A teaching plan for Unit 1,Module5(外研版七年级英语下册教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

一、Teaching materials:
Unit 1 Shanghai is bigger than Hong Kong (Module 5 My hometown and country)
二、Targets for this period:
To understand conversations involving the comparison of two cities
To talk about two different cities or rivers
三、Key points:
Key vocabulary—population, million, Hong Kong, busy, east, west, south, north, capital, island, coast, hometown
Key structures—Hong Kong is smaller than Shanghai.
Is Shanghai newer than Hong Kong?
No, it isn’t. It’s older.
四、Teaching methods:
Communicative and interactive approach
五、Teaching aids
Tape recorder, OHP
六、Teaching arrangements:
Step One Lead-in
Students look at the Chinese map and learn new words: east, west, south, north, capital, island, coast, hometown
Step Two Discussion (Activity 1)
1. Students match the given words and phrases with the photos in groups
Shanghai: East China, the Bund, 1.5 kilometres long, 13 million people
Hong Kong: South China, Victoria Peak, 554 metres high, 7 million people
2. Students use them to talk about the two places in groups.
3. Language points:
1) 数词 + 量词(pl.) + adj.(作表语)
e.g. Zhang Hua is about 1.9 metres tall and 31 years old.
2) 数词 - 量词 - adj.(作定语)
e.g. There is a 5-kilogram-heavy box in the house.
3) 对数词提问: How + adj. + be + 主语?
e.g. How tall is Zhang Hua?
4) hundred, thousand, million, billion 修饰(n.)时,前面有具体数字,不用(pl.);无具体数字时,(pl.) + of 表示难以计数。
e.g. Every year, millions of people watch NBA on TV.
There are about two thousand people on the island.
Step Three Listening (Activity 2)
1. Students listen to the tape and answer the question
Is Shanghai a newer city than Hong Kong? No, it’s older.
2. Students listen again and match the given words with the two places in Activity 1.
Shanghai: big, city, river, sea, park, building
Hong Kong: busy, city, coast, sea, population, hill
3. Students repeat the text with the tape recorder.
4. Language point
1) be busy (in) doing sth e.g. The teachers are busy getting ready for the meeting.
2) be busy at / with sth e.g. The manager is busy at his work.
Step Four Listening (Activity 3)
1. Students listen to the tape and answer the questions in Activity 4.
1) Is Hong Kong bigger than Shanghai? No, it isn’t.
2) Is Hong Kong hotter than Shanghai? Yes, it is.
3) Is Shanghai warmer in winter than Hong Kong? No, it isn’t.
4) Is Shanghai hotter than Hong Kong? No, it isn’t.
5) Is Hong Kong older than Shanghai? No, it isn’t.
6) Is Shanghai busier than Hong Kong? Yes, it is.
2. Detail explanation:
---- What’s the population of Shanghai? (询问人口)
= How large is the population of Shanghai?
----The population of Shanghai is 13 million. (回答多少人口)
= Shanghai has a population of 13 million.
= Shanghai has 13 million people.
注意:population不能用how many/much来问;表示人口多用 “large”或 “great”,
人口少用 “small”修饰
Step Five To read aloud the conversation with the tape recorder
Step Six To listen to the underlined words (Activity 5)
1. Hong Kong is bigger than Shanghai. No, it isn’t. It’s smaller.
2. The winter in Hong Kong is cooler. No, it isn’t. It’s warmer.
3. Shanghai is hotter than Hong Kong. No, it isn’t. It’s colder.
4. Shanghai is newer than Hong Kong. No, it isn’t. It’s older.
Step Seven Conclusion of comparison

构成方法 原级 比较级
单词 一般在词尾加—er, tall, long, old, short, small taller longer, older, shorter, smaller
以字母e结尾的形容词,加-r nice , fine, large nicer, finer, larger
以重读闭音节词末尾只有一个辅音字母时,先双写这个辅音字母,再加-er big, hot, red, thin bigger, hotter, redder, thinner
辅音字母+ y”结尾的双音节词,先改y为i,再加- er busy, early, easy busier, earlier, easier
Step Eight Additional exercise: to complete the sentences
1. This pen is longer than that one. (long)
2. It’s bigger and busier than Cambridge (big, busy)
3. Is Hong Kong hotter than Shanghai? (hot)
4. Is Shanghai warmer in winter than Hong Kong? (warm)
5. Is Hong Kong older than Shanghai? (old)
Step Nine To make dialogues about two cities in China, use hot/ cold/ old/ new/busy (Activity 6)
---- Is Wuhan bigger than Beijing? ---- No, it’s smaller.
1. To recite the dialogue of Unit1, Module 5
2. To finish Unit1, Module5, 点中典
3. To find information about hometown



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