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Unit 13
Teaching Aids:Individual,pair or group work to make every student work in class.
1.Aims of knowledge: Learn and master the phrases
2.Ability aims:
1.Train the student’s reading ability.
2.Develop the students’speaking ability by describing, talking and discussion.
1. Moral aims:
Enable the students to understand the best way to make sure that we will fell and look fine is to develop healthy eating habits by learning the reading text.
Teaching important points:
1. Improve the student’s reading ability.
2. Master the following phrase: keep up with, too much, make choices, be harmful to, lose weight, be prepared for.
Teaching difficult points:
How to make the students understand the reading material better and answer some questions on the passage.
Teaching Aids:1.a tape recorder2.a slide projecto3.a computer for multimedia use
Teaching steps:
Step 1 Lead-in
Six essential nutrients:
1. protein
2. carbohydrate
3. fat
4. vitamins
5. minerals
6. water
Do you know them and their functions?
Step 2 Tell the key meaning of each paragraph. (Find out the topic sentence of each paragraph.)
Para 1 Snacks give us energy.
Pa 2 When we choose what to buy and eat, we had better think whether the food will give us the nutrients we need.
Pa 3 Many people today make choices about their eating habits based on what they believe.
Pa 4 It is probably better if we spend our time and money on buying good food and keep a balanced diet.
Pa 5 The best way to make sure that we will feel and look fine is to develop healthy eating habits.
(Para1. Sentence1
Para2 Sentence2
Para3 Sentence2
Para4 Sentence3
para5 Sentence1)
Step 2 Fast-reading
1.What does the “fuel ” mean in the first paragraph?
(It means different kinds of materials, such as protein, Calcium that we need to keep healthy.)
2.What do we have to consider when we choose to buy or eat?
(What kinds of nutrients that the foods contain.)
3.What made our eating habit changing?
(Many things: what people believe, advice from companies and stores.)
4. How can we feel and look fine?
(We ought to learn about our body and the fuel it needs to keep fit.)
Explain the language points if necessary.
5. What are the causes of people’s choice of eating habits?
Based on Nutrition: protein, calcium, etc.
what they believe-vegetarians / vegans
how the products are grown or made ---- organic vegetables
6.What’s enviornmentally friendly food?
Eco-food. It is produced by companies who have tried to use green and clean ways to grow it.
7.What are organic vegetables?
Vegetables grown without chemicals that can be harmful to human beings or the enviornment.
8.Why do some people become vegetarians?
Because they believe it is healthier not to eat meat or because they think we should not kill animals for food.
9..What’s the difference between vegetarians and vegans?
Vegetarians don’t eat meat but vegans will not eat any animal products at all.
10. According to the passage, how can we keep fit?
Spend our time and money on buying good food and keeping a balanced diet. Eat healthy food in the right amounts.
11. what’s “crash diets” ?
It is something that some companies say will make us lose weight fast.
12.According to the passage, how can we lose weight?
Try to eat less fat and sugar and exercise more.
Step 3.Skimming
Paragraph 1 (T or F)
1.Choosing what to eat is not as easy as it once was any longer.
2.Our eating habits have changed while our way of life has not changed.
3.21-century people prefer traditional food very much.
4,we had better learn to make right choices about food to keep up with the high pace of modern life.
Nutrients Function Sources
protein Good for our muscle Fish, meat and beans
calcium Good for our bones Eggs, milk and other dairy products
Carbohydrates Main fuel for our body Bread, rice and noodles
Vitamins fiber ,minerals Fight disease, keep our functioning well Vegetables, fruits, fish and milk
Step 4 Carefully-reading
--How many parts can be divided into
--Three parts.
--What’s the main idea of each part?
1.our eating habits are changing.
2.why the eating habits are changing the best way to develop healthy eating habits?
Step 5 Post-reading
1 what does the word “fuel” and “ green” mean in the text?
Fuel here means the food we need to keep our bodies healthy and active. Green foods are organic foods ,that is, foods are grown and produced naturally.
2. How have our eating habits changed?
We are busier than in past years so we now have less time to eat than before.
Work in pairs and discuss the following questions
1 ) Why do people go to fast food restaurants?
People go to fast food restaurants because they are quick and convenient.
2) Why is it not good for you to eat much sugar and fat?
Too much sugar and fat will make you as big as a whale.
Step 6 Retelling the text
no longer, as easy as, change, keep up with, make the right choices give the nutrients , build our body, be good for keep our body functioning well, fight disease Make choices, based on, become part of become vegetarians, how the products are grown Choose from, give advice, keep a balanced diet instead of, exercise develop healthy eating habits, be ready for
Step 7 Homework
1. Finish Period 2 in Winner.
2. Recite the following sentence.
1) You ought to be careful with fruit.
2) Take this medicine three medicine three times a day.
3) I advise you not to eat fruit that is not ripe in the future.
3.Finish Post Reading exercises at Page 4
Unit 14
Step 1 Lead-in
We have known many festivals,such as Christmas, Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Day, and so on.
Step 2 Pre-reading
1. Make a comparison of Chinese Spring Festival and Christian Christmas.
T: Which is the greatest and the most important festival to Chinese people? (the Spring Festival) And which is the greatest and the most important festival to Christian people in western countries? (Christmas)
Both of them are quite popular in the world. What are the differences between them?
aspects Chinese Spring Festival
Time From the 1st day to the 15th day of the first Chinese lunar month On Dec. 25
Preparation Do spring cleaning, do Spring Festival shopping (new clothes, delicious food, fireworks, New Year paintings, etc.), decorate the houses with Spring Festival couplets, paper cuts, Chinese knots… Do cleaning, do Christmas shopping (gifts, cards, sweet, cookies, etc.), decorate the houses with Christmas tree and colored lights…
Special Food New Year’s cake, dumpling ( jiaozi) , sweet dumpling (tangyuan)… Candies, cookies, pudding…
Gifts Anything (foods, fruits, clothes, drinks…) Anything (foods, fruits, drinks, desserts,Christmasdecorations)
Major Activities Have family reunion dinner on New Year’s Eve, pay New Year’s visits, recreational activities (dragon dance, lion dance, stilt-walking…) Family reunion, have a big dinner on Christmas Eve…
purpose Bidding farewell to the old year and welcoming the new year, hoping for the best and the good future. Celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ
Note: The italicized words in the form above are suggested answers.
Step 3 Reading
T: Do you know there is another festival which follows Christmas Day in America. It is an important festival to African Americans. Is there any one who knows the name of the festival? SS:Kwanzaa.
1.Fast reading: Read the text on page 10 fast and try to get a general idea of Kwanzaa from the text.
What’s the topic sentence of the paragraph 1?
Kwanzaa is a seven-day festival celebrating the culture and history of African Americans.
T can present a diagram of the information about Kwanzaa to help Ss to finish this task.
Questionnaire: When is Kwanzaa celebrated? How long does it last?
Who created the festival of Kwanzaa? (Dr Maulana Karenga) Who usually celebrates Kwanzaa? Why is it celebrated? What are the characteristics of Kwanzaa?)
Step 4 Careful reading:
Get Ss to read the text carefully to get more details. After reading, Ss are asked to do True or False exercises.
1) African Americans have a long history and a rich culture, so Kwanzaa is an old festival. ( F ) (a young festival)
2) People created Kwanzaa to celebrate American culture. ( F ) ( to celebrate African culture)
3) The word Kwanzaa means first fruit in Swahili, one of the largest languages in Africa. ( T )
4) The African first-fruit festivals are completely different from each other. ( F ) ( to have many things in common )
5) Kwanzaa is celebrated on Christmas Day. ( F ) ( from Dec. 26 to Jan. 1 )
6) Kwanzaa is based on old African festivals. ( T )
7) People who celebrate Kwanzaa light a candle for each of the seven principles. ( T )
Do you know any festivals for black people or African Americans?
1What’s the name of the festival?
2When did the festival begin?
3What time do people celebrate it every year?
4What’s the meaning of the Kwanzaa?And which language did the name come form?
5How many principle does Kwanzaa have?
6.What things did the African first-fruit festivals have in common?
People would get together to celebrate their harvest,to give thanks for their harvests and for life, to honour their ancestors, celebrate their past, and the group or society they lived in.
Step 4 Discussion
Topic1: Do you agree festivals can help us understand our history and culture? How do they help us understand our history and culture?
Topic2: Nowadays more and more festivals have been created in my cities for various purposes, such as developing local economy, making the city well-known, etc. Our city Linhai created the Festival of the Great Wall in the South. It has been celebrated for three years. However, some Linhainese think holding such a festival causes some problems to the city. What effects does the Festival of the Great Wall in the South bring to us? Make a list
Good Effects Bad Effects
Step 5. Homework
1. Oral Work: Read and recite the new words learnt in this class.
Read and recite some beautiful and useful sentences in the text.
2. Written Work: Suppose you are the journalist of Huipu Sunshine Magazine. You are going to write a passage about Kwanzaa.
3. Finish Period 2 in Winners
Unit 15
Teaching Aims:
1.Learn and master the following words and expressions: have a good time,without luck,pay off
recognize,ball,continue,diamond,jewellery,necklace,palace,francs,after all,call on,bring out,try on,
2.Improve the students' reading comprehension through reading activities.
Teaching Important Points:
1.Learn the language in the play,especially in dialogues.
2.Learn the usages of some words and expressions.
3.Get the students to improve their reading comprehension.
Teaching Difficult Points:
1.How to use the tenses correctly in a dialogue.
2.How to tell the differences between“after all,in all and above all”.
Teaching Methods:
1.Question-and-answer method before reading to make students interested in what they will learn.
2.Fast-reading to get the general idea of the text.3.Individual,pair or group work to make every student work in class.
Teaching Procedures:
Step Ⅰ. Greetings:Greet the whole class as usual.
Step 2. Revision
T:Yesterday we practised making up some short plays.Now I'll ask some students to act out them before class.
SS:Teacher asks two or three groups to act.
Step 3. Lead-in
1.What kind of plays do you like best?
2. Have you ever acted in a play? What role did you play?
3.what should be included in a play?
Step 4. Pre-reading
T:Now let's watch the play together.Watch carefully and then I'll ask you some questions.
(Teacher plays the TV set for the students to watch.After that,teacher asks the students some questions.)
T:When and where did the story happen?
S3:It happened in a park in Paris,one afternoon in 1870.
T:Who can tell me something about the play?
S4:It's a play about a necklace.And it tells us a story about Mathilde Loisel,who borrowed a diamond necklace from her friend Jeanne.They were good friends then.When they met in a park ten years later,Jeanne didn't recognize Mathilde at first and then Mathilde told Jeanne what had happened to her.
T:Yes,you are right.
Step 5 Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:
1.What is the relationship between these three characters?
Mathilde, the young lady and Pierre, the young man are couple Jeanne is Mathilde’s friend.
2.What is the mood of Mathilde in scene one ? Why? Mathilde sound tired and upset.
3.How does she feel in scene two?
She is on one hand very excited for the ball , on the other hand she is worried because she has no new dress and no jewelry for the ball.
Step 6 . Reading
When and where did the story happen?
A park in Paris , one afternoon 1870
Scene 1 :
Time: One afternoon, 1870
Place: A park in Paris
Who Methilde Jeanne
What Met each otherMethilde looked older.
Parts: Marthilde, Jeanne
General idea: Marthilde tells Jeanne about her ten years of hard life.
Choose the best answer
When Jeanne met Mathilde in the park, she said she didn't know Mathilde, because ______ . D
A.they hadn’t met for ten years B.Jeanne no longer liked Mathilde
C.Mathilde looked younger than before D.Mathilde had changed a lot
She had been working very hard for ten years , so she looked older than her age.
Answer the questions after watching scene 1
1.When did the story happen? ( 1870 )
2.Why Jeanne could not recognize Mathilde?
Mathilde changed a lot and became so old.
3.What made Jeanne think that Mathilde was ill?
She doesn’t look well.
4.Why Jeanne was so surprised when Mathilde mentioned the necklace?
It happened ten year ago and maybe she has forgotten
Scene 2:
When: Ten years before(1860)
Where: The home of Mathilde and Pierre Loisel
Who: Mathilde and Pierre Loisel
What Got an invitation to a ball and got ready for it.
General idea: Pierre and his wife were invited to the ball at the palace.They decided to borrow some jewellery from Jeanne.
Choose the best answer
1.Why was Mathilde worried when her husband told her the invitation? A
A. Because she hadn’t got an evening dress.
B.Because she didn’t want to attend the ball.
C.Because she have no time to the ball.
2. It can be learned from scene 2 that to be invited to the palace ball ____. C
A. meant working hard day and night in the future B. meant spending a lot of money
C. was a great honor D. was not wonderful news
3. Mathilde did not want to wear a flower to the ball because_____ . C
A. she didn't like flowers B. people were not allowed to wear a flower at the ball
C. it would look shabby(寒酸的) to wear a flower D. flowers would bring her bad luck
Answer the questions after watching Scene2.
1.Why did Pierre say it was wonderful news?
He was invited to the ball.
2.What kind of feeling did he have when Pierre was the only person in his office to be invited?
Maybe he was glad and pride.
3.Why didn’t Mathild want to wear a flower?
Because everyone would wear jewellery
4.What decision did they make finally? They borrowed jewellery from their friends
Scene 3:
When: Ten years later(1870)
Where: In the park
Who: Mathilde, Jeanne
What The story of the lost necklace.
General idea: Mathilde lost the necklace at the ball. So she and her husband worked ten years to pay for it. But ten years later, Jeanne told her the necklace was not a real diamond necklace.
Characters Description of each character
Mathilde vain, glad, sad, scared, old, responsible…
Pierre happy, careful, scared, responsible…
Jeanne surprised, kind, friendly…
Choose the best answer
1. How much money did they spend in returning Jeanne’s necklace? B
A. It cost her over four hundred francs. B.It cost her about thirty-six thousand francs.
C.It cost her about five hundred francs. D.It cost her about fifty-six thousand francs
What was the real price of Jeanne’s necklace? C
How much did Mathilde’s dress cost her ? A
2. Which sentence expresses the main idea of the story? A
A.Mathilde lost the borrowed necklace and had to work hard for ten years to pay it back.
B.Mathilde worked hard to buy a new jewel for her friend.
C.Mathilde lost her borrowed necklace.
D.Mathilde found she was cheated(欺骗).
3.What do you think of Mathilde ? A
A.A vain (虚荣)woman B.A hard-working woman
C. A greedy(贪婪) woman D.A pretty and rich woman
4. What’s the author’s writing style? A
A.irony (讽刺) B.humour C.sorrow D.delight
5.The story is told _____. C
A.in inverse (反转) order B.in narration order(叙述)
C.in flashback order(倒叙) D.in time order
time order:Getting the invitation ----- Borrowing a necklace -----Losing the necklace ----- Buying a new necklace ----- Returning the necklace----- Learning the truth
Questions to scene 3
1.What happened on their way home after the ball ?
Mathilde found that the necklace was lost. They returned to the place to look for it but didn’t find it.
2.What did they do for Jeanne ?
They borrowed money to buy Jeanne a diamond necklace which looked exactly like the lost one.
3. What did they do in order to pay off the debt ?
They both worked day and night for 10 years
STEP 7 True or False
1.Mathilde borrowed an evening dress and a diamond necklace from her friend for the palace ball.
2. Mathilde was the only woman who was invited to the palace hall.
3. Pierre promised to buy Mathilde a nice evening dress which cost about 400 francs T
4. That evening at the ball was the happiest in their lives because they had a lot of fun and Mathilde was the centre of people’s attention. T
5. They rushed back, looked everywhere for the lost necklace and they found it.
6. They had to apologize to Mathilde’s friend Jeanne for that and promised to work for her to make up for the loss.
7. They bought a diamond necklace which cost only 500 francs and returned it to Jeanne .
8. They bought a real diamond necklace and returned it to Jeanne . Then they had to work night and day for 10 long years to pay off the debt . T
9. Jeanne didn’t recognize Mathilde at first because she changed a lot in the past ten years. T
10. Mathilde looked older than her age because she was ill.
11 They lost the necklace on the way to the ball in the palace.
12. Mathilde attended the ball wearing a flower.
13. Finally they paid off all their debts. T
Step 8 Summary of each scene
Mathilde meets her friend, Jeanne in a park and begins to explain to Jeanne why she looks older than her age.
Mathilde recalls the events ten years before that changed her life.
Jeanne remembers what happened. Mathilde reveals that she lost Jeanne’s necklace and replaced with another one. Jeanne tells Mathilde that the necklace she borrowed was a fake one.
Step 9 Structure:
Borrow a necklace: Why an invitation to a ball
When Ten years ago
Whom Her friend Jeanne
Lose the necklace when At/after the ball
Where Palace/ way
Return the necklace How Buy a new one
How much 36,ooo francs
How long Ten years of hard work
Learn the truth Not a diamond but a glass one
Step 10 . Post-reading
T:Now listen to the tape again.This time you should pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.
(Teacher plays the tape.After that,teacher gives students a few minutes to read the text aloud.At last students do an exercise for consolidation.)
T:Now suppose Mathilde returned to the palace where the ball was held to ask about the necklace.She answered some questions asked by the workers in the palace please read these sentences and match them.
(After a while,teacher checks the answers with them.)
Suggested answers:1.E 2.C 3.B 4.F 5.A 6.D
Step 11 Discussion
If you are Mathilde, and you find the necklace is gone after the ball, what will you do?
Unit 16
1. Develop the students reading ability, especially their reading comprehension.
2. Read the reading passage and know about
3. Enable the students to know the serious attitude to science.
Step 1 Presentation(整体感知)
Do you know the names of some famous scientist? What are they famous for?
Einstein Darwin Newton Edison Marie Curie Franklin
Relative theory Evolution Gravity Electric Bulb Radioactivity Kite experiment
Today we come to the Reading. It s about As we all know ,Benjamin Franklin is a famous politician.But today, we will read a passage about him as a scientist. His serious attitude to science .Let’s see how Franklin made his famous electricity experiment by flying a kite.
Step 2 Pre-reading discussions
We all know that it is the scientists’ great effort that makes the great achievement on science. Could you name some scientists’names? And what are they famous for? Try to fill in the blanks of the following form, if you。Can’t, ask your classmate to help you.Form: in the 18th & 19th centuries scientists all over the world made many important discoveries.Give some example./Physics/Medicine/Chemistry/Biology
Some famous scientists are:
Archimedes: mathematics and physics: he discovered pi (π)
Darwin: biology: he discovered that the ancestors of people were monkeys
Curie: physics: she discovered radium and radio¬activity
Newton: physics: he discovered why all things fall down to earth.
Physics Medicine Chemistry Biology
√ Madame Curie √ Florence Nightingale √Watson & Crick √Beatrix Potter
(Radioactivity) (Pie charts) (DNA) ("seeds" of mushrooms)
√ Isaac Newton √ John Snow √Gay-Lussac √Charles Darwin
(gravity) (spread of disease) (Gas laws) (Evolution)
√ Lord Kelvin √ Louis Pasteur √ Mendeleev √ Carl Linnaeus
(lowest temperature) (germs) (Periodic Table of elements) (Naming plants)
Step 3 Reading Fast reading
Listen to the tape and answer the following question.
1. Was the experiment done in June 1752 successful?
Yes, the experiment was successful
2. What did this experiment prove?
This experiment proved that light- ing and electricity were the same.
Read the text carefully again, and give the students some explanations.
Get the students read the test and then decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
1.In 1752 scientists already knew what electricity is. T
2.Franklin was helped by a friend to do the experiment.
3.Franklin made the kite of silk because wet silk does not conduct electricity.
4.A condenser was used in the experiment to store electricity. T
5.The key tied to the string was put into the door to stop he kite from flying away.
6.Franklin conducted the kite experiment in sunny days.
Read he passage and then find out the main idea.
Paragraph 1 Introduction of Franklin’s experiment.
Paragraph 2—3 The process Of the experiment.
Paragraph 4—6 The tip of doing the experiment.
Aim: To show that lightning and electricity are the same.
Materials: Some wooden sticks, a piece of silk, some rope, a very sharp piece of metal, a silk ribbon, a key, a condenser, a small shed, a thunderstorm with lightning.
Instructions: Paragraphs 5 and 6. Description: Paragraph 3.
Results: The electricity stored in the condenser can be used to do other Experiments, which proves that lightning and electric¬ity are the same.
Discussion: None.
Step 4 Listening to the reading passage
Play the tape for the students to listen and follow. Pay attention to the pro- nunciation and intonation.
Step 5 Post-reading
Answers to Exercise 1:1 True 2 False 3 False 4 True 5 False
Suggested answers to Exercise 2:
1 He wanted to prove that lightning and electricity are the same thing.
2 A silk kite will last longer in bad weather than a pa¬per kite.
3 Yes. Franklin's experiment was very dangerous be¬ cause if something went wrong he could be killed by the lightning.
Answers to Exercise 3:1 Incorrect 2 Correct 3 Incorrect 4 Correct
Extension 1 Franklin said, "You can collect and store the electricity with the condenser and use it for other experiments." Ask students what other kinds of simple experiments could be done using the electricity stored in the condenser. Benjamin Franklin conducted many experiments in his life. You might want your Ss to go on the Internet to find out what they were and report back to the class. '
Step 6 Summary
the purpose of the experiment To show the lighting and electricity are the same:
Time:: June 1752 People: Franklin, his son Place: a shed in the fields
Weather: Thunderstorm, rainy day
Four things needed for the experiment: a strong kite, a key, bad weather, a condenser
Three important steps to prepare for the experiment: fix, fasten, tie
Step 7 Homework:
1.Introduce a scientist hay you admire most。
2.Finish Winners Period 2
Unit 17
1. Develop the students reading ability, especially their reading comprehension.
2. Read the reading passage and know about the great woman Helen Thayer.
Step 1 Presentation
Today we come to the Reading. It is freezing cold in the North Pole and the South Pole.
T:Look at the picture and think it over:Could the polar bear meet the penguin in life?
S:Never, because the polar bear lives on the North Pole, while the the penguin lives on the South Pole. So it’s impossible for them to meet each other in life, except in zoos.
T:Few people, in the world have ever been there. However, there was a brave woman who had traveled alone to the North Pole and the South Pole. Do you know who she was? Right, Helen Thayer. She was the first woman who traveled alone there. Today we are going to read about the great woman the great woman, Helen Thayer.
Step 2 Pre-reading discussions
Suggested answers:
Question 1: A warm coat, gloves, a cap, wool pants, long underwear, boots, dark sunglasses, rope, a back¬pack, skis or snowshoes, a tent, sled, a radio transmit¬ter, a cellphone, dried food, compass, maps, a sleeping, bag, a small stove, matches, cooking fuel, an ice pick, flags, etc. All of these items are needed to keep warn, to provide shelter and food, to give directions, and to explore safely on snow and ice. What does not need to be brought? (Drinking water)
Question 2: Countries that are part of the North Pole: Norway, Sweden, Russia, Finland, US, Canada, Greenland (which is part of Denmark).
Countries that are part of the South Pole: Chile, Argen¬tina, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand
Question 3: Some animals that live on the North Pole: polar bear, wolf, snow fox, seal, walrus, reindeer, moose, killer whales
Some animals that live on the South Pole: penguin, seal, walrus, whales,
Imagine you are traveling alone to the South Pole. What will you take with you? Why?
Step 3 Reading
Read the text carefully again, and give the students some explanations. First show the students some pictures of Antarctica in order to arouse the student’s interest there.
Then ask some questions about the lonely continent.
Fast reading
Read the title, the first paragraph and the last one quickly to get the main idea of the whole passage :
Helen Thayer’s travel alone to Antarctica
Her _expedition_to the South Pole
Scanning: Find out how many parts the text can be divided into.
Part1(Para.1) A journey of challenge and danger to Antarctica began
Part2(Para.2-7) What happened on her way to Antarctica
Part3(Para.8) Making a decision
Careful-reading :
Task1: True or False
1. She traveled to Antarctica with her dog team to pull her sled. (F)
2. During the first week, the weather was always fine. (F)
3. Although the winds were getting stronger and stronger, her tent was not blown away. (T)
4. Thanks to all the training she had had before, she was able to get out of danger. (T)
Task2: Questions for Details:
1.What did she do at 50?
2. How did Helen plan to celebrate her 60th birthday?
3.What was the weather like?
4.Why did Helen want to make Nov. 12th special? How did she celebrate the day?
5.What happened when she was moving forward over slope ?
6.How did she rescue herself?
7.How did she hurt herself ?
8.What’s the result of the accident ?
9.What was her decision ?
10.Do you think Thayer’s trip was a failure ?Why?
Part1 A journey of challenge and danger to Antarctica began
1.What did she do at 50? To travel alone to the North Pole.
2. How did Helen plan to celebrate her 60th birthday?
She went to the South Pole, Antarctica to celebrate her 60th birthday.
Part2 On her way to Antarctica
3.What was the weather like?
Time Weather
The first days good weather;icy but not strong wind;bright sunshine
The third day stormy weather;stronger wind
4. Why did Helen want to make Nov. 12th special? How did she celebrate the day?
Because it was her birthday. She thawed a frozen cake over her fire, placed a candle on the top, lit it and sang “happy birthday to me” at the top of her voice.
5. What happened when she was moving forward over a slope ?
She had fallen into a hole and was hanging on the ropes tied to the sled
6. How did she rescue herself?
She used the way of self-rescue practiced many times in the mountains.
7. How did she hurt herself ?…have a bad accident with … and hurt …
8. What’s the result of the accident?…couldn’t stand on …, be woozy …
Part3 Making a decision
9. What was her decision ? She decided to give up .
10.Do you think Thayer’s trip was a failure?Why?
I don’t think it is a failure . She had met the challenges of solo travel in an extreme climate.
Step 3 Revision
On Nov 1st, 1997, I began my s___ travel to A_____ in order to c_____ my 60th birthday. The first days the weather was very good and there was b_____ sunshine.But changes were ___ __ ____.Soon,the day was cold and s____. I traveled slowly because of the bad weather. On Nov 12th, I celebrated my birthday __ a special way.During my e_____, I came a____ some accidents: I once dropped out ___ ___ my skis and ___ ___ a hole; I couldn't s___ __my left leg and my head was woozy ___ hitting the ground and so on. However, I o______ those difficulties thanks __ my training I had had. I ___ ___ the expedition at last w____ regret. It is an experience I shall never forget and shall v___ for the r___ of my life.
Keys: sole; Antarctic; celebrate;bright;around the corner;stormy;in;expedition;across;from;under;fall into;from;overcame;to; gave up;Without;value;rest
Step 4 Discussion
• What kind of woman is Helen Thayer ? Describe her in a few sentences.
• What can you learn from her?
Step 5 Rle Play:
Imagine Helen were invited to Wenzhou TV Station. One student acts as Helen and the other a reporter . Make up an interview between them.
Step 6 Summary 小结
Step 7 Homework :
1. Write down your own interview.
Retell the passage with the help of the following pictures.
“Winner” Period 1 in Unit 17.
Unit 18
1. Develop the students reading ability, especially their reading comprehension.
2. Read the reading passage and know about New Zealand.
Step 1 Lead in
How many continents and oceans are there in the world?Asia ,Europe , America, Africa, Oceania Pacific, Indian, Atlantic, Arctic
Today we come to the Reading. It’s about New Zealand. Today we are going to read about New Zealand, as we know, New Zealand is an island. Do you know where it is? Now, well look at the map and New Zealand and the seas surrounding it, (the Pacific and Tasman Sea)
Step 2 Pre-reading discussions
Get the students to look at the map of the world and write down the names of five islands and describe where they are. Then ask the students to compare the notes with the partners. At the end collect the answers from some of the students.
Answers to Exercise 1:
Name of the island Location
Taiwan Taiwan Island lies off the east of the mainland of China.
Hainan Hainan Island lies off the southern coast of the mainland of China, in the" South China Sea.
The Philippines The Philippines lie(s) in the South China Sea, southeast of Hong Kong.
Hawaii "Hawaii lies in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
New Zealand New Zealand lies off the east coast of the mainland of Australia.
Great Britain Great Britain lies off the northwest coast of Europe. The nearest countries are France and Ireland, which is also an island.
Answers to Exercise 2:
The capital of Taiwan is Tapei, which lies in the north of the island.
The capital of Hainan is Haikou City, located in north¬ern part of the island.
The capital of the Philippines is Manila, which lies in the south on the second largest, northern island. Honolulu, in the northwest, is the capital of Hawaii. Wellington, on the southwest coast of the North Island, is the capital of New Zealand.
London, the capital city of Great Britain, lies in the south¬east.
Answers to Exercise 3:
For all destinations, students may answer that they can be reached by air from the nearest city with an airport. However, the exercise will be more interesting if stu¬dents describe in detail how they would travel, which cities they would pass through and the exact locations of these cities. Instead of air travel, encourage students to describe journeys over land and sea voyages.
Step 3 Skimming
Read the text carefully again, and give the students some explanations. Ask the students to read the text silently and fast to get general idea of each paragraph
Paragraph 1 location or geography
location: lie off the eastern coast of Australia
Size The same as Japan
Capital: Wellington (on the North Island)
Cities: Auckland (north) ; Christchurch (south) ; Queenstown (further to the south)
Paragraph 2; climate
Temperature: Mild sea climate; subtropical
Rainfall: Rain a lot
Season: Summer ( Dec.-Feb.) Winter (June-Aug.)
Paragraph 3: natural resource
Seas: Deep blue
Cities Lie on a bay & a natural deep harbor
Beaches Clean
Mountains Dead volcanoes
Hot springs Throw hot water high into the air
National bird Kiwi (can not fly)
Paragraph 4 history
1000 years ago The Maori (earliest
1421 Chinese sailors
1642 Dutchman Abel Tasman named the islands
1769 Captain James Cook took possession of the islands
1840 Europeans (British) signed an agreement; National holiday (6th Feb.)
Paragraph About Title
Paragraph 1 Location Geography
Paragraph 2 Climate Climate
Paragraph 3 Landscape Nature
Paragraph 4 History History
How to describe a country or a region
First paragraph the population, ethnic groups and the languages
Second paragraph the culture of one or more ethnic groups that are native
Third paragraph the agricultural products that the place is famous for.
Fourth paragraph things people like to do in their free time in that place.
True or False
1.The other name for New Zealand is Aotearoa. T
2.North island is colder than South Island.
3.The south island is famous for hot springs.
4.New Zealand is a French-speaking country.
5.Besides the kiwi, there are other types of birds that only live in New Zealand.
6.No Chinese people live in New Zealand.
Step 4 Scanning
Answer the following questions.
1. How many islands is New Zealand made up of and what are they?
It is made of two large islands. They are North Island and South Island.
2.what and where is the capital of New Zealand?
The capital is Wellington and lies on the North Island.
3.What do you know about the weather in New Zealand?
New Zealand has a mild sea climate, while the north is subtropical. It rains quite a lot. The warnest months are December to February. The coldest months are June to August.
4. What kind of animal do you think only lives in New Zealand? Kiwi
5. Who were the earliest people to come to New Zealand and how did they get there?
The Maori were the earliest people to come to New Zealand.
They traveled In narrow boats and brought dogs, rats and plants with them.
6.What is the official language in New Zealand? English and Maori.
7. For the Maori, what are special days called? Huis.
8. When are the school main holidays? Mid-December till early February
9. What do you know about weather in New Zealand ?
A mild sea, subtropical in the north
Step 5 Choose the right answer.
1. From the passage we can figure out Maori people are about _____ more than Asians living in New Zealand. B
A. 532,000 B. 304,000 C. 340,000 D. 228,000
2. In New Zealand, a public servant may offer services ______ . D
A. in many languages B. only in English
C. only in Maori D. either in English or in Maori
3. Maori people believe that _____ C
A. not all the people have spirits. B. one’s spirit will never leave his body.
C. one’s spirit will not die when he dies. D. one’s spirit will disappear the moment he is dead.
4)The cities whose rainfall changes least from winter to summer are___ . D
A. Queenstown & Wellington B. Auckland & Christchurch
C. Auckland & Wellington D. Christchurch & Queenstown
Step 6 Summary
New Zealand:
location: lie off the eastern coast of Australia
climate: have a mild sea climate and subtropical
natural beauty: have natural deep harbors clean sand beach beautiful landscape hot spring、 special plants and animals
history: 1,000 years ago the Maori
around 1421 Chinese sailors
in 1642 the Dutchman
in 1769 Captain Cook
by 1840 Europeans, the Maori
Politics: women’s voting pension
Agriculture: cattle sheep deer goat
Sports & free time: sailing swimming horse-riding rock-climbing
Wildlife: flightless birds (kiwi)
Step 7 Find out what the words in bold refer to:
It New Zealand
Which hot springs
this heat the heat near the earth’s surface
these settlers Europeans / British settlers
it England
Step8 Post-reading
Answers to the exercises:
1 I It refers to New Zealand.
2 which refers to hot springs.
3 this heat refers-to the heat near the earth's surface.
4 these settlers refers to European I British settlers.
5 it refers to England.
2 I History I Fourth paragraph
2 Climate I Second paragraph
3 Natural beauty I Third paragraph
4 Geography I First paragraph
3 A New Zealand lies in the Pacific Ocean.
B The Tasman Sea lies to the west of New Zealand.
C Wellington, the capital of New Zealand, lies in the southeast of the North Island.
D Auckland lies on the northeastern coast of New Zealand.
E Christchurch lies to the east, on the South Island of New Zealand.
4 I B 2 B 3 D 4 D
5 New Zealand has mild summers with lighter rain and cold winters with heavier rain. Nights in both sea¬sons are cooler than days but not so much cooler. The graphs don't give any information about the cli¬mate and weather in autumn and spring. The graphs also don't give any information about the number of hours that the sun shines.
6 The climate on the North Island in New Zealand is like the warm climate in Southern China although the rainfall is less. The climate of the South Island can still be called mild, and is like the climate in southwestern China although it does not get as much rainfall. Perhaps on the whole, China is a bit warmer in summer and a bit colder in winter.
Step 9 Summary 小结
Step 10 Homework:
1、 Finish half part of Period 2 in Winners of Unit 18
Unit 19
1. Develop the students reading ability, especially their reading comprehension.
2. Read the reading passage and know about the differences between traditional agriculture and modern one in China meanwhile any necessary common knowledge about the importance of keeping the balance of nature.
3. To encourage the students to learn more for the future green agriculture of our country and the importance of protecting of environment.
Step 1 Presentation
1.Who is the man in the picture? He’s Jia Sixie.
2.What do you know about him?
Jia Sixie, author of China’s first agricultural encyclopedia (百科全书), was one of the leading agronomists in Chinese history. In the late years of the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534), he wrote Qimin Yaoshu (Essential Skills for the Common People). It is the earliest and most complete agricultural encyclopedia still in existence in China.
Today we come to the Reading. It’s about the differences between traditional agriculture and modern one in China meanwhile any necessary common knowledge about the importance of keeping the balance of nature. Let’s look at the pictures and reconstruct the text by comparing traditional and modern farming.
Step 2 Pre-reading discussions
Answers to Exercise 1:
The first picture shows a farmer sitting in the courtyard, in front of the house. There is a basket in front of her and two chickens that eat from the basket. On this farm, chickens can walk freely in the yard.The picture below shows a large building in which thou¬sands of chickens sit in small cages. On this farm, chick¬ens sit in cages inside a building.
The second picture shows a pile of animal shit (manure). The picture below shows a bag of chemical fertiliser.
The third picture show a farmer working on the land with two animals. The animals pull the plough to work the land.
The picture below shows a tractor. In this picture, the farmers use the tractor to work the land.
The fourth picture shows dry, barren land. The earth is so dry that nothing can grow there.
The picture below shows a greenhouse, where plants grow in a building .made of glass.
Answers to Exercise 2:
Ask the students to discuss the advantages and disad¬vantages of modern farming; they can also think of the advantages and disadvantages of the old ways of farming.
Raising chickens
Small scale Large scale
The farmer can keep only a few chickens. The farmer can keep thousands of chickens.
It does not cost a lot to keep the chickens. It costs a lot of money to keep the chickens.
It is not a lot of work to keep the chickens. It's a lot of work to keep the chickens: feeding, cleaning etc.
The chickens don't have many problems. If chickens get ill, many die or must be killed.
The chickens are not so fat. The chickens are big and fat.
The eggs and meat taste very good. The meat and eggs do not taste so good.
The chickens are free. The chickens are not free.
The farmer can sell the chicken dung
Natural fertiliser (manure; also dung) Chemical fertiliser
It's free or can be bought at low prices.
It is a lot of work to mix it with the soil.
It has a bad smell.
It takes a lot of place to store.
It is difficult to transport. It's expensive.
It is not a lot of work to mix it with the soil. It has no smell.
It takes little place to store.
It is easy to transport.
Animals (buffalo; also ox) Machines (Tractor) Horsepower
They are not so expensive. They are expensive.
The "fuel" is cheap (grass, hay etc). The fuel is expensive (gasoline).
They don't pollute the air. They pollute the air.
They can be used on different terrain; eg hill slopes or wet ground. They can only be used on flat (level) and dry terrain.
They need to rest sometimes. They don't need to rest.
You can use them for about 10-20 years. You can use them for 5-20 or more years if you can get enough spare (repair) parts.
If they get young ones, you get more for free.
If they totally "break down", you can eat them.

Climate control
Open air Greenhouse
If the weather conditions are bad you can loose the crops.
The landscape is more beautiful.
The land must be good for farming (arable land).
Weather conditions are controlled, so they cannot damage crops.
It is expensive to build and operate (gas, water, electric¬ity) a greenhouse.
If there is a power failure, you may lose crops.
The landscape is ugly:
Greenhouses can be built where the land is not suitable for farming.
1950s - 1980s 1980s - present
The use of machines eg tractors The use of greenhouses
The use of electric pumps for irrigation To make vegetables bigger or better
The use of chemical fertilisers To change vegetables so they can grow on poor
The use of insect killers soil
The use of special seedbeds Knowledge from abroad
IT technique and technical are words that mean something with
technology FORM machines, then technology must be the noun to match these two
words meaning new machines or doing things that are based on
modem knowledge.
agricultural FORM IT cultural is the adjective for culture, then agricultural must be
the adjective for agriculture, meaning to do with agriculture.,

Step 3 Scanning:
Q1:What is the biggest problem to Chinese farmers?
China is a country with the largest population in the world,but only seven percent of the land can be used for farming.
Q2:What does GM mean?
“G” stands for “genetically” from the world “genes”.M” stands for “modified”,which means “changed”.
Step 4 Skimming
Read the whole text .Find out the topic sentence in each paragraph.
Para.1: For thousands of years traditional agriculture in China did not change very much.
Para.2: Over time, many farming techniques have been modernised.
Para.3: Not only is food production important but also taking care of the environment.
Para.4: Using the latest technologies, Chinese scientists grow vegetables in greenhouses.
Para.5: Another technique tries to create plants that produce more and bigger fruit.
Para.6: The tomoto is one of nearly 4,500 different plants thet are genetically modified.
1.What helps Chinese farmers produce enough food for the largest population in the world?
High technology.
2.When was more advanced technical information brought in from abroad? In the 1980s
3.What does “which ” refer to in the last two lines ? “Which” refers to “golden rice”
4. What is the other name of “golden rice ” in the text ? GM rice
5.How much does arable land take up in China? Only 7 percent.
6.How many ways are mentioned to make the land produce more? What are they?
4. Fertilisation; irrigation; 2 or more crops are planted each year where possible; more advanced technical information.
7.What does new techniques mean?
Those that are used to increase agricultural production without harming the environment.
8.When did scientist start to develop new techniques? From the early 1990s.
5.How many unusual ways are mentioned to deal with the shortage of arable land?
2. Grow vegetables in greenhouses; GM.
Step 5 Scanning
1: What’s the biggest problem to Chinese farmers?
The shortage of arable land.
2: What does GM mean?
“G” stands for “genetically” “M” stands for “modified” (changed)
3.What is important for future agriculture ?
Both food production and taking care of the environment are more important .
4.What should future agriculture depend on?
Future agriculture should depend on high technology as well as traditional methods
Read the text carefully again
What advice does Jia Sixie give farmers?
1. Farmers should do things at the right time of the year.
2. Farmers should examine the soil carefully.
3. If the conditions of the soil is not good, farmers should improve it.
4. Before sowing or planting crops, farmers should clean rough ground and remove weed.
5. Farmers should let sheep or cattle (cows) walk on the land before sowing or planting crops.
6. Farmers should plough the land, so weeds are destroyed.
7. When ploughing the land, farmers should plough deep the first time and less deep the second time.
8. Farmers will get the best results if they change crops in their fields.
9. If farmers plant rice in a field one year, and wheat in that field the following year, they will harvest good crops
10. If farmers plant wheat close together, they will have better results than when they plant wheat leaving space between the plants.
11. It is good to grow different plants next to each other in the same field.
Step 4 Listening to the reading passage
Play the tape for the students to listen and follow. Pay attention to the pro- nunciation and intonation.
Step 5 Post-reading
Choose the best answers.
1 In China only seven percent of the land is used for farming. This is _______. D
A because farmers don’t need more land to produce food for the whole population
B because China needs more & more land to build cities
C because there are not enough farmers to work on the land
D because the other land can’t be used for agriculture
2 Fertilisation is a technique that is used to ______. A
A make poor soil better B make wet land drier
C make dry land wetter D grow vegetables with their roots in water instead of earth
3 Modern agriculture means finding ways to ______________.C
A increase irrigation & stop using fertilisers
B stop irrigation & using fertilisers
C increase production & be friendly to the environment
D produce the same amount while taking better care of nature
4 In the sentence “ … they are protected from the wind, rain & insects”, “they” means _______. C
A greenhouses B roots C vegetables D tomatoes
5 In GM “M” stands for “modified”, which means “changed”. What changes is _____________. C
A the way in which poor soil is made better
B the way in which Chinese farmers work on their land
C the way in which crops develop from seed
D the way in which farmers take care of the environment
6.What should future agriculture depend on according to the text ? D
A. High technology B. Traditional methods
C. High technology or traditional methods
D. Not only traditional methods but also high technology
7.How do farmers in China make their land produce more? D
A. They have long used techniques such as fertilization and irrigation
B. More advanced technical information was brought in from abroad
C. Technology and machines are imported
D. All above
8. Which of the following statements is not true ? C
A. It saves time for the farmers to plant two or more crops every year where possible
B. Scientists began to develop new techniques to increase agricultural production without harming the environment
C. Food production is more important than taking care of the environment
D. Only 7% of the land can be used for farming in China
9. The biggest problem of Chinese farmers is ____. A
A. the shortage of arable land B. lack of labor force
C. lack of technology D. lack of money
10. Scientists have started to develop new technology to increase agricultural production without harming the environment since _____. C
A. the 19th century B. modern times
C. the early 1990s D. the 1980s
11. New techniques are those which can ____. D
A. increase agricultural production B. protect the environment from being harmed
C. bring in great profit
D. not only increase agriculture production but also be friendly to the environment
12.The text is about ____. B
A. farmers in China
B. the development of agriculture in China
C. advanced technology in China
D. genetically modified plants in China
13. Which of the following is most probable in future agriculture according to the text ? D
A. Only high technology is used
B. It will greatly harm the environment
C. It will depend on only traditional methods
D. It will depend on both high technology and traditional methods
Answers to Exercise 2: Sample:
Answers to Exercise 2: Sample:
Kind How would you change it? Why do you want to change it in this way?
Fruit Watermelon Grow them like blocks instead of balls Easier to store, takes less space
Vegetable Onion Make sure they don't hurt your eyes anymore EasIer to peel, and cut
Animal Sheep To have red wool Looks funny and then we don't need to dye wool to make clothes
Step 6 Summary 小结
Step 7 Homework:Write a short passage about how we should protect our environment and build a green world.
Finish Post-reading in SB
Unit 20
1. Develop the students reading ability, especially their reading comprehension.
2. Read the reading passage and know about Laughing Matter.
3. Learn to interview a person.
Step 1 Leading in
Who can say something about comedians? Comedians are people, especially professional entertainers, who tell jokes or do amusing things to make people laugh and think. Look at the pictures . Do you know who these comedians are? What make them funny to you?
Step 2 Pre-reading discussions
1. Who is the main character in the film? Charlie Chaplin
2. Do you know any comedians both at home and abroad? Please name some. Charlie Chaplin
The comic duo of the 1930s “Laurel and Hardy”. The thin one is called Stan Laurel, the stout one Oliver Hardy. They are funny because they are each other’s opposites: one fat and one thin; one is clever and one is silly etc.
Get the students to read and practice the dialogue in the text.
Work in pairs. Ask one student play the part of a journalist the other a circus down. Make up a dialogue referring to the questions and pictures.
Practice the useful expressions in pairs first, and then act out at class using dialogues or making sentences.
Sample answers for Question 1
Photo 1: The comic duo of the 1930s "Laurel and Hardy." (The thin one is called Stan Laurel, while the stout one is called Oliver Hardy.) They are funny be¬cause they are each other's opposites: one fat and one thin; one is clever and one is silly etc.
Photo 2: Mr Bean. Although Mr Rowan Atkinson acts as different comic characters he is most famous around the world as Mr Bean. Mr Bean is funny because he makes funny faces, he acts silly, he seems to be quite stupid, and the things he does are strange.
Photo 3: Dustin Hoffman in the film Tootsie (1982). In this film Hoffman acts the role of a woman, and many . people agree that his performance was so good that you often can't tell the difference. But in the film of course there all kinds of funny moments.
Photo 4: Ma Ji is a well-known artist of crosstalk shows in China. His numerous crosstalk shows always make his audience roar with laughter. Ask the students to talk about Ma Ji themselves in pairs or groups.
Sample answers for Question 2:
Photo 1: Other comic duos are for example, Abbott and Costello, French and Saunders, Wallace.& Gromit or Beavis and Butthead.
Photo 2: Other comedians acting as clowns are for ex¬ample, Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton or Austin Pow¬ers.
Photo 3: Other famous comedians who dressed up as women are for example, Dame Edna (Australia), Milton Berle (USA) and Eddy Izzard (UK).
Photo 4: Other famous crosstalk artists are Jiang Kun, Hou Yuewen, Feng Gong, Ma Sanli, Tang Jiezhong, etc.
Sample answers for Question 3:
1 I have seen some films of Laurel and Hardy and I think that they are very funny.
2 I find Mr Bean always very funny.or: I know some people think it is funny, but I think Mr Bean is very silly.
3 I don't think I ever saw this comedian. I am not sure if I would like it.
4 I once heard Hou Yuewen on the radio and I had to laugh so much that my stomach hurt and I had tears in my eyes.
Listen to the tape of the text and answer the question.
How many types of humor are introduced in the text?
Comedies clowns Laughing Matter crosstalk comedians
Laughing matter : 1.comedies 2. clowns 3.comedians 4-5.crosstalk
What is the text about?
1,The title is a bit of a puzzle to me and there are no other clues to find out what the text is about. I suppose it will be about something to laugh about.
2,If it’s about laughing or humour, it can be about jokes or funny storied.
Read the text again , try to divide the text into several parts and find out the main idea of each part:
Part 1: Comedies
Part 2: Clowns
Part 3: Comedians
Part 4: Crosstalk
PartⅠ Comedies
1. How do the writers of comedies often use to make people laugh?
Making fun of ….
Telling an amusing story
Acting out stereotypes
Speaking foreign language with an accent
Word play
2. Why is Dustin Hoffman so famous? C
A. He is famous for his works. B. He is famous for his foreign accent.
C. He is famous for his role acting as a woman. D. He is good at playing on words.
3. What techniques are used by the writers of comedies to make the audience laugh? _________. D
A. Stereotypes of nationalities or people doing certain jobs. B. Word play.
C. Cross-dressing way. D. Both A, B and C
4.“Funny plays often have characters that are stereotypes of nationalities or people doing certain jobs.” Which of the following has the same meaning with “character”? A
A. Mathilde Loisel is one of the characters in the play “The necklace”.
B. Chinese character is hard to learn for most of the foreigners.
C. His character is different from his wife’s.
D. The picture shows us the character of the desert landscape.
Part Ⅱ Clowns
1. In what ways do clowns make us laugh? What about comedians?
Clowns make people laugh by acting alone or as a pair
not using any words
using clothes, make-upand the way they walk
2. What is the writer’s opinion on clowns? _____ C
A. They would like to reach a wide audience.
B. They only have children in mind.
C. They are funny not only for children but also for adults.
D. They can help people forget their problems for a long time.
Part Ⅲ Comedians
Comedians make people laugh by body language and their face
acting out a sketch
playing with words.
Effect of comedians’ performance on people:
Make people not only laugh
but also think about life
True or False
1. Comedians are different from clowns because they don’t use body language or facial expressions in their shows. F
2. The show of a comedian is more profound (深刻的) than that of a clown T
3. The show of a comedian is more like that of a comedy. T
4. The situations comedians act out in their shows just look like comedies. F
Part Ⅳ Crosstalk
Crosstalk shows make people laugh by playing with words
making many jokes and funny conversations
dressing up a little or acting out small sketches
using rhythm and rhyming words.
using tongue twisters.
Step 3 Reading
Read the text carefully again, and give the students some explanations. Do a little quiz by speaking.、
1. ----John sends his best wishes. ----________.
A. That’s nice of him B. Oh, he is too police
C. It’s kind of him to say so D. You are really kind to me
2. ---- What do you think sally is like? ----She______
A. isn't in good health B. doesn’t’ like eating too much
C. likes to eat fish D. is very pretty
3. ---- Do you mind my taking this seat? ---- _______
A. Yes, sit down please B. No, of course not
C. Yes, take it please D. No, you can't take it
4. -----Leaving for Chicago? ------_______.
A. Soon B. Lately C. Late D. Sooner
5. -------Excuse me, have you got a light? ______. I don’t smoke.
A. Don’t mention B. Never mind C. I'm afraid not D. Thanks a lot
1. A 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.C
Step 4
Para. 1: Comedies:
- Ask students about famous Chinese and Western comedies.
- Ways of dressing or behaving.
- Stereotypes of people from different countries (including China)
- Funny accents (foreign, local or in cer¬tain jobs)
- Examples of word play.
Para. 2: Clowns: - Ask about different Chinese and West¬ern clowns
- Ways of dressing, make-up
- Examples of jokes, fun
Para. 3: Comedians: - Ask about different Chinese and West¬ern comedians.
- Mime, body language, facial expres¬sions
- Retell famous sketches for comedy shows.
Para. 4: Crosstalk: - Ask about different crosstalk shows.
- In which way do crosstalk artists make people laugh?
Ask students to give some famous ex¬ amples of rhyme, rhythm and tongue twisters from Chinese crosstalk shows (in Chinese).
Step 4 Listening to the reading passage
Play the tape for the students to listen and follow. Play the tape for the students to listen and follow. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.
Step 5 Post-reading
1. How long has the tradition of crosstalk existed in China?
The tradition of crosstalk has existed in China for more than 2,000 years.
2. Give three examples of techniques that writers of comedies often use to make people laugh.
cross-dressing stereotypes word play
3.Why are some of Shakespeare’s comedies not so funny for us?
Some of Shakespeare’s plays are not so




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