
中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

Unit 1
Teaching Aims:
1.Learn and master the following words and phrases
Survive, item, hunt for, make a fire on board,hammer,mirror, saw,care about,parachute
2.Important Ss’reading ability
3.Enable Ss to value the friendship between friends by learning the reading text
Teaching Important Points:
1.Important Ss’reading ability
2. Master the following phrases
Hunt for,make a fire,care about, on board
Teaching Difficult points:
How to make Ss understand the reading text better
Teaching Methods:
1.Discussion before reading to make Ss interested in what they will learn
2. Discussion after reading to make Ss understand what they’ve learned better
3. Fast reading to get a general idea of the text
4. Careful reading to get the detailed information in the text
Teaching Aids:
1.a recorder 2. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Greetings and Revision
Yesterday we learned some self-introduction . We know how to describe yourself and your friends in English . Now who can give us self-introduction in English?
Step 2 Pre-reading
Ok. Thank you for your self-introduction . We all know that we have lived with our parents, since we were born. We have never been left on a plane without your parents , brother or sister, friends and all the things we use in our daily life . Yes or No ?
Step 3 Fast reading
First I’ll give five minutes to read the text and then summrize the main idea of each para.
Par. 1 : Chuck’s plane lands on a deserted island
Par.2: Chuck has to learn to how to survive on the island
Par.3: Chuck learns a lot about himself when he is alone on the island
Par.4 Chuck has made an unusual friend on the island
Step 4 Careful reading
Read the text again in three minutes and then answer the following questions and choose the best answer
1.Does Chuck Noland always have time to get together with his friends?why?
2. Where does he land after the crash?
3. What things must he learn to survive?
4. What is the most difficult for him.
5.Who is Wilson?
6. What does Chuck learn about himself when he is alone on the island?
7. What does Chuck learn from his experience on the deserted island?
8. What can we learn from Chuck’s experience?
9.If you were alone on a deserted island,what would you do in order to survive?
10. Imagine that four people are in an airplane that is going to crash. One is a policeman, one is a doctor, one is a teacher, and one is a scientist . There is only one parachute. Decide who should get the parachute and explain why.
Choose the best answer
1.Tom Hanks _____________ . C
A.is a successful businessman B. doesn’t have much free time
C. is the main actor in the movie Cast Away D. had a plane accident over the Pacific
2.A deserted island __________ . C
A. has no post office on it B. lies in the middle of the Pacific Ocean
C. is an empty place where nobody lives D. is a plane crashes are most likely to happen
3.. To be short of _______ is what makes it most difficultfor chuck to live on the island. C
A. volleyball B. fresh water C. friendship D. enough food
4. After 5 years alone on the island , chuck would probably disagree that _______ . A
A. a good friend should never think about himself
B. people can make friends with some unusual things like animals
C. friends are the people who can share your happiness and sorrow
D. as a good friend ,you must give as much as you take
5. which can be learned from the last paragraph of the passage ? B
A. Everyone need an unusual friends
B. Friends can learn from each other
C. A friend in need is a friend indeed
D. Animals and things can make better friends than human beings
Step 5 Repeat the story according to the following.:
plane crashed deserted island make friends with(Key words: learn to realise the lesson from Chuck friendship an unusual friend)
Step 6 Language points
1. ① manager n. 经理,管理者,经营者
这家公司的经理 the manager of the company
manage v. 控制, 管理, 经营 (口语:应付得来,做得来
Manage a business 管理商务 I can’t manage it alone.我一个人办不来.
2 crash n. 坠毁,碰撞,碰坏,哗啦啦地倒塌
他于飞机失事中丧生 He was killed in an air crash
v. 撞击, 坠毁, 冲入 公共汽车撞在树上了 The bus crashed into a tree
那架飞机坠毁了 The aircraft crashed
3. deserted adj. 无人居住的 , 荒废了的, 被抛弃了的
a deserted village/island 荒废的村庄/荒岛
4. develop v. 发展, 开发,(使)成长;(使)发育
植物由种子发育而成. eg.Plants develop from seeds
工农业飞速发展. Agriculture and industry develop very quickly
A developing country 发展中国家
A developed country 发达国家
With the development of 随着…….的发展
5.On the island,Chuck has to learn to survive all alone.
Alone adj,adv.作为adj时,只能用作表语,不能做定语. 意为”独自一人” 作为adv时,表示”独自,单独” 用在名词,代词之后,意为”只有”
lonely adj. 表示人 “孤独的, 寂寞的”.也可表示地方”荒凉的:, “人烟稀少的”,既可以做定语,也可以做表语.
虽然我独自一人,但是我并不寂寞 I am alone, but I don’t feel lonely.
他独自一人在荒岛上呆了四年 He lived alone on the lonely island for four years
6.In order to survive, Chuck developed
In order to 引导表示目的的状语,意为”为了”
他早起为了赶第一班车 He got up early in order to catch the first bus.
Unit 2
Teaching Aims:
1.Learn the text “English around the world”
2. Get Ss to master the useful expressions in the text
3. Train ss to read the text with correct pronunciation and intonation
Teaching Important Points:
1. How to improve Ss’ ability to read an article
2. How to get Ss to masterr the useful expressions
Teaching Difficult points:
The use of some useful expressions
Teaching Methods:
1. Fast-reading to train Ss’ reading speed
2.Reading comprehension to help Ss grasp the main idea of the text
3. Preactise getting Ss to master what they’ve learned
Teaching Aids:
1. a recorder 2. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Lead-in
From the text we learned yesterday, we know that English is used widely around the world. People in many countries speak English as their first language, and among those countries are America and Britain. Then let’s look at two pictures. Can you tell me which one belongs to America and which one belongs to Britain?
The sceneries were so beautiful
But do you know that American English and British English are not the same. Then let’s have a revision of some differences between British English and American English.
e.g. a. Meaning: bathroom b. Spelling: color & colour
c. Pronunciation: hot d. Words: fall & autumn
I think most of our students are interested in the differences between American English and British English. Do you want to know more about it? Today we will learn the text named
Step 2 Reading Comprehension
ⅠFast Reading
Read the text quickly and answer the following question, then summarize the main idea of each para.
Question: Are the differences greater in the written language or the spoken language?
Answer: The differences are greater in the spoken language.
the main idea of each para.
Para.1 English is spoken as mother tongue and as a second language
Para.2 Many people learn English as a foreign language
Para.3 Many people communicate in English every day
ⅡCareful Reading
1. When did American become independent?
2. When did the language begin to change?
3. Which country did the British take “Typhoon” from?
Which country did the Americans take “Tornado” from?
4. Who wrote the first American dictionary?
5. What was his purpose?
6. What are the main three reasons for the differences?
Step 3 Practice
ⅠRead aloud the text
ⅡGo through the text and deal with some language points
1.come about: happen e.g. How did the accident come about?
2. at first e.g. At first she was afraid of water,but she soon learned to swim.
3. while e.g. Some people are rich while others are poor.
4. just as e.g. Just as you say, he is a honest boy.
5. end up with e.g. At the dinner w usually begin with soup and end up with fruit.
6. except for e.g. You composition is good except for some spelling mistakes.
Ⅲ Answer the following questions by choosing the best answer.
1. America stopped being a part of England in _______. C
A 1707 B 1828 C 1776 D 1911
2. Which of the following statements is true? D
A After 1828 American English and British English stayed the same.
B After 1828 British English changed but British English stayed the same.
C After 1828 British English changed but American English stayed the same.
D After 1828 both British English and American English changed.
3. British English is different from American English because________. C
A British decided to change the spelling of many American words
B American English changed but British English stayed the same
C the Americans and British took different words from other languages
D America is a bigger country
4. Noah Webster was_______. D
A an American president B a Spanish farmmer C a British teacher D an American writer
5. Which of the following statements is true?D
A In the future both American English and British English will stay the same.
B In the future American English will change but British English will not.
C In the future British English will change but American English will not.
D In the future both British English and American English will change.
Step 4 Consolidation
Retell the text according to key words:
differences, come about, change, borrow, Noah Webster, spelling, pronunciation
Step 5 Homework
Write a short passage about the differences between British and American English, mainly the reason and some examples of the differences.
The Design of the Blackboard
American English & British English
ⅠDifferences Ⅱ Keywords
a.Meaning: bathroom differences
b. Spelling: color & colour come about
c. Pronunciation: hot change
d. Words: fall & autumn borrow
Noah Webster
Unit 3
Teaching Aims:
1. Learn and master the following words and expressions:
Adventure simply rafting equipment paddle get away from get close to
2. Train Ss’ reading ability
Teaching Important Points:
1.Improve Ss’ reading ability
2.Enable ss to understand the text better
3.Master the following phrases:
get away from get close to instead of be careful (not )to do sth
Teaching Difficult points:
Master sentence structures
1. Yet there are other reasons why people trave
2.It is done rives and streams where the waster moves quickly
Teaching Methods:
1.Discussion before reading to make Ss interested in travel and adventure travel
2. Fast reading to get a general idea of the text
3. Careful reading toanswerthe detailed questions in the text
Teaching Aids:
1. a recorder 2. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Discussion:
1.Do you like traveling? Why or why not?
2.Where would you most like to travel? Why?
3.What is adventure(冒险) travel?
Step 2 Reading
Today we’ll read a text “adventure travel”and know something about it Read the passage quickly to get the general idea
Para.1 adventure travel
Para2 Hiking
Para3 Rafting
Answer the following questions
1.Why do many people travel?
see other countries visit places that are famous, interesting or beautiful. meet new friends try new kinds of food experience life in other parts of the world get away from cold weather
2.Why do people enjoy hiking?
…get close to nature and take exercise at the same time.
…is easy to do and doesn’t have to be very expensive.
The basic equipment you need for hiking is simple.
…anywhere you like.
3.Why do people enjoy rafting?
…exciting adventure?
…a good way to experience nature?
4.If you want a normal rafting, what should you do?
If you are looking for more excitement, …try whitewater rafting.
5.What should you think about if you want to go for a rafting?
…safety; …good clothes; …learn the basic skills of rafting; such as how to handle the raft, how to paddle and how to…
You should also know how to swim.
…wear a life jacket.
1).What is hiking?
2).Why is hiking a kind of adventure travel?
3).Where can you go hiking?
1).What is rafting?
2).Where is rafting done?
3).Why is rafting a kind of adventure travel?
Step 3 Careful reading
Read the text again and fill in the below form
Safety tips for hiking:
1.tell someone your destination 2.Bring some necessities
3.Watch out for possible dangers 4.Take some protectors
Benefits of hiking
1.Fun and exciting 2.Get close to nature 3.Take exercise
Safety tips for rafting
1.Learn some basic rafting skills 2.Know how to swim
3.Wear good and strong clothes 4.Wear a life jacket
Benefits of rafting
1.Give excitement 2.Experience nature 3.Take adventure
Compare hiking and rafting.
Similarities: Both are examples of adventure travel.
*Both take place outdoors.
*Both are fun and exciting.
*Both make people get close to nature.
*Both have safety tips.
Places: Hiking : In the mountains,in a forest,along a river,in a city
Rafting : On rivers and streams
Equipment: Hiking : good shoes, clothes,backpack map, water, sunscreen, cell phone, hat, etc.
Rafting: Boat,paddle,good clothes,lifejacket
Cost: Hiking : Inexpensive
Rafting: Somewhat expensive
Skills needed: Hiking: Good walking skills
Rafting :Good rafting and swimming skills
Possible dangers: Hiking: Getting lost,sunburn,poisonous animals or plants,hunger and thirst
Rafting: Hitting rocks, trees,falling into water
Choose the correct answers.
1 Adventure travellers want to ______ A
A experience fun and excitement B meet new friends
C try new kinds of food D visit famous sites or beautiful places
2 Hiking is a kind of adventure travel because ______ B
A it is not expensive B it is exciting
C you need a lot of equipment for it D you will often put yourself in danger
3 While hiking or rafting, it is important to think about ______D
A cost B excitement C fun D safety
4 Before you go to rafting, you do not have to _____ D
A learn rafting skills B know how to swim C put on a life jacket D wear leather shoes
5 Which of the following is the most difficult? _____ C
A Normal rafting B Stream rafting C Whitewater rafting D Rock rafting
Unit 4
Teaching Aims:
1.Improve Ss’ reading ability
2.Learn how to organize ideas in a text using “First” “ Next ” “Then ” “Finally ”
3. Master some important words and expressions
Teaching Important Points:
Help ss to understand the passage better
Teaching Difficult points:
How to improve ss’reading ability
Teaching Methods:
1.Discussion to let Ss know something about natural disasters
2.Fast reading to get the general idea
3. Careful reading to help ss understand some detailed information
Teaching Aids:
1. a recorder 2. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Pre-reading
1.What natural disasters do you know? Flood drought typhoon earthquake volcano fire
2.Have you ever experienced a natural disaster?
Can you describe what it was like and how you feel?
Step 2 Fast reading:
1.What were Flora’s first two feelings when she turned around and saw the water coming?
She felt surprised and wondered/frightened
2.Why was Jeff looking for the chimney? Because chimney is the strongest part of the house and he thought it would stand in the flood
Step 3 Careful reading
1.Jeff was waving his arms___________. D
A.to ask flora to look around B.to make Flora think twice
C.to make Flora t hear a loud noise D.to warn Flora of the advancing water
2.Put the following things in right order. B
a.Flora turned around and saw Jeff waving his arms. b.Jeff dragged Flora toward the house.
c.Flora climbed the stairs. d.Flora started crying. e.Jeff opened the hall door.
f.Jeff seized Flora’s arm and told her to run.
g.Flora struggle in the water and managed to get on her feet
A.a,b,g,d,e,f,c B.a,f,b,g,e,c,d C.a,g,e,b,f,c,d D.a,e,c,f,b,g,d
In the garden
Flood: roar/a wall of water/swept down/swallow / wave/cold as ice/ flow
Reaction: Jeff: wave arms/seize/dragged ..towards /pull her up/hold onto a tree /
Flora: struggle / get on her feet / hold hands / fought for life / pull…up
Feelings: surprised / wondering/frightened
On the way to the house
Flood: go down / great roar / flowed around their legs
Reaction: Jeff: shouted / ran to the steps / opened the hall door
Flora: couldn’t move/ran / got to the steps
Feelings: anxious / frightened
Inside the house
Flood: water: wave/like a sea/swept past/wild/ cut down trees /deep / swept away
House: cracking noise /strange sounds/ moved / falling down
Tree: went down / cut down by water
Garden: completely destroyed/swept away
Reaction: Jeff: looked for the chimney
Flora: climbed the stairs / ran upstairs/ listened / started crying.
Feelings: scared / panic / anxious
Next to the chimney
Flood: house: noise/gone down/moved up and down
Chimney: stand like a tower
Reaction: Jeff: found the chimney / saved themselves
Feelings: relieved
Step 4 Pairs work:
1.Find out the words and expressions that the writer used to describe the terrible flood.
She heard a loud noise,which……..
There she saw a wall of water……..
The next moment the first wave swept her…….
The water moved up like a sea.
Below,the water swept past the house……
A terrible noise went through the house.
2.Find out the words and expressions that the writer used to describe their struggle.
Step 5 Pro-reading
Work out what the underlined words refer to(指代)
1.Before she could move, she heard a loud noise, which grow to a terrible roar. A loud noise.
2.There she saw a wall of water that was quickly advancing towards her. Behind her
3.She wanted to watch it. A wall of water that was advancing towards her.
4.Flora, whose beautiful hair and dress were all cold and wet, started crying. Flora’s.
5.For some moments both were silent. Jeff and Flora.
Step 6 Discussion
1.Who do you think is braver, Jeff or Flora? Why?
2. How can we rescue ourselves in a flood?
3. How will the disaster change
Jeff and Flora’s future life?
Step 7 Retell the story in your own words with your partner,
using the following words: First…… Next……. Then……. Finally……..
Unit 5
Teaching Aims:
1.Train Ss’reading ability
2.Learn the following words and phrases:
Creat, acript,academy, work on ,take off, cut…in pieces go wrong follow-up win over in the end
Teaching Important Points:
1.How to make Ss understand the reading text better
2.Learn and master the following phrases:
work on ,take off, cut…in pieces ,go wrong ,follow-up, win over, in the end ,owe to
Teaching Difficult points:
1. The differences between the following pairs of words or phrases:
2.be afraid of doing sth / be afraid to do sth ,high/highly
Teaching Methods:
1.Fast reading to get a general idea of the text
2.Question-and-answer activity to get the detailed information in the text
3. Explanation
Teaching Aids: 1. a recorder 2. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Meryl Streep
1.When and where was Meryl Streep born?
2.How did he begin to act in plays?
3.When did she began to act in her first film?
4. What about his family?
Keanu Reeves
1.When and where was Keanu Reeves born?
2.Where did Keanu Reeves grow up?
3.What about the time when he was young?
4. What did make him famous?
Useful expressions
You studied/worked/acted at different…
First…and then… What did you do next?
Finally you found a job as … Later on…
What roles did you act? How long have you been working as…?
Four parts of the text
1.The first part (the first paragraph)
Steven Spielberg is a passionate about film from a very early age.
2.The second part (the second paragraph) –
He could not go to the Film Academy but later his career began to take off.
3.The third part (the next four paragraph) it is about several of Steven Spielberg’s successful films.
4.The forth part (the last paragraph) What Steven Spielberg has said and written.
Step 1 Lead-in
Do you know who is the director of the two film? Steven Spielberg
Talk about Spielberg.
Do you know the director ?
Do you know something about Spielberg?
Step 2 Read and fill in the chart.
Name Steven Spielberg
Age 57
Gender(性别) male
Year of birth 1946
Place of birth A small town in America
Name of his first film Firelight
Why are these years important for Spielberg?
1946--------- He was born in this year
1958--------- He made his first real film
1959--------- He won a prize for a short film
1962--------- He made a film called Firelight.
1975--------- He made a real blockbuster , Jaws
1982--------- He made another blockbuster, ET.
1993--------- He made the movie , Jurassic Park.
What are the movies about?
1. Jaws(1975) is about a big shark that attacks and eats swimmers.
2. ET(1982) is about a little creature that comes from outer space and wants to go home.
3. Jurassic Park(1993) is about an island where a very rich man keeps all kinds of dinosaurs.
4. Schindler’s List(1993) is about the cruelty of war/a German who saved thousands of Jewish people from being killed in the war.
5. Saving Private Ryan(1998) is also about the cruelty of war/an American captain who led his team to search for a soldier named Ryan.
Step 3 Read the text again and then summarize the main idea of each part
Three parts:
Part 1. (1-2) Talking about Spielberg’s earlier works and his live.
Part 2. (3-6) Talking about some of his films. Such as Jaws (1975), Jurassic Park (1993), Saving Private Ryan (1998) and so on.
Part 3. (7) Talking about Spielberg’s career and happy family.
Details for part 1
1946 born in a small town in American
1958 made his first real film
1959 won a prize for a short film
1962 Made his first film named FIRELIGHT
Youth Got a small job at a film and began his career
Details for part 2 & 3
Works: Jaws (1975) E. T. (1982) Jurassic Park(1993) Schindler’s List (1993)
Saving Private Ryan(1198)
Career: now is one of the top directors in the film industry
Family; met his wife when he was working and got married with her after seven years. Now they have seven children and live a very happy life.
Step 4 Ask and answer
1.Why did Spielberg study English instead of film?
Because his grades were not enough to go to the Film Academy.
2.why were people who saw the film Jaws afraid to swim in the sea?
Because they are afraid of the big shark in the sea
3.How important is his family to Spielberg’s career.
Spielberg says that he owes much of his career to his family.
4.What was Spielberg’s dream?
When he was young , his dream was to go to the Film Academy.
5.What is his wife’s name? Cate Capshaw ,a famous actress
6.What have you learnt from reading about Spielberg?
Working hard and believing in your dream will make your dreams come true.
Step 5 Multiple-choice:
1. How old is Steven Spielberg? ( A )
A 57 B 12 C 16 D 49
2. Why couldn’t Steven Spielberg go to the Film Academy as he wished? ( C )
A Because his family was too poor B Because he was too young to be accepted
C Because his grades were too poor D Because he hadn’t got enough experience
3. Which of the following are Steven’s war films? ( B )
A Fire&Jaws B Schindler’s List&Saving Private Ryan
C Jurassic Park&Schindler’s List D Jaws&Jurassic Park
4. This passage mainly tells about______ . ( A )
A Steven Spielberg’s life as a film director B Steven Spielberg’s life as an actor
C Steven Spielberg’s successful films D Steven Spielberg’s family life
Not One Less
Characters: Mr. Gao, Mr. Tian, Minzhi, Huike Some other pupils
Story: This film is about a 13-year-old girl, called Wei Minzhi, who takes care of the village school when the teacher, Mr. Gao, is away for a month. She has to make sure that all the students stay in the school. When one of them – Huike runs away to the city, she follows him and bring him back, together with the people from the TV station.
Comments: Many people like this film not only because the story itself is moving, but also because most of the people in the film use their real names and play themselves
Unit 6
Teaching Aims:
1.Learn some useful words and expressions
2.Train Ss’ reading ability
3. Get Ss to learn about table manners in western countries
Teaching Important Points:
1.Learn and master the folowing useful expressions:
Make a good impression, be close to a little bit ,start with ,keep silent ,ask for ,at table ,all the time ,drink to , too much
2.Help Ss understand the passage better
Teaching Difficult points:
How to help Ss understand the passage exactly ,especially the following sentences;
Teaching Methods:
1.Discussion to compare table manners in China with that in western countries
2.Fast reading and careful reading to understand the passage exactly
Teaching Aids: 1. a recorder 2. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Lead-in
Please tranlate this sentence “ Do in Rome as Romans do”into Chinese Today we are going to read a passage about table manners at a dinner party.
Read the text fast and silently, find the answer to the question,
“Which of the following can be found in the text?”
how to place those things./ how to lay the table
Chinese table manners
how some Chinese start eating
the order of dishes
how to cook western food
how to use a napkin
things to pay attention to at dinner table
Step 2 Fast reading
Read the text quickly and summarize the main idea of each part
Part1 (Para1) laying the table and good table manners
Part2 (Para2-5) the order of dishes and good table manners
Part3 (Para6) table manners changing over time and places
Step 3 Careful reading
Read Para.carefully and answer the questions.
1.what can be found on a Western dinner table? What about on a Chinese one?
Is laying the table for a dinner party in Western countries and in China the same?
2. How is the table laid in Western dinner party?
Things found on a Western dinner table
a small plate; a large plate; a napkin; a small basket with a roll of bread; a glass for red wine;
a glass for white wine; a glass for water; two pairs of knives and forks of different sizes; a soup spoon; a dessert spoon
Things found on a Chinese dinner table
a bowl; a Chinese spoon; a pair of chopsticks; a small ornament to rest the chopsticks on; a small tray with a damp cloth; a napkin; a small glass fot spirits, a glass for beer of soft drinks.
How is the table laid ? a small,bread roll,glasses,knivesForks, plate, two spoons, napkin )
How to use the napkin at a western dinner party?
You can take your napkin , unfold it and put it on your lap when you sit down at the table .
Step 4 Read Para2-5 carefully and answer the questions.
1.Please number the follow dishes be served at a dinner party with the right order.
dessert 4 drinks 5 main course 3 starter 1 soup 2
What are good table manners ?
Pray and keep silent for a moment .Then say
“enjoy your meal”to each other and start eating .
Keep the knife in your right hand and the fork
in your left .
Never ask for a second bowl of soup.
Use your fingers when eating chicken or other birds.
Finish eating everything on your plate .
Speak quietly and smile a lot .
Raise your glasses and take only a sip.
Step 5 Read Para6 carefully and answer the questions.
1. What will you do if you are not sure what to do? You can always follow your hosts.
2. Why is it difficult for people to follow good table manners?
Table manners change over Time and places.
1)You eat with little noise and movement. ( )
2)Use the napkin to wipe the silver or china. ( F )
3)Wait until all dishes are served. ( F )
4)Try every kind of new dish and appear to enjoy it. (F )
5)Bread is taken by a fork. ( F )
6)A soup spoon should be left on the table. ( F )
7)Do not put much food in your mouth at a time. ( )
8)Try not to get your lips greasy when drinking. ( )
9)Do not drop any food on the table cloth. ( )
10)Do not make any noise when you eat. ( )
11)Talk when there is food in your mouth. ( F )
Step 6 Discussion
A friend from Britain named Jack invites you to have a dinner at his home at 7:00 pm.
What will you do if you want to leave a good impression?
Arrive on time . Say thanks and goodbye Follow table manners Knowing the manners will help you make a good impression
Step 7 Summary
1.How do you use forks and knives at the table in Western countries ?
We keep the knife in our right hands and the fork in our left.
2. What table manners does the text tell about ?
How to lay the table How to use forks and knives etc. How to behave to the table.
How to eat. How to toast and drink
Step 8 Useful Expressions:
pay a visit to sb./sth.=Pay sb./sth. a visit 拜访某人/某地
2. make /leave a …impression on sb. 给某人留下……印象
3. be/sit at the table 坐在桌边 at table 在吃饭
be at table 正在吃饭 sit at table 入席,坐下吃饭
4. start with = begin with
5. drink to…=drink a toast to… 为……祝酒,为……干杯
drink (to) one’s health 为某人的健康干杯
e.g. Let’s drink to our friendship. We drank (to) each other’s health.
6. too much much too
e.g. I’m afraid I’ve put you too much trouble. I’m afraid the gift may be much too expensive.
Unit 7
Teaching Aims:
1. Master the following words and expressions:
Restore,replace,recreate, in ruins, under attack, give ,in pieces,bring…back to life ,come true
2.Learn the following sentence patterns:
It is true that…
3. Improve Ss’reading ability
4. Enable ss to be aware of the significance of protecting cultural relics
Teaching Important Points:
How to improve ss’reading ability
Teaching Difficult points:
1.How to grasp the main idea of a paragraph
2.How to help the Ss masterthe use of some useful words and expressions
3. How to enable the Ss to use the sentence patterns correctly.
Teaching Methods:
1. Discussion method to make the Ss understand what they’ve learned in class
2. Pair work or group work to get every student to take part in the teaching-and-learning activities
Teaching Aids:
1.a recoeder 2. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Study the title and guess
What is the difference between “A City of Heroes” and “Heroes of a City”?
“A City of Heroes” focuses on (着重;强调)a city, and there are many heroes; while “Heroes of a city” focuses on heroes, who live in a city.
Step 2 Read the text fast and answer:
What makes the city very great?
A. the people of the city. B. the location(位置)of the city. C. the cultural relics of the city.
Step 3 Read the passage again, and find the topic of each paragraph.
Para1: the building of the city.
Para2: the destroying of the city.
Para3: the rebuilding of the city
Para4: the present situation of the city.
Step 4 True or false(P46 Ex.2)
1.The city of St Petersburg was rebuilt by Peter the Great. F
2. The Germans attack St Petersburg a hundred years ago. F
3.A portrait of Peter the Great was destroyed by Germans.
4.It was difficult for the people to rebuild the palaces.
5.Workers and painters used old photographs to help them rebuild the city.
6. St Petersburg will never be as beautiful as it was before. F
Step 5 Answer the following questions:
1.Who built the city? When and where ? Peter the Great Three hundred years ago
2. Who wanted to destroy the city? When? The Germans. In 1941.
3. What damage did they do to the city?
They burned many of the palaces and St Petersburg was almost in ruins: building were destroyed, and paintings and statues lay in pieces on the ground.
4. How long did the attack last? What did the people of the city do?
900 days They never gave up; they tried their best to protect the city
5. After the attack, what did the people of the city do? They rebuilt the city.
6. Was it very hard to finish the work? How did they do it?
Yes. They did it with the help of old paintings and photographs.
Step 6 Read the text carefully and answer the questions of each Paragraph
Paragraph 1
1.By whom was St Petersburg built? The Russian Czar, Peter the Great.
Where and when was St Petersburg built?
In 1703,St Petersburg was built on the banks of the Neva River.
Paragraph 2
Why has the city become an important part of Russian culture and history?
St Petersburg has been the centre of many important events in history. The events is the reason.
Paragraph 3
What is the paragraph about?
Rebuilding the great city was difficult, but the people of St Petersburg succeeded
Paragraph 4
The people of St Petersburg are heroes of the city, why?
Why is the city a city of heroes? (多选题)
A: the events. B: the people of the city C: Czar peter D: the building
Step 7 Summary
St Petersburg:: was builded over 300 years ago on the bank of Nave River
Builder: Peter the Great
Destroyer: the Germans
Protectors: the people of the city
The people of St Petersburg are the modern heroes of Russia.
Peter the Great: 1. the Russian Czar 2. strong, proud, built a new capital city
3. Many new beautiful palaces like something out of a fairytale were built during his lifetime.
the Germans: 1. Tried to destroy the city in 1941 2. Burned many of the palaces as they left
3. St Petersburg was almost in ruins when they left.
the people of the city: 1. never gave in facing the attack by Germans for 900 days.
2. not gave up restoring the city and its cultural relics though it seemed impossible.
3. A lot of work was done on rebuilding the city and its culture though it was very difficul.
Unit 8
Teaching Aims:
1. Imporove the Ss’reading ability fast-reading and reading
2.Enable the Ss to master the new words and expressions , as well as the language points
3. Train the Ss to love and take an active part in the sports
Teaching Important Points:
1. How to improve the Ss’ reading ability
2.How to write a summary
Teaching Difficult points:
1.How to grasp the main idea of a paragraph
2.How to use some useful words and expressions
Teaching Methods:
1.Discussion method to make the Ss understand what they’ve learned better
2.Pair work or group work to get every Ss to take an active part in the teaching-and-learning activities
Teaching Aids:
1.a recorder 2. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Lead-in
What do the five rings stand for?” Europe Africa America Asia Oceania
1.What is the themes (主题)of the Olympic Games?
The themes of the Olympic Games is the international friendship and world peace.
2.Which team enters the main stadium first, and which team enters last?
The Greek team enters first and the team of the host country enters last.
3. Where is the torch lit? It is lit in Olympia, Greece
Step 2 Fast Reading
When and where were the first Olympic Games in modern times?
Step 4 True or False
1.Both the summer and winter Olympics are held every four years. T
2. The modern Olympic Games began around the year 776 BC.
3. In the old times both men and women were allowed to take part in the Olympics Games.
4. The 27th Olympics were held in Los Angeles.
5. In Barcelona the Chinese team won 16 medals.
6.The 28th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.
7、The first modern Olympic Games happened in the year 383 AD.( )
8、The Olympic Games were born in Greece.( T )
9、The 24th Summer Olympics were held in Barcelona in Spain.( )
10、Horse-riding is one of the unusual sports in the Olympic Games.( T )
Step 5 Careful Reading
Both the Summer and Winter Olympics are held every four years.
Time City
1996 Atlanta
2000 Sydney, Australia
2002 (Winter Olympics) Salt Lake
2004 Athens
2008 Beijing
Step 6 Reading carefully and fill in the below form
Para2---4 Time Place Competitors Sports
the 1st old Olympics 776 BC Greece Olympia young men
women x (why?) (one item, one day)
the old Olympics running jumping wrestling….
393 AD stopped when Greece came under the rule of the Roman Empire (罗马帝国)
the 1st modern Olympics 1896 Greece Athens 311 (13 countries) many items
the 25th Summer Olympics 1992 Barcelona 8000 (150 countries) 250 (sailing,horse-
Step 7 Read Para5 and Listen to the tape
The Olympic motto : “Swifter, Higher, Stronger” “A nation(国家,民族)with a strong body
is the base(基础) upon which a society (社会) can be built into prosperity (繁荣) ”
Para 6: To hold the Olympic Games is a rich prize for a country.
Every country wants to be the sponsor(主办)of the Olympic Games. Why?
much richer ,stronger show national power(国力) famous
carry forward( 弘扬)the spirit of the Olympic Games
Step 8 Read the text again and Summary the main idea of each paragraph
What’s important Olympic events happened/will happen in the following years?
In 776BC: The ancient Olympic Games began
After about the year 393AD: the Olympic Games stopped.
In 1896: The first Olympic Games in modern times happened.
In 2000: The 27th Olympic Games was held in Sydney
In 2008: The 29th Olympic Games will will be held in Beijing
Summary the main idea of each paragraph
The 1st: The Olympic Games are held every four years.
The 2nd: Something about the old Olympic Games.
The 3rd: Something about the Olympics in modern times and the 27th Olympic Games.
The 4th: The Olympic motto and something about the track star: Carl Lewis and the Chinese team in Sydney Olympics.
The 5th: Beijing will host and is making preparations for the 29th Olympic Games.
Step 9 Discussion:
The 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in 2008. What shall we Chinese do for the city? What will Beijing look like at that time?
Integrating skills
Fast reading:
Q1. What does Yao Ming do?
Q2. Why is he so famous?
Detail Reading:
Name : Yao Ming Sex : male Nationality: Chinese
Birthplace: Shanghai, China Date of birth: Sept.12.1980 Weight: 134Kg Height: 2.26m
Job: basketball player Position: centre Club: the Houston Rockets
His parents’ job: famous basketball players
His interest as a young boy: learn to play the world’s most popular games
Unit 9
Teaching Aims:
1. Train the Ss’reading ability
2.Learn and master the following words and phrases
Teenager, press, function ,image ,feature, throughout the world ,more than,add…to, remind sb.about sth,obey the rules,stay in touch with,in case of, at least,according to
Teaching Important Points:
1.Learn and master the following phrases
throughout the world ,more than,add…to, remind sb.about sth,obey the rules,stay in touch with,in case of, at least,according to
2.How to make the Ss understand the text better
Teaching Difficult points:
1.Master the difference between the following phrases: no matter wh-/wh-ever ,in case of/ in case
2.Understand the following sentences
(1) Having a cell phone also makes us feel safer , since we can for help in case of an emergency
(2) Wang Mei is one of many Chinese teenagers who live life on the go and use cell phones
Teaching Methods:
1.Discussion to arouse the Ss’interest in the text
2. Fast reading to let the Ss get the general idea of the text
3. Question-and-answer activity to let the Ss get the detailed information in the text
4. Making sentences to have the Ss master some language points
Teaching Aids:
1. a recorder 2. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Lead-in
(Show a mobile phone to the students) Answer the following questions
1.Have you ever used a cell phone? Do any of your classmates have cell phones?
Step 2 Read the passage again ,and try to find the main idea of each paragraph
1.Wang Mei is an example of Chinese teenagers who have cell phones.
2.Cell phones can be used for many things.
3.Cell phones also cause problems
4.There are several reasons why teenager like cell phones
5.Wang Mei explains why she likes her cell phone and what she used if for.
Paragraph 1 Enjoy the life on the go
Paragraph 2 New functions are being added
Paragraph 3 Cellphones can not be used in school.
Paragraph 4 Several reasons why teenagers like cellphones.
Paragraph 5 We enjoy the life with cellphones.
The main idea
It discusses the increasing popularity of cellphone in Chinese society. Cellphones are everywhere and have positive and negative effects on our life.
Step 3 Look at the outline of paragraph 2,3 and 4 and try to fill in the blanks
2.Cell phones can be used for many things.
For example: Cell phones are used as cameras, Radios and electronic calendars, and to send E-mail,surf the Internet,play games and enjoy music.
Step 4 Answer the following questions:
1.What does the title “Life on the go” mean?
It means the high pace of modern life and to the fact that portable devices, like cellphones and laptops, are becoming popular.
2. Why do some schools not let students use cellphones?
Cellphones can distract students in class; cellphones may make students spend more time talking on the phone than doing homework
3. Why do teenagers like cellphones so much?
Safety and the cool factor; the desire to be liked by others.etc.
4.Wang Mei says that cellphones are the most useful? Why?
Step 5 Read the text once again, fill in the blanks below:
1. Tell us some functions of cellphones:
Talking to people
Sending messages and images(pictures)
Playing games
Taking photos
Listening to radios and music
Sending e-mail or surfing the Internet
Reminding you about appointments
(3G cellphone)talking to people face to face
2.Cellphones may cause problems,such as:
In school,cellphones may disturb lessons.
Students may spend too much time and money on phone calls.
3. Teenagers like cellphones because …
1. Cellphones help us stay in touch with friends and family.
2. They can call for help in case of an emergency.
3. They think the cellphone is a way to have fun and be cool.
Step 6 Read through the text and tell if the following statements are true or false:
Wang Mei will be back home 10 minutes later. T
We may talk to anyone who also has a cell phone in his pocket. T
Now cell phones can be used as cameras, but not to send email or surf the internet.
Some important days can be reminded about by the earliest cell phones.
Some students disobey the rules and using their phones in the classroom.
John’s parents gave him a cell phone as a Christmas gift, but don’t let him use it in school
Wand Mei calls her best friend at least once a day. T
Unit 10
Teaching Aims:
1. Do some reading to improve the Ss’ reading ability
2.Help the Ss to know that we mustdo what we can to protect the animals and plants around us
3.Learn some useful words and expressions
Teaching Important Points:
1. Improve the Ss’ reading ability
2.Master the use of some important words and expressions
Teaching Difficult points:
How to help the Ss improve their reading ability and help them to know the importance of environmental protection
Teaching Methods:
1. Fast reading and careful reading to get the general idea and detailed information of the passage
2. Discussion and explanation to help the students understand the passage better
3. Listening and reading to improve the Ss’ pronunciation
4.Pairwork and individual work to make every student work in class
Teaching Aids:
1. a recorder 2. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Listening
What kind of pollution is it? air pollution
What are the causes? Causes: cars, factories, burning coal and oil
What are the effects? Effect: Human beings and animals can not breathe fresh air any more and may be poisoned.
water pollution
Causes: factories and drainage
Effect: Dead fish everywhere. We can not use and drink the water.
waste pollution
Causes: tourists
Effect: The world around us will be ugly, dirty. We will have a really bad environment.
Step 2 Scanning ( T or F )
1.Human beings always do as they say.
2.It’s late for us to take measures to keep animals and plants from dying out.
3.A species may die out if humans or other animals use too much of a plant or kill too many animals.T
4.Planting a tree is a way to create more space for animals.T
5. We often take good care of ourselves and planet .
6.Since many living things have already died out,we must do something to protect other living things.T
7.Plants and animals will be endangered when they can’t adapt to the change of their habitat.T
8.Plants or animals don’t have to change when a new species comes.
Step 3 Intensive reading
1.Why do animals & plants become endangered?
2.What can we do to protect animals & plants that are being endangered?
Main reasons:
Destruction of human beings.
Introduction of a new species.
Overuse of a plant and over-hunt for animals.
Lack of food.
Main idea of the text.
It’s about why a species becomes endangered and what we can do to protect plants & animals from becoming endangered.
Para 1. Many animals and plants have died out and some others are in danger
Para 2. Why do animals and plants become endangered?
Para.3. What can we do to keep animals and plants from being endangered?
Step 4 Listen to Para 1, answer questions:
1. Who is Steve Jones?
2. What does an environmental expert do?
3. Why should we take care of the planet and ourselves?
Listen to Para2, answer questions:
1. Can you explain what the habitat is like?
2. What will happen if the habitat is changed?
3. Why do some original species become endangered if a new species arrives?
Listen to Para 3, answer questions
1. What can we do to protect the animals and the environment?
2. Is it possible that people would be endangered?
Why do animals and plants become endangered?
Habitats are changed
New species arrive
Resources are overused
Animals are are over killed
Environment is polluted
1. Why is it important to make sure that animals do not die out?
If animals die out, our ecosystems will be destroyed and we human beings will die out, too
2.What can we do to help endangered animals?
We can stop people cutting too many trees, killing animals and polluting rivers. We can tell people to protect from now on.
Step 5 Choose the best answers
1.Steve Jones talks to the group ______. B
A. in a lecture hall of a university B. when he ‘s showing them around a park
C. In a zoo in Birmingham D. In a green park in London
2. The environment in which certain animals or plants are used to living is known as their ______. D
A. land B.species C. Park D. habitat
3. How many reasons does Steve Jones list to show how a species become endangered? A
A.3 B.2 C. 4 D.1
4. In what way nature seems to be cleverer than human beings? A
A. it does not drink. B. it always stays calm. C. it is a better recycler D. it never makes mistakes
5. What does “reduce” means? C
A. we must reduce the amount of food we eat. B. we must smoke less.
C. we must throw away less rubbish. D. we must control the world’s population
6. Which of the following is a way of “respond”?B
A Reply when asked a question B Show others how to protect the environment.
C try not to use harmful things. D Repair things and use them longer.
7. Which can be used as another title for passage 1? C
A. a lecture on the Tour B. Steve Jones
C. The Green park on Birmingham D. Action speak louder than words
8. Which is the best title for passage 2? C
A. Ecosystems B.Air , water and Energy
C.Four ways to care about nature D.Reduce the amount rubbish
Step 6 Discussion:
Think of things you could do to protect the environment. Write a list like Jennifer
Unit 11
Teaching Aims:
1.Train the Ss’ reading ability
2.Improve the Ss’communicating ability
3. Let the Ss know about the different styles of music in the world
Teaching Important Points:
1.Learn and master the following words and phrases
On the radio,in common, combine,variety
2. Improve the Ss’ reading ability and help the Ss understand the passage exactly
Teaching Difficult points:
How to help the Ss further understand the passage and finish the relevant tasks correctly
Teaching Methods:
1.Fast reading and careful reading to train the Ss’reading ability and understand the passage better
2.Discussion to improve the Ss’ability to communicate with each other
Teaching Aids:
1. a recorder 2.the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Skimming
What is the passage about ? It’s a brief look at some of the exciting musical styles from around the world.
Step 2 Read the passage quickly and answer the following questions
1.How many styles of music does the author write about ? What are they?
Six They are blues, jazz, rock, hip-hop, rap, Latin music
2.Why does the author write this passage?
Because he wants to introduce some of the exciting music styles from around the world.
Step 3 Fast reading
3.Who are the two stars of Latin music mentioned in the passage?
Santana and Ricky Martin.
Step 4 Scanning
Read the passage slowly to get some details and then do the following :
I True or False questions and correcting the error
1.( ) There are only a few styles of music in the world.
2.( ) Blues is a new style of music.
3. ( ) Hip-hop and rap are completely different from blues and rock.
4. ( T ) Santana is a well-known Latin music artist.
5. ( ) Rappers sing the words to their music.
6. ( T ) There are many Spanish-speaking people in both North and South America.
Step 5 Intensive reading
kind Where is it from? Where is it popular?What are their characteristics?Famous singers/stars
Blues African songs US A way for…
Jazz Blues music US
Rock Blues music US
Hip- hop US fast/slow, combine
Rap US speak/“rap”
Latin music South/Latin America US/Spanish-speaking countries SantanaRicky Martin
Step 6 Choose the best answer
1. From Paragraph1 we can infer that___. A
A.There are many more kinds of music all over the world than we can hear on the radio or on TV.
B.There are not many kinds of music all over the world.
c.It is probable that few people like pop music.
D.Most of us probably have our favorite performers,stars or bands
2 .What is the most important characteristic of rap music?____ B
A.It combines other styles of music. B.The way it is sung is very special.
C.It can be fast or slow. D.It has something in common with blues and rock.
3.What do we know about Ricky Martin from the text?_______ D
A.He is popular in Spanish-speaking countries.
B.He is an American but speaks Spanish.
C.He is a rap singer.
D.He is not only well-known in Spanish-speaking countries but all over the world.
4.Where do you think Latin Music will be very much liked according to the text?______ B
A.Where there are many young people.
B.Where there are many Spanish-speaking people live.
C.Where there are many English-speaking people.
D.Where many Africans live.
5. Blues music comes from ________ . C
A. Latin America B. North America C. Africa D. Spain
6. The blues was brought to the US by _______ . B
A. African singers B. African artists C. African Musicians D. African slaves
7. The word “rap” in Paragraph 3 means “_______” . C
A. to sing and dance along with the beat. B. to peak the song words and dance along with the beat.
C. to sing and rap along with the beat. D. to speak the song words and rap along with the beat.
8. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true? D
A.Jazz, rock ,hip - hop , rap and Latin music are new musical styles.
B.Now blues is not popular in the US any more.
C.Hip - hop , rap and Latin music are very popular in the US.
D.Hip - hop and rap are completely the same as blues and rock.
9. In the US, where there are many Spanish – speaking , Latin music is a big part of the culture. The culture here refers to ______. B
A.African culture B. Spanish-speaking people’s culture C. Latin culture D. Spanish culture
Step 7 Post-reading
Listen to the tape and then have a discussion of the following questions:
1.Where does blues music come from?
Blues music came from Africa music that was brought to the United States by slaves.
2. What does the word “rap” mean?
To rap is to speak the words of a song along with the beat.
3. Why is Latin music so popular in the Us? Is it popular in China?
Latin music is popular in America partly because of the fact that the US has a large Spanish-speaking population, but also because of the success of such artists as Santana and Ricky Martin. No, it is not very popular in China.
4. What have you learned from the passage?
Different styles of music make the world more colorful.
Step 8 Find out the topic sentence of each paragraph.
Paragraph1: There is a world of music out there.
Paragraph2 Blues music has a long history
Paragraph3: Today’s American music culture contains many different styles.
Paragraph4: Latin music has spread all over the world
Paragraph5 There is a wide variety of new music to be discovered in every corner of the world.
Unit 12
Teaching Aims:
1.Train the Ss’reading ability
2. Learn and master the following phrases
In trouble, come across, fight against, succeed , share ,believe in
Teaching Important Points:
1. Let the Ss understand the text better
2. Tell the differences among the following phrases
Used to do/be used to do/ be used to doing
Teaching Difficult points:
1. Master the following sentence patterns
(1) make sb./sth +adj.
(2) It is +adj.+to do sth
2.Master sentence pattern
Teaching Methods:
1. Question-and-answer activity to help the students to go through with the whole passage
2. Careful reading to find out the detailed information about the passage
3.Pair work or group work to make every student work in class
Teaching Aids:
1.a recorder 2. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Lead-in
Have you seen the film”Harry Potter”? Can you tell us something about the film?
Step 2 Fast reading
Write the letter “T” if the sentence is true. Write “F” if the sentence is false, and then give the right information
1 ( ) Harry Potter is a world-famous writer.
2 ( T ) Harry is a boy with a scar on his forehead.
3 ( ) Harry is very happy before he goes to Hogwarts.
4 ( ) Harry goes to an ordianry school.
5 ( T ) Harry learns a lot about the real world at Hogwarts.
6 ( ) Rowling’s books are about magic and strange creatures, they don’t tell us something about the real world.
Step 3 Read the text again and summary the main idea of each paragraph
Para.1 It is a world of magic and wonders, a world where anything can happen
Para.2 Harry seems like a normal boy , but his life is miserable
Para.3 Hogwarts is an unusual school
Para.4 Harry has to fight against bad wizards and do the right thing
Step 4 Find out the key word of each paragraph as fast as you can. (team match)
JK Rowling , the author of the book and her books
Harry Potter, the hero in the books
Hogwarts , the place where the story happens
Harry’s feeling , which readers share
Step 5 Answer the following questions
1.Why is Harry Potter’s life miserable before he goes to Hogwarts?
Because his parents are dead and the family which he is living with treats him badly.
2.What does Harry learn about himself at Hogwarts?
At Hogwarts, Harry learns the truth about his past, a dark secret that will make his life and his choices more difficult.
3.Why does Rowling use strange creatures in her books?
Rowling uses strange creatures in her books to add to the magic effect of the story.




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