
The arrival of European Settlers Native American’s being killed or driven off
The slave trades Pains of slaves
The Civil War Death & poverty
he Great Depression Unemployment
The Civil Rights movement Sacrifices
Give some examples of hope and success of the South
1.The people of Atlanta struggled to rebuild the city and create a new South.
2.Atlanta’s African-American community grew and black businesses became more successful
3.Segregation disappeared and Atlanta was a successful city proud of its cultural diversity
4.Atlanta becomes a place where hope and faith have replaced fear and doubt.
Why is Atlanta in many ways a typicalsouthern city?
I D Card
Name: bison
Order: artiodactyl (偶蹄动物)
Family: bovid (牛科的)
Genus: bison
Species: bison
Can you name the place?
White House Golden Gate Bridge Statue of Liberty Capitol Hill New York Harbor
American Indian the native of America
Plains of America What do you think can be found on the plains? Bison
They live on plants and insects, such as … prairie dog
American Indian
Had their life been sad or comfortable?
They had been living a sad life;
They were treated unfairly by European settlers.
In what ways did European settlers treat the Native Americans unfairly?
The settlers killed the Native Americans.
They mainly spoke English.
They broke agreements they had made.
They forced Indians to leave their hunting ground.
They built railways across the plains.
They forced Indians onto poor land.
They killed most of the bison which Native Americans had relied on.
Where did the first settlers on the plains of America come from?
30,000 years ago… cross a land bridge from…to…
How did the Native Americans make a living?
Hunting wild animals Gathering roots, nuts and wild fruits
They also hunted bison.
What kind of animal is it ?
The adult of this animal grows to a shoulder-height of 1.5 meters and can weigh 1,100 kilograms. They live on the plains of America.
The bison were very important to Native Americans. Why ?
 meat à food
 fur à clothing
 skins à tents & water containers
 bones à tools
 teeth à necklaces
What happened later?
Large groups of natives were forced to move away from their old hunting grounds by the western settlers.
The story of Bison
My shape grow to a … height of…weigh as much as …
My usage meat…fur…skins…bones…teeth…
My sad life become more widespread… leave …behind to rot…
send … by rail… population fall…
What result did the killing bring about?
It changed the wildlife chain on the plains.
Let’s take a look at the wildlife chain of the plains.
What was the big change in the wildlife
not grow strongly More insects (die out) more birds & prairie dogs (less food)
more wolves(not enough food0
Careful reading (T or F)
1. The first settlers on the pains were farmers.
2. Native Americans willingly gave up land to the settlers.
3. The settlers did not deal honestly with the Native Americans. T
4. Settlers ended up with better land than the native Americans. T
5. Later settlers made use of the bison in the same way as the native Americans.
Unit 17
1. How many different types of disabilities do you know?
A. physical disability deaf, dumb/mute, blind, lame, near-sighted, six fingers, color blindness, paralyzed
B. mental disability
2. Do you know of any famous people who are disabled? What do they do?
Zhang Haidi Writer Paralyzed
Beethoven a musician deaf
Professor Hawking a physics expert paralyzed by Lou Gehrig’s disease
Hu Yizhou Conductor Mentally disabled
Helen Keller Educator/ writer Deaf and blind
Jiang Xintian Compere (主持人) Deaf
Read the whole text quickly and try to find the topic sentence of each paragraph.
Para.1 I know people are trying to help, but I wish they wouldn’t treat me as if I were a child.
Para.2 Today there are more opportunities for disabled people to develop their potential, live a richer life and make a contribution to the society.
Para.3 Disabled people need recognition more than sympathy and help.
Para.4 Like all of us, disabled people also need inspiration and encouragement.
Para.5 About one third f the articles in Literature of Chinese blind children are written by disabled authors and blind children.
Para.6 Living with disability is frustrating and challenging
Listening to the tape of the passage and finish the following task.
True or False
1.Zhong Xiaowen doesn’t wish to be treated as a little child. T
2. Xiaowen’s story serves as an example to show that physical disabilities can limit a person’s life.
3. All the students in the Beijing Union University are not disable. T
4. The disabled people need both recognition and inspiration and encouragement. T
5. Literature of Chinese Blind Children is a great help in encouraging blind children to overcome difficulties and challenges. T
6. Ye Zijie’s story is mentioned to show how disabled people write articles for newspapers and magazines.
7. In 2000 Ye Zijie was invited to London and became the first Chinese to study abroad.
8. It might be frustrating and challenging to live with disability. T
Read the whole text carefully and try to answer some questions.
1. Make an introduction to Zhong Xiaowen.
16, a middle school student, best, won an award for young scientists.
Born disabled, no feeling below the waist, wheelchair, computer science, create many programs
2. Are all the students in the Beijing Union University disabled? What do they learn?
No . 1/3 are blind and the rest are deaf or have no disability. They not only learn how to assist disabled people, but also learn the importance of cooperating to reach their goals in life.
3. What do the disabled people need?
They need recognition,more than sympathy and help.They also need inspiration and encouragement.
4. Who and when started the magazine Literature of Chinese Blind Children? What are the articles in the magazine about?
Xu Bailun started it in 1985. They are about disabled people who have overcome difficulties and learnt to live a meaningful and productive life.
5. Who is Ye Zijie? What happened to him in the year of 2000?
What is his feeling about this good news?
He is one of the magazine’s best-known readers. He is now a teacher in Huhhot.
He was invited to study in London and became the first visually impaired Chinese to study aboard.
He thinks it is very important for him to know that someone far away is struggling as they are.
6. Does everyone feel comfortable with the disabled people? How should we view the disabled people ?
No. we should accept them and treat them correctly.
What have you learned from the text?
Not only do disabled people read, write, draw pictures, paint and cook, but they also study, go to university, take exams and have jobs. In their personal lives, they also get married, have children, go out and meet people, play music, even succeed in their favorite field and make the whole world remember them forever.
Integrating Skills
Fast reading
1.How often is the Special Olympics held? Every four years.
2.Who participate in it? Mentally disabled athletes.
3.When was it started? It was started in 1968.
Detailed reading
Compare the Special Olympics and the regular Olympics to find out their similarities and the differences between them:
Similarities Every four years
Be surrounded by grand ceremony
The competition is fierce
A strong sense of unity and friendship
Train for many years and overcome more fear and hardships to reach the games
Differences Taking part in the games is a victory
The spirit is stronger
Why do many Special Olympics athletes think that “taking part in the Games is a victory”? C
A. the Olympic spirit at the Special Olympics is as strong as at the regular Olympic Games
B. winning is about being the first one
C. winning is about being the best one you can be
D. winning is about scoring the most goals
How do you understand “Athletes at the Special Olympics are fighters in more than one way”? C
A. They don’t only fight for one award.
B. They fight against more than one disability.
C. They have to fight against the disabilities as well as other athletes, and maybe some other difficulties
How do the Special Olympics help mentally disabled people?
Develop their ability to move
Improve their health
Gain greater self-confidence
Fill in the chart about different Special Olympics mentioned in the last paragraph
When Where Countries Participants Events
1968 Chicago 2 1000 3
2003 Ireland 150 6500 21
2007 Shanghai
What is the main idea of the whole passage? C
A Taking part in the Special Olympics is an honor
B. Athletes at the Special Olympics are fighters in more than one way
C. The Special Olympics is as important as the regular Olympic Games
D. The Special Olympics helps society to improve the quality of life for all its citizens
Why do you think the Special Olympics is becoming more popular?
Unit 18
What do the great inventors have in common?
The great inventors’ thinking habits:  thinking outside the box
 taking another look at it
 making connections
 keeping trying
1. Are some people born creative, or is it possible to learn how to creative?
2. Do you have to be very intelligent to be an inventor?
3. How do people come up with ideas for new inventions
The great inventors’ “new”:
new (inventions, solutions, applications, thought, idea(s), possibilities, way(s)…
Para. 1
1. What does “creativity” mean according to the first paragraph? A matter of habits.
Listen to the tape, read the passage carefully and answer some questions.
2. How can we become more creative?
By thinking about the way we think and practising good thinking strategies.
Para. 2
1. What does “THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX ” mean?
To think outside the box is to try new ways to solve a problem.
2. What will help us more towards a better solution?_____ A
A. partial solutions, and even failures
B. look only for the correct answer
C. reject ideas that do not provide a complete answer
1. What does “TAKE ANOTHER LOOK AT IT” mean?
Using different ways to look at a problem, using pictures, words, numbers, models etc.
2. How do we take another look at it ?
① By looking in as many ways as possible.
② By making their ideas visible.
Para. 4
What does “MAKE CONNECTIONS” means?
① Trying to combine new and old ideas in as many different ways as possible.
② Comparing and connecting ideas and objects in new ways.
Para. 5
What does “KEEP TRYING” means?
Success is not an accident.
① the result of a process of trial and error.
② for each new invention that works, there are more that don’t.
Tick the sentences that are true according to the text and correct the false ones.
①( F ) Most inventors have a high IQ. Not all inventors
②( T ) The things we know can sometimes make it more difficult for us to understand new ideas.
③(F )It is impossible to learn how to be creative. possible
④( F ) The best way to find a good solution is to look for one good answer. as many answers as possible
⑤( F ) Inventors try to avoid failure. know that failure is a necessary part of the thinking process
⑥( T ) The more ways we have of looking at a problem, the more likely it is that we can find a solution.
⑦( T ) Most good ideas are the result of a long process of trial and error.
2. The examples have been mixed up and place them in the right paragraph.
①According to Leonardo da Vinci, problems which had seemed impossible could be solved if he changed the way he described the problem.
② Thomas Edison made a rule saying that he had to make an invention every ten days.
③ Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music.
④ Einstein, who changed the world of physics forever with his Theory of Relativity, preferred images to numbers.
⑤ Samuel Morse, the man who invented the telegraph, got his idea by watching a rider exchange a tired horse for a new one.
2 5 5 3 4
Integrating Skills
What is the “information age”?
A time of new discoveries and great changes. New technology always used in old ways.
1. Why are scientific metaphors like “memory” and “cut and paste” useful?
They make it easier for us to understand and use a new tool. They may make it more difficult for us to use the new invention in the bet way.
2. Think of more words we use to talk about computers and Internet. How well do they describe the things or other words we could use that might be better?
Words like: copy, file, delete, lock enter, return, store.
Unit 19
Fast reading
True or False
1. Shylock hated Antonio and wanted to take the chance to kill him. T
2. Bassanio offered to pay Shylock much more money than Antonio had borrowed from him. T
3. Shylock accepted Bassanio’s offer.
4. Portia, Bassanio’s wife, pretended to be a judge. T
5. Bassanio recognized his wife at the court at the first sight.
6. Portia agreed to change the law a little.
main characters opfthe story:
Antonio Bassanio Shylock Portia the Duke Nerissa
Duke (magnifico of the city) The judge of the count
Antonio (merchant)__ enemies___Shylock (moneylender)
Bassanio_ husband & wife___Portia
Analyse the main characters. Find sentences in the text to support your ideas.
Shylock:: greedy and mean , cold-blooded stone-hearted,, vengeful(复仇心重的), crafty(狡诈的 )
Portia: smart wise kind merciful decisive brave
Antonio: generous weak sheepish kind friendly
The development of the story
Background Antonio and Bassanio borrow 3,000 ducats from Shylock, who says if the debt is not repaid on time, Antonio must pay with one pound of his flesh.
Problem Antonio is not able to pay the debt. Shylock starts demanding his pound of flesh and brings Antonio to the Court.
Rising action The Duke tells Shylock to have mercy on Antonio and Bassanio will pay ten times the money Antonio has borrowed but Shylock insisted on having one pound of his flesh.
Climax Portia declares Shylock may have one pound of flesh of Antonio but no more no less. And if Shylock lets one drop of Antonio’s blood fall, he will lose all his money.
Outcome Shylock begs for mercy. He is punished, though not killed.
Intensive reading
1.Portia tries to persuade Shylock to have mercy on to Antonio.
2. Portia checks the agreement between Shylock and Antonio.
3. Portia asks whether Shylock brings a balance and a surgeon
4. Portia declares the court allows it and the law gives one pound of flesh to Shylock.
5. Portia demands that Shylock cut off one pound of flesh no more no less without one drop of blood
6. Portia declares Shylock is a murderer and takes all his money and land away.
1. Shylock refuses and insists on taking one pound of flesh
2. Shylock believes his demand is lawful and that Portia supports him and is on his side
3. Portia makes preparation forsaving AntonioPortia shows Shylock is cruel.
4. Portia encourages Shylock to cut the flesh and leads him to be an intentional and cruel murderer
5. Portia saves Antonio successfully and make Shylock admits his failure.
6. Shylock is punished.
Listen and answer the following
1. What did the Duke ask Shylock to do? To have mercy on Antonio.
2. What was Shylock’s reply? He demanded his pound of flesh.
3. What did Bassanio offer?
He offered Shylock six thousand ducats for the three thousand that Antonio borrowed.
4. What was Shylock’s reply? He still demanded his pound of flesh.
5. Who acted as the judge? Did Bassanio know this?
Portia, He didn’t know this because Portia was dressed in a lawyer’s clothes.
Read the text carefully and choose the best answer.
1. Shylock was a moneylender, who ____. C
A. as glad to lend money to others without conditions B. worked hard to make a lot of money
C. was cruel and hated Antonio D. feared nothing
2. Shylock lent Antonio three thousand ducats on condition that _____. C
A. Antonio would return the money within two months
B. Antonio would return the money with a pound of flesh
C. Antonio would let Shylock have a pound of flesh if he failed to repay the money in time
D. Shylock would not ask the money back
3. Shylock refused to have mercy on Antonio because _____. A
A. he hated Antonio and intended to kill him
B. he had done nothing wrong and feared no judgement
C. he trusted the laws of Venice and refused to change his mind
D. he thought his money had gone
4. The phrase “so young a body with so wise a head” means ________. B
A. “such a young man with so much wealth”
B. “such a young man with such great wisdom”
C. “a man who increases in wisdom with his increase of age’
D. “a man who is clever”
5. Antonio was not able to pay the money back to Shylock because _____. A
A. He lost all his ships at sea B. He didn’t want to pay the money back
C. Shylock asked too much money back D. He needn’t pay the money back
6. What did Shylock really want? D
A. He wanted three times money that he was owed
B. He wanted a pound of Antonio’s flesh
C. He wanted justice
D. He wanted to kill Antonio
7. The main idea of this play most probably is ____. C
A. How Shylock was punished B. How Antonio was saved
C. How a judgment between two merchants of Venice D. How Portia helped with the case
8. From the story we can conclude that Antonio was ________. C
A. A merchant who was always happy to give others advice
B. A moneylender who was always ready to lend money to others
C. A merchant who never refused to help others
D. A moneylender who was greedy and cruel
9. According to the story, Portia was ___. C
A. a beautiful lady without money B. a learned young judge
C. a young beautiful lady with great wisdom D. a friend of Antonio
10. What do you think the end of the story? B
A.Antonio was able to marry Portia.
B.Shylock lost all his money and land
C.Shylock got the money three times Antonio had borrowed from him
D.Antonio got Shylock’s money
Unit 20
Lead in
What do you know about the pyramids?
Do you know the following archaeological discoveries?
Sanxingdui Ruins underground finds
Why were dead kings given these objects after they died?
They were given these things to be used in their life after death.
Scan the text and write down which objects were found in the grave of the King of Stonehenge.
The objects which students can probably easily scan are: a pin, clothing, a coat, a knife, earrings, arrows and a bow, tools, weapons, pottery and jewellery.
Read through the whole passage and find out the main idea of each paragraph.
Part 1 (para. 1): The discovery of a grave.
Part 2 (para. 2-3): Objects found in the grave.
Part 3 (para. 4-5): The importance of the discovery.
Part 4 (para. 6): about Stonehenge
Part 5 (para.7-8 ): about the King of Stonehenge
Fast reading
Read the text fast and answer the following questions.
1. Who is the King of Stonehenge?
The man found on May 3, 2002 in a grave three miles from Stonehenge.
2. Why is he called the King of Stonehenge?
Because he is the richest…three miles from… when stones were being brought…
3.Which objects were found in the grave of the king of Stonehenge?
a bow, two pots, a bone pin, two gold earrings, a cushion stone, two copperknives, tools, arrows
4. Which materials were found?
Fur, stone, clay, pottery, copper, bone, gold
Careful Reading
The discovery is important for varieties of reasons:
1. His grave is the richest of any found from that period.
2. The two gold earrings buried with him are the oldest gold found in Britain.
3. It shows that he was a member of a powerful class who may have organized the construction of Stonehenge.
True or False
1. When the King of Stonehenge died, he was about 50 years old.
2. From tests on his teeth, it is certain that he spent his childhood in England.
3. The most amazing find was two gold earrings. T
4. Stonehenge was begun around 2300 BC.
5. In terms of technical development, people were going from the Bronze Age to the Stone Age at that time.
6. It has been proven that the copper knives came form Spain and Western France. T
From things that were found in the grave, archaeologists now believe that people in the Bronze Age in England had trade and cultural links with other parts in Europe. Give examples of such links and what was traded.
Country or part of Europe Material or objects of trade
West Wales stone
Europe gold jewellery
Spain and Western France copper, bronze, copper knives
some places far from England artefacts
For trade and cultural links as well as life in Britain and the construction of Stonehenge, people in the Bronze Age must have had knowledge about certain things and certain fields of science.. Work in groups to talk about the inventions and kinds of science they must have had, based on the reading passage.
Activity Knowledge, science, inventions and tools needed
1. Travel to Scotland Roads, shoes… language
2. Construction of Stonehenge Hammers, rope, something to transport heavy stones, architecture
3. Hunting Rope, string, bow, arrows, spear, sticks…
4. Trade with Europe Money or goods to trade, boats, bags, maps, language,…
5. Making copper knives Fire, chemistry, physics, pots, hammers,…
Integrating Skills
The Discovery of the Ruins in Jinsha Village
with a hole in the center. A jade object. A bronze figure in a standing posture. A jade chisel
1. What kind of special relics were unearthed in Jinsha Ruins?
2. Why could they take the archaeologists’ attention?
3. What’s the link between Jinsha Ruins and Sanxingdui Ruins?
Fill the form
Civilizations Jinsha Ruins Sanxingdui Ruins
Time in 2001 in 1929
Who found it construction workers farmers
Objects found over 1000 cultural relics, gold, over 10,000 relics, bronze, gold masks,
bronze, and stone objects bronze objects and images, jade and ivory
Read the passage once again and answer the following questions
1.Why the ivory and animal bones found in Jinsha Village are important?
Because they will serve as important materials for the study of local geography, climate and the environment in ancient times
2. Why is cong special?
Because it was not made in Sichuan, but was transported there, which proved that Sichuan had trade links with the Yangtze and Yellow River valleys at that time.
3. What is the significance of the discoveries in Jinsha Village?
The discoveries there proves that the history of Sichuan is much longer than 2300 years
4. Who was the first to discover the Jinsha Ruins and when?
Construction workers from a local company found ivory and jade in the mud when they were building road there on February 8, 2001..
5. Before the Jinsha ruins was found, archaeologists believed how long the history of Sichuan was?
It was believed that Sichuan only had a history of about 2,300 years.
6. Since 1920, what have been unearthed in Sanxingdui Ruins Site?
More than 10,000 relics dating back to between 5000 BC and 3000 BC have been discovered. 53 holes were dug up and over 1,200 pieces, including bronze and gold masks, bronze objects and images, jade and ivory had been found.
7. What do archaeologists hope to discover in the future?
They hope to discover some of the mysterious palaces, tombs of kings and bronze and jade workshops.
True or False
1. Sanxingdui Ruins were first discovered by farmers. T
2. The farmers hesitated about whether to give the relics to the state.
3.The local teachers and officials persuaded them to turn in the relics.
4. From 1929 to 1986, 53 holes were dug and over 1200 pieces of objects were found.
5. Today, the work in Sanxingdui has already been done.
1. Why do you think the text is titled with “Roots of Chinese Culture” instead of “Sanxingdui Ruins”?
2. What’s the role of Jinsha Village mentioned in the text?




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